A curated list of everything OpenStreetMap.
- overpass-turbo A web based data mining tool for OpenStreetMap using Overpass API.
- osmcha Detects suspicious OSM changesets
- hdyc Shows user contribution
- whodidit Changesets analyzer
- achavi Augmented change viewer
- changeset-map Changeset visualizer
- last-week-on-osm Explore latest changesets
- overpass The Overpass API is a read-only API that serves up custom selected parts of the OSM map data.
- osm.mazdermind Maps Timestamp to replicate sequences.
- planet.osm Dumnps minutely/weekly/yearly/full of osm data.
- bbbike Allows extracting of areas from planet.osm.
- iD The easy-to-use OpenStreetMap editor in JavaScript.
- node-osmium Node wrapper for libosmium.
- changeset-map Visualise a changeset
- overpass-wrapper A wrapper around the OpenStreetMap Overpass API.
- osmapi Python wrapper for the OpenStreetMap API
- osmcha Python package to detect suspicious OSM changesets
- osmnx visualize street networks
- OpenMapTiles Set of tool for self-hosted vector maps and map services with labels in more than 50 languages.
- OSMNames Geocoding tool ranking places according to the corresponding Wikipedia page popularity
- OpenTripPlanner An open source multi-modal trip planner
- JOSM An extensible dekstop editor.