cd into the terraform deployment folder for the environment/network
cd terraform/deployment/<network>
Run terraform apply, which will create the inventory file and ssh key for the network in ansible folder
terraform apply
Make sure to have these in your env
Open another terminal and cd into ansible folder for ansible changes
cd ansible && chmod 0600 <network>_key
Try to ping the hosts in the inventory
ansible all -m ping -i inventory/<network>.ini
Run playbook
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory/<network>.ini
If you run into the error below during a terraform init
│ Error: Incompatible provider version
│ Provider v2.2.0 does not have a package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64.
│ Provider releases are separate from Terraform CLI releases, so not all providers are available for all platforms. Other versions of this provider may have different platforms supported.
This is because you're probably running an M1 chip, run this
brew uninstall terraform
brew install tfenv
TFENV_ARCH=amd64 tfenv install 1.7.0
tfenv use 1.7.0
terraform init