Sample server to call Clojure functions from Excel using the XLLoop library -
To build or run, you must first install the xlloop jar file in your maven repository:
mvn install:install-file -Durl=file:repo -DgroupId=local -DartifactId=xlloop -Dversion=0.3.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/xlloop-0.3.2.jar
To run the server:
lein run
To build:
lein compile && lein uberjar
...then you can ship off the jar file and run it like this:
java -jar target/xlloop-clojure-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Add your own functions in src/xlloop_clojure/funs.clj. Don't forget to provide the typehints at the top (in :gen-class :methods)
To install the XLLoop client, load xlloop-0.3.2.xll in your Excel addins. Create an xlloop-0.3.2.ini file in the same directory where the xll is with a single line:
Really annoying quirk: your client must EITHER be able to reverse DNS your server, OR your server must run a NetBIOS service. If you run Excel in a Windows virtualbox on a Linux machine (and run your server on the Linux side), the simplest way to fix this is to add
Failure to address this will cause XLLoop to fail with
#Cannot connect to server