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Node.js implementation to load compendia from third party repositories and handle direct user uploads for the o2r API.

Currently, it implements the endpoint /api/v1/compendium.

Supported repositories


  • Node.js >=8
  • bagit-python (
  • Docker socket access for running o2r-meta
  • unzip
  • wget


The configuration can be done via environment variables.

  • LOADER_PORT Define on which port loader should listen. Defaults to 8088.
  • LOADER_MONGODB Required Location for the mongo db. Defaults to mongodb://localhost/. You will very likely need to change this.
  • LOADER_MONGODB_DATABASE Which database inside the mongo db should be used. Defaults to muncher.
  • LOADER_BASEPATH The local path where compendia are stored. Defaults to /tmp/o2r/.
  • LOADER_VOLUME The name of the volume where compendia are stored, needed for mounting the correct path to 2nd level containers in compose configurations; overrides LOADER_BASEPATH for the metadata tools containers. Not set by default.
  • LOADER_META_TOOL_CONTAINER Docker image name and tag for metadata tools, defaults to running latest o2r-meta in a container, i.e. o2rproject/o2r-meta:latest.
  • LOADER_META_TOOL_CONTAINER_USER User name or id for the user running the container, defaults to o2r.
  • LOADER_META_TOOL_CONTAINER_RM Remove the metadata extraction and brokering containers after completion, defaults to true.
  • LOADER_META_TOOL_OFFLINE Do not go online during metadata extraction to retrieve additional metadata, defaults to false.
  • SESSION_SECRET String used to sign the session ID cookie, must match other microservices.
  • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN Authentication token for a bot app on Slack. See section Slack bot.
  • SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN Token provided by Slack for interative messages and events, to be used to verify that requests are actually coming from Slack.
  • SLACK_CHANNEL_STATUS Channel to post status messages to, defaults to #monitoring.
  • SLACK_CHANNEL_LOAD Channel to post messages related to (up)loading to, defaults to #monitoring.

Slack bot

Documentation of Slack API:, especially interactive messages.

The bot needs the permissions to join channels and post to them. Add the following scopes to the app in the section "OAuth & Permissions" in the bot's apps page.

  • channels:write
  • chat:write:bot
  • bot

While adding the app to your Slack organisation, make sure to allow the bot to post the the desired channel.

Local bot development

Start ngrok with ngrok http 8088 and enter the public endpoint pointing to your local server at ngrok also has a useful web interface at on all incoming requests.

Supported encodings

The upload process may fail if certain files with unsupported encoding are detected:

The encoding of text files analyzed by the o2r metadata extraction tool o2r-meta must be Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16BE, ...) or Unicode compatible (e.g. ISO-8859-1). The supported encodings and the list of files checked can be configured in config.js.


Steps for manual local development

mkdir /tmp/o2r-mongodb-data
mongod --dbpath /tmp/o2r-mongodb-data
# new terminal: start bouncer (default port 8081)
cd ../o2r-bouncer

Then start the loader in your IDE or in a new terminal.


Tests can be started using mocha:

npm install
npm install -g mocha

# alternative:
npm test

# set test endpoint manually
TEST_HOST=http://localhost:80 npm test

For this, the loader has to run locally or as part of a docker-compose configuration.

Public shares

The tests for public shares (sciebo_erc.js, sciebo_workspace.js and zenodo.js) use ERC uploaded to the respective services.

They can be found at

For information on which share URL belongs to which compendium, see the file README in the integration_test_shares folder.


The file Dockerfile describes the Docker image published at Docker Hub.

docker build --tag loader .

docker run --name mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:3.4
docker run --name testmuncher -d -p 8080:8080 --link mongodb:mongodb -v /tmp/o2r:/tmp/o2r -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e MUNCHER_MONGODB=mongodb://mongodb:27017 -e DEBUG=* o2rproject/o2r-muncher:latest
docker run --name testbouncer -d -p 8083:8083 --link mongodb:mongodb -v /tmp/o2r:/tmp/o2r -e BOUNCER_MONGODB=mongodb://mongodb:27017 -e DEBUG=* -e OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=... -e OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=... -e  OAUTH_URL_CALLBACK=http://localhost/api/v1/auth/login o2rproject/o2r-bouncer:latest

docker run --name testloader -it -p 8088:8088 --link mongodb:mongodb -v /tmp/o2r:/tmp/o2r -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e LOADER_MONGODB=mongodb://mongodb:27017 -e DEBUG=* loader


o2r-loader is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, see file LICENSE.

Copyright (C) 2017 - o2r project.