This project is no longer in active development. This machine has passed into the hands of my brother and has been replaced by an Appartmento.
- Update requirements and install script
- Re-include web interface and make it a config whether or not to use it
- Make a F/C switch
A Raspberry Pi modification to the Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine implementing PID temperature control.
This is based on and adapted to graph current and target temperatures on a PiTFT28 fitted above the steam valve.
Target temp can be controlled via buttons. Bottom button dims the led backlight and turns off heating.
- Raspberry Pi 2
- $35 -
- $5 - Raspberry Pi Zero should work too
- PiTFT 2.8"
- $45 Capacitive
- $35 Resistive
- Power Adapter
- Any Micro USB 5v / 2A supply will do, the longer the cable the better
- $9 -
- Micro SD Card
- 4GB minimum, 8GB Class 10 recommended
- $7 -
- Solid State Relay - For switching on and off the heating element
- Thermocouple Amplifier - For interfacing between the Raspberry Pi and Thermocouple temperature probe
- Type K Thermocouple - For accurate temperature measurement
- Ribbon Cable - For connecting everything together
- $7 -
- Female to Female if using the Raspberry Pi 2
- $5 -
- Bare wire if using the Raspberry Pi Zero
- $7 -
- 14 gauge wire - For connecting the A/C side of the relay to the circuit
- $5 - Hardware Store / Scrap
- Don't skimp here. Remember this wire will be in close proximit to a ~240*F boiler
- $5 - Hardware Store / Scrap
Installation Instructions / Pictures
High-level circuit diagram:
- OS - Raspbian Jessie
- Full -
- Lite (for smaller SD Cards) -
Install Raspbian and configure Wi-Fi and timezone.
*** Outdated ***
Execute on the pi bash shell:
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install rpi-update git build-essential python-dev python-smbus python-pip
sudo rpi-update
sudo bash -c 'echo "dtparam=spi=on" >> /boot/config.txt'
sudo reboot
After the reboot:
sudo git clone /root/silvia-pi
sudo /root/silvia-pi/
This last step will download the necessariy python libraries and install the silvia-pi software in /root/silvia-pi
It also creates an entry in /etc/rc.local to start the software on every boot.