This is a ReactJS + Vite boilerplate to be used with Tailwindcss. It has a fully functioning React-Location router, restricted and public routes, functioning React-Hook-Form for registering and authentication
This project uses many tools like:
- ReactJS
- Vite
- TypeScript
- Jest
- Testing Library
- Tailwindcss
- Eslint
- Prettier
- React-Location
- React-Hook-Form
- React-Query
- Mobx
- Mobx-persist-store
- React-generate-cli
Create the project.
npx degit obleey/reactjs-vite-boilerplate my-app
Access the project directory.
cd my-app
Serve with hot reload at http://localhost:3000.
yarn start
yarn lint
yarn build
yarn test
yarn generate:component componentName
will generate a component under the components folder
yarn generate:component:shared componentName
will generate a component under the components/shared folder
yarn generate:page pageName
will generate a page under the pages folder
yarn start:clean
will delete yarn.lock file, node_modules, yarn-error.log, run yarn and yarn start
This project is licensed under the MIT License.