This repository contains source code for the Environment and Health Data Portal. You can view a staged development version here and the live production version here.
This repository contains the website's source code. To get the raw data that the site displays, visit our data repo.
Ths site is an ongoing work in progress. We are always interested in people willing to do user testing and co-design work, so if you're interested in helping develop the site, you can:
This Readme file documents the basics of site structure and functioning.
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
With this repository cloned onto your machine, you can browse a local version of the site. In your local development environment, start the server by typing hugo serve --environment development --disableFastRender
into the terminal.
hugo serve
starts the server - you can then browse the site at http://localhost:1313/EH-dataportal--environment development
specifies that it will serve the site for the development environment, using content from/config/development/config.toml
turns off fast render mode, so more small changes are rapidly served.
You can browse the site at http://localhost:1313/EH-dataportal.
To build the source code, simply enter the command hugo
. This assembles the site’s files, building to /docs
(this build-to destination can be specified in config.toml
Our internal workflows are to begin work by:
- Branching off of production
- Giving the branch a unique name. We name branches: hotfix-[FIXNAME], content-[CONTENTNAME], or feature-[PROJECTNAME].
- Keeping branch work focused on discrete, unique tasks
After committing, working branches can be merged into development
for testing then merged into production
for deployment.
A run-down of main branches, actions, and purposes are:
Deploy to | EH-dataportal branch: |
EHDP-data branch: |
Action on merge: | Used for: |
Production servers | production |
production |
Builds to builds/prod-prod |
Live site |
GitHub Pages | development |
production |
Builds to builds/dev-prod |
General development |
307 (internal) | development |
staging |
Builds to builds/dev-stage |
Demoing data & content |
On merge, these branches are automatically [built]( and served to other branches using Github Actions (triggerd by a merged pull request). (Note that this requires a workflow YAML file in both main
and development
When changed are merged into development
or production
, in addition to automated builds, these actions are triggered:
- The site runs a CodeQL analysis on merges/builds, and is set up to use Github's Depandabot to review dependencies for vulnerabilities.
- On merge to
, a Github Action builds and commits the site files tobuilds/dev-prod
. On merge toproduction
, an Action bulids and commits the site files tobuilds/prod-prod
. We deploy this branch to our server to serve up the production site. Gruntfile.js
runs to create/static/js/lunr/PagesIndex.json
, which powers the search function (search-results.js
uses Lunr functions to searchPagesIndex.json
and display results on thesearch-results.html
The /config
folder includes subfolders with environment-specific configuration. Specifically, there are different configuration files for development, staging, and production envirnoments. You serve or build the site by specifying the environment (eg, hugo serve --environment development
or hugo --environment production
). This merges the contents of that environment's config file (in /config/ENVIRONMENT/config.toml'
with /config/_default/config.toml
. You may find it useful to create aliases for these functions (in Powershell, or Bash).
Some key uses of environment-specific variables in the config
- Setting the BaseURL
- Setting the variable
, which tells the site to read data fromstaging
branches of EHDP-data.
To deploy to a new environment, update the baseURL in config.toml
. Update the path, if necessary, in the environment-specific config.toml
file. And, you may need to update paths in other files, like search-results.js
. Crtl-F is your friend.
Most of the data used by the site is stored in the separate EHDP-data repository. This setup allows us to update the site's data without needing to re-build the entire site. Look there for descriptions of the data files, and for the code used to generate the them.
Note that any file required to build the site should remain with the source code, but anything required only for display can be stored in the remote data repo, EHDP-data.
Generally, Hugo works by combining content (in markdown, located in /content
) with templates (located in the /themes
) - you'll notice that these two directories have identical structures, because Hugo combines content in /content/data-stories
, for example, with templates in /themes/layouts/data-stories
- A file named
will getsection.html
layout - A file named
will, by default, receive thesingle.html
layout - And, a file with another name,
, will receivesingle.html
layout - A file with
layout: custom
in the frontmatter will get a layout calledcustom.html
(all in the corresponding layouts folder).
Generally, a page constructed with
will be the final item in that directory structure that Hugo builds;
is required for a content item to have child pages.
Templates can include Hugo code (which you can identify by {{ curly brackets }}. When Hugo serves or builds the site, it runs code, inserts content into the HTML, and produces static HTML pages. Any template is actually an assembly of other templates, including partials, which are re-usable template blocks.
- First create the markdown file with the terminal command
hugo new data-stories/TITLE/
. - Add a banner image to the same folder.
- Copy, paste, and edit the frontmatter from pre-existing data stories. You will need these fields (as well as others):
, anddraft
: this determines what Key Topics this data story is associated withkeywords
to support search functionsimage
to associate with the image filenamemenu.main.identifier
to highlight the correct button in the nav menu
- Write the data story in markdown. You can use Datawrapper and Vega shortcodes (see additional information on shortcodes, below)
- To publish, set
draft: false
. The data story will be a part of the site when you serve or build it, and it will appear on the related pages if it's been tagged properly viacategories
To create a new Key Topic:
- Create a markdown file with
hugo new key-topics/TITLE/
- Copy, paste, and edit the frontmatter from pre-existing Key Topic files. In particular, you will need the following frontmatter fields:
(for example,keyTopic: airquality
). This associates this Key Topic with any other content that hasairquality
as one of itscategories
.layout: single
to give it the correct template
To create a child page, create a subfolder within the keytopic - for example, see the folder structure under /content/key-topics/airquality
The data explorer includes markdown files for each topic (previously called subtopics). The associated indicators are specified in an array (with headers) in the frontmatter. Extensive Javascript powers the rest of the functions, with the javascript for each display (summary, map, trend, and links) in discrete files.
To publish a new neighborhood report, you'd need:
- JSON files for each neighborhood stored in
- YML stored in
- Preview chart images stored in
- Indicator data files stored in
Related content and related data are managed through frontmatter fields; partials that ingest related content or related data are set to default to things that match on Key Topic / categories
, if those frontmatter fieldsdo not exist.
Templates are stored in themes/dohmh/layouts
, in the folder for their corresponding content area. A template includes:
- The base template, in
, and components referenced in that file (likeheader.html
, etc) - The page template itself (e.g.,
) - Partials: re-usable template blocks are are stored in
. These can be called from any other templates.
Shortcodes can be called from content files (markdown). Essentially, the shortcode is called and arguments are passed into it and inserted into the corresponding HTML code in layouts/shortcodes
. There are shortcodes for a few different visualization embeds for Data Stories, and more can be written as needed.
Data accessible throughout the site can be stored in the data
folder. This can be referenced by site templates. For example, featured_data.yml
is referenced by partials/featured-data.html
and displayed on the Home Page and the Data Explorer landing page. You can update "featured datasets" by updating this file.
Other content in data
are SEO variables and Neighborhood Reports core content.
We use Hugo's integrity function; this adds hashes to JS filenames and tells the pages to fetch the files with the hashed names. This is a way of improving security by ensuring the integrity of the JS files. This might not work on production if the server's DigiCert is expired.
Dependencies (The JS libraries the site uses: D3, Arquero, Vega-Lite, Accessible Autocomplete, etc) are served by the site rather than linked from CDNs. When you run npm install
to configure your local repo, they are stored in /node_modules
. When you run a build (hugo
or via merging to development
or production
, per Github Actions), Hugo grabs these dependencies, applies the Integrity hash (see above), and references these 'local' versions.
We use Hugo to automatically resize images. Where you put the source path of an image, there's additional code - Hugo resizes the image, generates a different size (puts it in the /resources/_gen/images
), and automatically points to the resized image.
We use a variety of environment-specific code to produce:
- A conditional modal
- Different analytics for staging and production
- ...and possibly other stuff.
, on site build, assembles a json file of topics and indicators. It ranges over DE topic frontmatter and produces a cross-reference of topics and indicators (file. This is used on data-index.html
as well as on the Neighborhood Reports: when an indicator is clicked, it runs getURL()
to find the parent topic for the indicator, generates a URL, and produces the Get The Dataset button.
The repo includes some files to integrate with Cloudcannon, an online CMS provider. Specifically:
sets up how the site appears in the CC CMS, what the editor reveals, what shortcodes are easily accessible, etc..cloudcannon/prebuild
is code that runs when Cloudcannon builds/serves the site..cloudcannon/schemas
include frontmatter templates for when CC works with frontmatter.
Resources used in a build (like a Neighborhood Report json spec, for example) may be cached by whatever machine is running the build. Updates to resources might not be reflected in a build if Hugo is using cached versions. In config.toml
, setting the cache to have a maxAge = 0
effectively turns it off, ensuring that Hugo will use the original, non-cached resources. Caching in Hugo is explained more here.
You can comment on issues and we'll follow up as soon as we can. In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are some ways you can contribute.
- Comment on or clarify issues
- Suggest new features
- Write code (no patch is too small), clean up code, or add new features
With regard to GitHub platform communications, staff from the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene are authorized to answer specific questions of a technical nature with regard to this repository. Staff may not disclose private or sensitive data.