This stack needs docker and docker-compose to be installed.
git clone my-project && cd my-project
- app_name ("sf" by default), will be used as database suffix, container-name prefix etc...
- repository ("symfony/website-skeleton" by default), otherwise your Gitlab/Github url.
- branch ("master" by default), will be used for cloning the repository.
$ make init [app_name=abc] [repository=] [branch=develop]
Build & run containers
Important: You may want to use MySQL, Blackfire, Kibana or Xdebug? then keep/eliminate the arguments accordingly.
$ make start db=[mariadb|mysql] [kibana=true] [xdebug=true] $ make logs
Enable Xdebug using:
$ make stop && make start [...] xdebug=true
Usage: make [TARGET]
Docker Targets
init Initialize env files and clone project directory.
start Create and start containers.
stop Stop and clear all services.
clean Clean directories for reset.
restart Restart containers.
housekeep Prune docker images/volumes/networks.
logs Follow containers output logs.
Project Targets
checkout Checkout a branch.
update Update packages.
switch Switch between projects.
encore Build Encore.
cc Clear App/Doctrine caches.
php-cs-fixer Check Symfony Coding standard.
Database Targets
snapshot Make a bzipped database snapshot.
import Import dump from a path.
query Execute SQL statement.
We have the following docker-compose built images:
: The Nginx webserver container in which the application volume is
: The PHP-FPM container in which the application volume is mounted too.mysql
: The MySQL database container.elasticsearch
: The Elasticsearch container.redis
: The Redis server container.
Running docker-compose ps
should result in the following running containers:
Name Command State Ports
sf_app docker-php-entrypoi Up 9000/tcp
sf_nginx nginx Up>80/tcp,>443/tcp
sf_mysql / mysqld Up>3306/tcp
sf_redis Up 6379/tcp
sf_elasticsearch /usr/bin/supervisord -n -c ... Up>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
Once all the containers are up, our services are available at (http/https):
- Application:
- Mysql server:
- Redis:
- Elasticsearch:
- Kibana:
- Log files location: var/logs/nginx and var/logs/symfony
- Implement GraphQL.
- Implement ReactJS/Webpack starter.
🎉 Now we can stop our stack with make stop
and start it again with make start