- Mingsheng Yin, Akshaj Veldanda, Kai Pfeiffer, Yaqi Hu, Siddharth Garg, Elza Erkip, Ludovic Righetti, Sundeep Rangan (New York University)
- Amee Trivedi (University of British Columbia)
- Jeff Zhang (Harvard University)
The work is based on
- Millimeter Wave Wireless Assisted Robot Navigation with Link State Classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.14789.
- The figures and explanations in this repository can be found in the paper.
Fig. 1: Target localization and navigation: A target has a wireless transponder and a robotic agent must locate and navigate to the target using received wireless signals. The path and map shown in the figure are example outputs of the Active Neural-SLAM module augmented with the proposed mmWave wireless path estimation and link state classification algorithm.
The millimeter wave (mmWave) bands have attracted considerable attention for high precision localization applications due to the ability to capture high angular and temporal resolution measurements. This work explores mmWave-based positioning for a target localization problem where a fixed target broadcasts mmWave signals and a mobile robotic agent attempts to listen to the signals to locate and navigate to the target. A three strage procedure is proposed:
- First, the mobile agent uses tensor decomposition methods to detect the wireless paths and their angles.
- Second, a machine-learning trained classifier is then used to predict the link state, meaning if the strongest path is line-of-sight (LOS) or non-LOS (NLOS). For the NLOS case, the link state predictor also determines if the strongest path arrived via one or more reflections, as shown in Fig. 2.
- Third, based on the link state, the agent either follows the estimated angles or explores the environment.
The method is demonstrated on a large dataset of indoor environments supplemented with ray tracing to simulate the wireless propagation. The path estimation and link state classification are also integrated into a state-ofthe- art neural simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) module to augment camera and LIDAR-based navigation. It is shown that the link state classifier can successfully generalize to completely new environments outside the training set. In addition, the neural-SLAM module with the wireless path estimation and link state classifier provides rapid navigation to the target, close to a baseline that knows the target location.
Detailed antenna and multiple array modeling: Practical mmWave devices at the terminal (UE) and base station (gNB) often use multiple arrays oriented in different directions to obtain 360 degree coverage. This work models these multiple array structures and also includes detailed models of the antenna element directivity in each array. In addition, we do not consider any local oscillator (LO) synchronization across different arrays.
Fig. 2: The pattern of one gNB antenna array and one UE antenna array. (The array is aligned so that its bore-sight is on the x-axis.)
Fig. 3: Array gain including the element gain from each gNB array as well as the best for all three arrays. We see that by using multiple arrays we can obtain full azimuth coverage.
Beam sweeping double directional estimation: Many prior mmWave localization studies have either abstracted the directional estimation, considered single-sided directional estimates, or considered double directional estimates using MIMO signaling. In this work, we modify the low-rank tensor decomposition algorithms in paper and paper to account for both sweeping of the TX beams and use of multiple arrays at the TX and RX. Beam sweeping at the transmitter is critical to model for most cellular mmWave systems.
Fig. 4: Example TX beam sweeping with Ntx_arr = 3 arrays and 4 directions per array for a total of Ntx_dir = 12 beam directions. The synchronization signals are sent once in each direction with the pattern repeating every Tsweep seconds.
Fig. 5: Example received power spectrum along TX-RX direction pair along with the location of the actual ray tracing paths of a LOS link and a NLOS link. The black squares indicate the result of path estimation by the low-rank tensor decomposition.
As shown in Fig. 6, we will classify the link as being in one of four states on the basis of the strongest received path:
- LOS: The strongest received path is above the minimum threshold and is LOS;
- First-order NLOS: The strongest received path is above the minimum threshold and is NLOS with one interaction;
- Higher-order NLOS: All sufficiently strong paths from the TX to RX are NLOS with two or more interactions.
- Outage: There are no sufficiently strong paths above the minimum threshold.
Fig. 6: A demonstration of the LOS, Higher-order NLOS, and Higherorder NLOS.
Multi-class link classification: Instead of simply classifying the link as LOS or NLOS, we differentiate between four states: LOS, NLOS from a single interaction, higherorder NLOS and outage. We show that for target localization application, both LOS and first-order NLOS paths have angles of arrival that strongly correlate with good navigation directions.
Fig. 7: Two Link-States maps. (a) is truth from ray traying tool and (b) is result of the link-states classification neural network prediction.
The reason we are interested in this problem is that the angle of arrival of LOS and first-order NLOS path have strong correlation with the optimal direction for navigation. Hence, if can reliably detect the link state and estimate the angle of arrival of the strongest path, we can build a navigation system that simply follows the estimated strongest path angle of arrival.
Fig. 8: Distribution of the absolute error between the estimated strongest path’s AoA from channel sounding and the AoA of the strongest path in real ray tracing data set.
Two hidden layers neural nextwork
We present a link-state classification neural nextwork which trained on 18 maps and tested on other 20 maps. Also we implement the wireless-assisted robotic navigation based on this classification result. (Detail)
Of course, the link state and the path estimate are not known a priori by the mobile agent. We thus propose to use the link state classification along with the estimated SNR of the strongest path to make a decision on whether to use the wireless-based navigation goal or not. If the wirelessbased navigation goal is selected, it can simply overwrite the navigation goal in the Neural-SLAM module. If, on the other hand, the wireless-based navigation goal is considered unreliable, the mobile agent can use the exploration-based goal from the original global policy. This selection concept is illustrated in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9: MmWave-Based wireless path detection and link state classification are used to augment the Active Neural SLAM module [9] by overwriting the navigation goal from the wireless path estimation.
We consider three possible selection algorithms for determining whether or not to use the estimated AoA from the wireless detection:
- AoA based on SNR only: The robot follows the AoA of the highest SNR path if the path SNR is above some threshold in any link state. Otherwise, the robot follows the goal from Active Neural SLAM map exploration.
- AoA when LOS: The robot follows the estimated AoA when the strongest path is in a LOS state and the SNR is above the threshold.
- AoA when LOS or First-order NLOS: The robot follows the estimated AoA when the strongest path is in a LOS state or first-order NLOS and the SNR is above the threshold.
An example result can be found here
Fig. 10: Arrival success rate of three algorithms in easy, moderate, and hard environments.
Fig. 11: Three cumulative distribution function (CDF) plots show the arrival speed in easy, moderate, and hard difficult level. At all three difficulty levels, AoA when LOS or First-order NLOS algorithm performs most effectively. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the link-state classification neural network in improving the robot navigation problem.
Fig. 12: An example of two different robot walling paths are generated in a test case. In (a), the robot uses the AoA when LOS or First-order NLOS and spends 150 steps to arrive the TX. In (b), the robot uses the AoA based on SNR and spends 358 steps to reach the TX. The area framed by the black dashed line shows the difference between the two algorithms.
We provide the first complete 5G wireless localization dataset combined with camera data and robotic simulation environment. This millimeter wave indoor wireless data can be combined with the Habitat-Sim robot simulator. Regarding wireless, there are two data sets:
Habitat-Sim and Active Neural SLAM adaptive data set:
Supporting data sets:
- The authors were supported by NSF grants 1952180, 1925079, 1564142, 1547332, the SRC, OPPO, and the industrial affiliates of NYU WIRELESS.
- The work was also supported by RemCom that provided the Wireless Insite software.
- Habitat API
- Habitat sim
- Active Neural SLAM