is a tool to generate a NixOS system image deployable on Grid'5000 testbed platform. It uses the nixos-configurators tool.
Just clone the repository
$ git clone
First prepare a configuration.nix file which fits your needs (e.g. configuration.nix, configuration-webserver.nix).
A very simple one:
{ pkgs, ... }:
# add vim editor
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ vim ];
users.users.root.password = "nixos";
# note: ssh server is enable and firewall is disable
To generate an image archive and its associated kadeploy environment description file:
# commands are launched on a Grid'5000' node
SITE=$(hostname -d | cut -d'.' -f1)
./ -c configuration.nix -u http://public.$$USER \
-I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-21.05 -d ~/public -n nixos-test
To deploy on Grid'5000 nodes:
SITE=$(hostname -d | cut -d'.' -f1)
kadeploy3 -f $OAR_NODEFILE -a http://public.$$USER/nixos-test.yaml -k
Variant generation with pinning (i.e. for reproducibiliy with fixed version)
./ -c configuration.nix -n nixos-test -u$USER \
-I nixpkgs= -d ~/public