This Kata was originally created by Terry Hughes ( It is already on GitHub here. See also Bobby Johnson's description of the kata.
- clone this repo
- install gems
$ cd ruby
$ bundle
- run in irb
$ irb -r './lib/gilded_rose.rb'
- from the root file run:
- from root file run:
$ rubocop
As a user
So that I can keep track of stock quality
I want a program to do that for me
As an inkeeper
So that I can add new products
I want it to be easily modifiable
As an inkeeper
Due to buying new products which are conjured
I want the code to degrade my new product type twice as fast as a normal item
- implement a new item type condition in the GildedRose class
- new type is conjuring
- Every day, an item of this type's quality will degrade by 2 if the sell_in value is 0 or above
- after this, it will decrease by 4 every time.
- new type is conjuring
- refactor existing code to make it easier to implement new features
- provide a solid test base with high coverage
Although linting was initially done with rubocop, I disagreed with the use of an if else statement over a case statement in the update_quality method. I found it less readable so have opted for the case statement. Due to this, rubocop does have active offences on this program.