qq-benchmark is a Kotlin library that can benchmark your code snippets with beautiful console output.
- Just copy and paste Single-File version QBenchmark.kt into your project.
- Or you can use Jar version. See Maven Dependency Section.
- Feel free to fork or copy to your own codebase 😍
Full Source : QBenchmarkExample.kt
qBenchmark {
// Number of trials
nTry = 500
// If this instance has several [block]s, it will shuffle them in randomized order and measure the time.
// [nSingleMeasureLoop] represents how many times a block is executed in one measurement.
// Eventually, the code snippet in the [block] will be executed [nSingleMeasureLoop] * [nTry] times.
nSingleMeasureLoop = 5
// In the early executions, the execution of the [block] takes more time,
// so we first perform some executions which are not counted in the measurements.
nWarmUpTry = 50
block("Raw String Concat") {
var str = ""
for (i in 1..3000) {
str += i.toString()
block("StringBuilder") {
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (i in 1..3000) {
block("StringBuffer") {
val sb = StringBuffer()
for (i in 1..3000) {
Please see QBenchmarkTest.kt for more code examples. Single-File version src-test-single/QBenchmarkTest.kt is a self-contained source code that includes a runnable main function. You can easily copy and paste it into your codebase.
If you copy & paste QBenchmark.kt, fefer to build.gradle.kts to directly check project settings.
dependencies {
If you prefer a jar library, you can use jitpack.io repository.
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.nyabkun:qq-benchmark:v2023-05-28'
repositories {
dependencies {
- This library was created using qq-compact-lib to generates a compact, self-contained library.
- qq-compact-lib is a Kotlin library that can extract code elements from your codebase and make a compact library.
- It utilizes PSI to resolve function calls and class references.
- The original repository is currently being organized, and I'm gradually extracting and publishing smaller libraries.