About four months of work, with bug fixes and enhancements, went into this release -- in spring 2019. I did not expect to leave the project in "hibernation" for four years, but this is so far the best I could achieve.
This release rolls back the changes contributed by Tygre in version 2.23, which implemented a workaround for dealing with directory and file names which made use of Unicode codepoints that could not be represented on the Amiga using the ISO 8859-1 character set. Tagged as amiga-smbfs 2.23, it was intended as a test in preparation for integrating Tygre's changes. Sadly, the time to polish this feature never arrived and in the mean time there was no robust amiga-smbfs version to use instead. The amiga-smbfs 2.22 release intends to correct this, for the time being.
More work and research is needed to bring back Tygre's changes.