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The core idea is to create a web application that will help users drink responsibly and to provide a more enjoyable experience while drinking.

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Travel-buddy 🌍

Mid project review

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Tips for testing the website

Choose larger cities Stockholm/Berlin for example and with short date span. Too large spans of dates won't return hotels. The flight API won't give results if the search is to far ahead in time (a month and more), make the search in close proximity to todays date.

Short description of your project

The core idea is of the web application is that it will help users to get a more enjoyable travel experience by supplying available flights to their destination as well as giving them options for hotel and activities.

The user search for where they want to fly from, where they want to fly to and for how long they will stay. They will then be presented with a list of accommodations for their stay, a list of flights and an activity view. The activity view presents the user with a map which can be filtered on the type of activity the user is most interested in right now.

What you have done

We have created the ability to search for cities and dates the trip should be during.

The search functionality

The user searches on a city name and we have used a 3rd party component that will autocomplete the city and connect it to a country. We earlier had a problem where the user only searched with city name and because there are many cities that share name across different countries the user often got the wrong city. Our API for the flights need airport codes called AITA. Our accommodation API and our activity component needed coordinates in latitute and longitude to work. But the user only supplies the name of two cities and two dates. So our solution to get AITA codes was to webscrape Wikipedia to get a list of all AITA codes in the world and which cities they belong to. We also found a excel file that mapped cities to coordinates. We created scrips that combined both the AITA codes and the coordinates which gave us a list of almost 5000 cities. Our first solution was to create a Firebase Realtime Database that contained all our city information and then when the user pressed search we did a lookup in our firebase database for the city name and returned the AITA code and coordinates for that city. The problem here was that we had no way of differentiate in which country the city was so the user often got the wrong city.

The solution to this was that instead of having the city information in a firebase database we created a javascript file with the information as a list of objects and loaded it with the website. This file is smaller than most common images so it is a feasable solution. With this we can use the 3rd party component autocomplete that creates an autocomplete feature based on our list. Now we can map city with countries in the search and get all the corresponding information without having to deal with formating issues from the users side. The user can now only search on strings that are in the database-file which will then always give correct results.

We have created the layout for the app which currently has the ability to search for cities and will provide acommodations for the search. The api we used to find acommodations uses latitutes and longitudes to decide which acommodations to display. This created the need for us to translate user input (cities) to coordinates. We did this by webscrape a list of cities, their corresponding coordinates and which airports belong to that city. We then filled a Firebase Database with this information so we can do coordinate and airport look ups on only city name searches.

The Activity view

The user is directed to the location, on the map which it has chosen to visit. Therefrom the user can pic different activites to view their location on the map with popup markers that shows the activitys name,address,type of activity and a default picture for every activity. The user can also drag the map to view it differently and zoom in and out. All locations are deployed from their coordinates which we get from places, geoAPI ( The map is rendered through a react-leaflet library which seemed to work quite nicely except for some known bugs. The Map container did not render the view correctly in the beginning and the user had to zoom in/out their window to get a full size map. This problem was solved with a hook in the activity view which was necessary for this to work.

The Flight view

The user can view the flights that are gathered from the flights API with an approximate time, place of departure and destination. The user can also click to "book" a certain flight which will redirect it to the actual flight website.

The Hotels view

The view shows all the hotels of the location the user has chosen to visit. All hotels are fixed to one person, therefore the price. The user can view a picture, address and price of the hotel. All hotels are gathered from Booking API( When a user clicks on a hotel it will be redirected to a details view where the user can see reviews of other visitors aswell as more pictures of the hotel. This view is also created through the Booking API. However, it uses two different GET methods.

Your project file structure (short description/purpose of each file)

├── public
│   ├── [Contains images and similiar]
├── src
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── [Contains images]
│   ├── react
│   │   ├── AccommodationPresenter.js   // Present accommodation view
│   │   ├── ActivityPresenter.js        // Present activity view
│   │   ├── FlightPresenter.js          // Present flight view
│   │   ├── NavigationPresenter.js      // Present navigation view
│   │   ├── StartSearchPresenter.js     // Present search view
│   │   ├── show.js
│   ├── views
│   │   ├── AccommodationView.js        // Accommodation view
│   │   ├── ActivityView.js             // Activity view
│   │   ├── FlightView.js               // Flight view
│   │   ├── MenuItem.js                 // List of menu items 
│   │   ├── NavigationView.js           // Navigation view
│   │   ├── StartSearchView.js          // The search view
│   │   ├── navigation.js               // Makes search start view
│   ├── App.js                          // App
│   ├── TravelBuddyModel.js             // The apps model, containing application state and functions
│   ├── geoSource.js                    // Fetch from hotel api
│   ├── resolvePromise.js               // Resolve promise
│   ├── 
├── webscraping
│   ├──                         // Scrapes Wikipedia for airport AITA codes
│   ├──   // Fill firebase with coordinate data from CSV file
│   ├──                // Combines AITA and coordinate databases to one
│   ├──                 // Fills the firebase with the data created in the other files

Contribution rules

  1. Create an Issue and/or assign yourself to the issue.
  2. Create a Branch for that issue. Name the branch "#-name-of-issue" where # is issue number.
  3. Push your commits to the branch.
  4. Pull Request. Write "Resolves #%" where % is the number of the issue in the pull request comment, and a text explaining what you did.
  5. Wait for code review.
  6. Remove branch after merging.

Naming conventions

Issues should be named starting with: "Fix/Add"

Branches should be named: "#-name-of-issue" where # is the issue number.


The core idea is to create a web application that will help users drink responsibly and to provide a more enjoyable experience while drinking.






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Contributors 4

