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Merge pull request #367 from ocaml-multicore/ephemeron-test-revision
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Ephemeron test revision
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jmid authored Jun 15, 2023
2 parents c08b00a + 4907ffa commit 79ca3de
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Showing 3 changed files with 64 additions and 96 deletions.
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/ephemeron/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,3 @@
(libraries qcheck-stm.sequential qcheck-stm.domain)
(action (run %{test} --verbose))

(name lin_tests_dsl)
(modules lin_tests_dsl)
(package multicoretests)
(libraries qcheck-lin.domain qcheck-lin.thread)
(action (run %{test} --verbose))
47 changes: 0 additions & 47 deletions src/ephemeron/

This file was deleted.

105 changes: 64 additions & 41 deletions src/ephemeron/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,62 +38,70 @@ module Ephemeron.S =

module EphemeronModel =
module E = Ephemeron.K1.Make(struct
type t = Char.t
let equal = Char.equal
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module E = Ephemeron.K1.Make(struct
[@@@warning "-unused-value-declaration"]
(* support Int64.hash added in 5.1, without triggering an 'unused hash' error *)
external seeded_hash_param :
int -> int -> int -> 'a -> int = "caml_hash" [@@noalloc]
let hash x = seeded_hash_param 10 100 0 x
include Stdlib.Int64

type sut = string E.t
type state = (char * string) list
type key = int64
type data = int64
type sut = data E.t

type state = (key * data) list
type cmd =
| Clear
| Add of char * string
| Remove of char
| Find of char
| Find_opt of char
| Find_all of char
| Replace of char * string
| Mem of char
| Add of key * data
| Remove of key
| Find of key
| Find_opt of key
| Find_all of key
| Replace of key * data
| Mem of key
| Length
| Clean

let pp_cmd par fmt x =
let open Util.Pp in
let pp_key = pp_int64 in
let pp_data = pp_int64 in
match x with
| Clear -> cst0 "Clear" fmt
| Add (x, y) -> cst2 pp_char pp_string "Add" par fmt x y
| Remove x -> cst1 pp_char "Remove" par fmt x
| Find x -> cst1 pp_char "Find" par fmt x
| Find_opt x -> cst1 pp_char "Find_opt" par fmt x
| Find_all x -> cst1 pp_char "Find_all" par fmt x
| Replace (x, y) -> cst2 pp_char pp_string "Replace" par fmt x y
| Mem x -> cst1 pp_char "Mem" par fmt x
| Add (x, y) -> cst2 pp_key pp_data "Add" par fmt x y
| Remove x -> cst1 pp_key "Remove" par fmt x
| Find x -> cst1 pp_key "Find" par fmt x
| Find_opt x -> cst1 pp_key "Find_opt" par fmt x
| Find_all x -> cst1 pp_key "Find_all" par fmt x
| Replace (x, y) -> cst2 pp_key pp_data "Replace" par fmt x y
| Mem x -> cst1 pp_key "Mem" par fmt x
| Length -> cst0 "Length" fmt
| Clean -> cst0 "Clean" fmt

let show_cmd = Util.Pp.to_show pp_cmd

let init_sut () = E.create 42
let init_sut () = Gc.minor (); E.create 42
let cleanup _ = ()

let arb_cmd s =
let key =
if s = []
then Gen.printable
else Gen.(oneof [oneofl ( fst s); printable]) in
let value = Gen.small_string ~gen:Gen.printable in
then Gen.(map Int64.of_int small_int)
else Gen.(oneof [oneofl ( fst s); map Int64.of_int small_int]) in
let data = Gen.(map Int64.of_int small_int) in
QCheck.make ~print:show_cmd
[ 1,return Clear;
3,map2 (fun k v -> Add (k, v)) key value;
3,map (fun k -> Remove k) key;
2,map2 (fun k v -> Add (k, v)) key data;
2,map (fun k -> Remove k) key;
3,map (fun k -> Find k) key;
3,map (fun k -> Find_opt k) key;
3,map (fun k -> Find_all k) key;
3,map2 (fun k v -> Replace (k, v)) key value;
2,map2 (fun k v -> Replace (k, v)) key data;
3,map (fun k -> Mem k) key;
3,return Length;
2,return Length;
1,return Clean; ])

let next_state c s =
Expand All @@ -110,13 +118,14 @@ module EphemeronModel =
| Clean -> s

let run c e =
let data = int64 in
match c with
| Clear -> Res (unit, E.clear e)
| Add (k, v) -> Res (unit, E.add e k v)
| Remove k -> Res (unit, E.remove e k)
| Find k -> Res (result string exn, protect (E.find e) k)
| Find_opt k -> Res (option string, E.find_opt e k)
| Find_all k -> Res (list string, E.find_all e k)
| Find k -> Res (result data exn, protect (E.find e) k)
| Find_opt k -> Res (option data, E.find_opt e k)
| Find_all k -> Res (list data, E.find_all e k)
| Replace (k,v) -> Res (unit, E.replace e k v)
| Mem k -> Res (bool, E.mem e k)
| Length -> Res (int, E.length e)
Expand All @@ -130,15 +139,15 @@ module EphemeronModel =
| Clear, Res ((Unit,_),_) -> true
| Add (_,_), Res ((Unit,_),_) -> true
| Remove _, Res ((Unit,_),_) -> true
| Find k, Res ((Result (String,Exn),_),r) ->
| Find k, Res ((Result (Int64,Exn),_),r) ->
r = Error Not_found || r = protect (List.assoc k) s
| Find_opt k, Res ((Option String,_),r) ->
| Find_opt k, Res ((Option Int64,_),r) ->
r = None || r = List.assoc_opt k s
| Find_all k, Res ((List String,_),r) ->
| Find_all k, Res ((List Int64,_),r) ->
let filter = fun (k',v') -> if k' = k then Some v' else None in
let vs_state = List.filter_map filter s in
(* some entries may have been GC'ed - test only for inclusion *)
List.for_all (fun v -> List.mem v vs_state) (List.sort r)
List.for_all (fun v -> List.mem v vs_state) (List.sort r)
| Replace (_,_), Res ((Unit,_),_) -> true
| Mem k, Res ((Bool,_),r) -> r = false || r = List.mem_assoc k s (*effectively: no postcond*)
| Length, Res ((Int,_),r) -> r <= List.length s
Expand All @@ -148,9 +157,23 @@ module EphemeronModel =

module ETest_seq = STM_sequential.Make(EphemeronModel)
module ETest_dom = STM_domain.Make(EphemeronModel)
(let count = 1000 in
[ ETest_seq.agree_test ~count ~name:"STM Ephemeron test sequential"; (* succeed *)
ETest_dom.neg_agree_test_par ~count ~name:"STM Ephemeron test parallel"; (* fail *)

(* Beware: hoop jumping to enable a full major Gc run between the two tests!
We need that to avoid the state of the second test depending on the resulting
GC state of the first test and don't want to exit after the first run
(as QCheck_base_runner.run_tests_main does). *)
let cli_args = QCheck_base_runner.Raw.parse_cli ~full_options:false Sys.argv
let run_tests l =
QCheck_base_runner.run_tests l
~long:cli_args.cli_long_tests ~out:stdout ~rand:cli_args.cli_rand
let count = 1000
let status_seq =
[ ETest_seq.agree_test ~count ~name:"STM Ephemeron test sequential"; ]
let () = Gc.full_major ()
let status_par =
[ ETest_dom.neg_agree_test_par ~count ~name:"STM Ephemeron test parallel"; ]
let _ = exit (if status_seq=0 && status_par=0 then 0 else 1)

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