Vim configuration tweaked for personal comfort. Before you start installing, make sure you backup your existing .vim
directory (if any).
mkdir ~/.config/vim ~/.config/nvim
git clone ~/.config/vim/
ln ~/.config/vim/config/nvim/* ~/.config/nvim/
- fzf docs - Install and change install path in
& runtime path invimrc
(if required). - ripgrep docs - Install ripgrep for the
command. - gopls wiki - Install LSP server & integrate with LSP client (Neovim LSP in our case).
- Neovim LSP configuration
- For vim-devicons to work, you need to patch your fonts (alternatively find patched fonts at NerdFonts).
- Finally check that
NOTE: Open your vim and run this command :PlugInstall
to install all the plugins (in ~/.vim/plugged/
Action | Shortcut |
gd |
Go to definition |
gD |
Go to declaration |
gi |
Go to Implementation |
gr |
Find References |
<space>rn |
Rename |
<space>ca |
Prompt Code Action |
K |
Hover |
<C-k> |
Signature Help |
[d |
Goto Previous Error |
]d |
Goto Next Error |
<space>D |
Type Definition |
Currently, these are the list of plugins I'm using:
- auto-pairs
- direnv.vim
- fzf.vim
- nerdtree
- nvim-compe
- nvim-lspconfig
- prototool
- tabular
- vim-abolish
- vim-airline
- vim-commentary
- vim-devicons
- vim-floaterm
- vim-fubitive
- vim-fugitive
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-misc
- vim-rails
- vim-repeat
- vim-searchindex
- vim-signature
- vim-startify
- vim-surround
- vim-system-copy