renders the markdown source files from the md/
directory as pages for the ringo wiki into directory htdocs/
the ringo wiki uses markdown too, but this script adds headers and prev/next links to the raw content described in those files.
the order of the sections is defined by modifying mds/TOC
the templates used to render the resulting markdown can be found in skins/
- url patterns:
- url -> function
- fixed args
- write your own macros & filters
- howto write middleware
- other response types
- relations comments -> post
- file upload. image for blog entries
- unit tests
- small ringo shell script for.. some blog cleanup task i will have to invent
- extending java, simple package create walkthrough
one section = one simple concept
- max 3.5K, good: < 2K
if concept too complex:
- only show & explain typical use case in tutorial
- extra topic page