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Dinis Cruz edited this page Jan 10, 2015 · 7 revisions

FluentSharp / C# REPL

At the heart of the FluentSharp (and OWASP O2 Platform) is an C# REPL environment which provides a real powerful and fast way to write C# Scripts.

This environment, when combined with the O2's Fluent# just about creates a new language which feels a lot like a managed/strongly-typed version of Pyhton.

The Panel (top panel) is a WinForms panel that is provided to the script (in the middle) so that it can be used while writing the scripts (note that most O2 Platform GUIs where developed using this REPL environment)

The Scripting environment is pure C#, so what ever you can do with C# you can do in there (Lambdas, Linq, Dynamic, foreach loops, etc...)

More examples (in this wiki):


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