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Merge branch 'master' into src-dune-short-rule
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Guillaume Petiot authored Oct 16, 2019
2 parents d008ff4 + 58b7e1d commit 61950aa
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Showing 13 changed files with 196 additions and 90 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
### (master)

+ Build: use short form for action in src/dune (#1076) (Etienne Millon)
+ Internal: Cleanup sequence_blank_line (#1075) (Jules Aguillon)
+ Improve: set conventional as the default profile (#1060) (Guillaume Petiot)
+ Fix precedence of Dot wrt Hash (#1058) (Guillaume Petiot)
+ Fix break in variant type definition to not exceed the margin (#1064) (Guillaume Petiot)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ module Structure_item : Module_item with type t = structure_item = struct
match Conf.(c1.module_item_spacing, c2.module_item_spacing) with
| `Preserve, `Preserve ->
Source.empty_line_between s i1.pstr_loc i2.pstr_loc
Source.empty_line_between s i1.pstr_loc.loc_end i2.pstr_loc.loc_start
| _ ->
(not (is_simple (i1, c1)))
|| (not (is_simple (i2, c2)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ module Signature_item : Module_item with type t = signature_item = struct
match Conf.(c1.module_item_spacing, c2.module_item_spacing) with
| `Preserve, `Preserve ->
Source.empty_line_between s i1.psig_loc i2.psig_loc
Source.empty_line_between s i1.psig_loc.loc_end i2.psig_loc.loc_start
| _ ->
(not (is_simple (i1, c1)))
|| (not (is_simple (i2, c2)))
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ end
[|] character and the first location begins a line and the start column
of the first location is not greater than that of the second location. *)
let is_adjacent t (l1 : Location.t) (l2 : Location.t) =
Option.value_map (Source.string_between t.source l1 l2) ~default:false
~f:(fun btw ->
Option.value_map (Source.string_between t.source l1.loc_end l2.loc_start)
~default:false ~f:(fun btw ->
match String.strip btw with
| "" -> true
| "|" ->
Expand All @@ -259,8 +259,7 @@ let infix_symbol_before t (loc : Location.t) =
match Source.position_before t.source loc_end with
| Some loc_start ->
if loc_start.pos_cnum < loc.loc_end.pos_cnum then
let op_loc = {loc with loc_start} in
let str = Source.string_at t.source op_loc in
let str = Source.string_at t.source loc_start loc.loc_end in
String.equal str ";" || Ast.is_infix_id str
else false
| None -> false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ let add_cmts t ?prev ?next tbl loc cmts =
if Conf.debug then
List.iter cmtl ~f:(fun {Cmt.txt= cmt_txt; loc= cmt_loc} ->
let string_between (l1 : Location.t) (l2 : Location.t) =
match Source.string_between t.source l1 l2 with
match Source.string_between t.source l1.loc_end l2.loc_start with
| None -> "swapped"
| Some s -> s
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31 changes: 13 additions & 18 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ let maybe_disabled_k c (loc : Location.t) (l : attributes) f k =
let loc = Source.extend_loc_to_include_attributes c.source loc l in
Cmts.drop_inside c.cmts loc ;
let s = Source.string_at c.source loc in
let s = Source.string_at c.source loc.loc_start loc.loc_end in
let indent_of_first_line = Position.column loc.loc_start in
let l = String.split ~on:'\n' s in
let l =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,25 +476,19 @@ let fmt_assign_arrow c =
let fmt_docstring_padded c doc =
fmt_docstring c ~pro:(break c.conf.doc_comments_padding 0) doc

let sequence_blank_line c xe1 xe2 =
let sequence_blank_line c (l1 : Location.t) (l2 : Location.t) =
match c.conf.sequence_blank_line with
| `Preserve_one ->
let open Location in
(* Count empty lines between [xe1] and [xe2], some may be comments *)
let l1 = xe1.ast.pexp_loc and l2 = xe2.ast.pexp_loc in
let a = l1.loc_end.pos_lnum and b = l2.loc_start.pos_lnum in
let commented_lines =
(* Number of lines in [l] that are between [a] and [b], exclusive. *)
let height_constrained l =
max 0
( min (b - 1) l.loc_end.pos_lnum
- max (a + 1) l.loc_start.pos_lnum
+ 1 )
List.fold ~init:0 (Cmts.remaining_before c.cmts l2)
~f:(fun acc cmt -> acc + height_constrained cmt.Cmt.loc)
let rec loop prev_pos = function
| cmt :: tl ->
(* Check empty line before each comment *)
Source.empty_line_between c.source prev_pos cmt.Cmt.loc.loc_start
|| loop cmt.Cmt.loc.loc_end tl
| [] ->
(* Check empty line after all comments *)
Source.empty_line_between c.source prev_pos l2.loc_start
b - a - commented_lines > 1
loop l1.loc_end (Cmts.remaining_before c.cmts l2)
| `Compact -> false

let rec fmt_extension c ctx key (ext, pld) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1259,7 +1253,8 @@ and fmt_args ~first:first_grp ~last:last_grp c ctx args =
and fmt_sequence c ?ext parens width xexp pexp_loc fmt_atrs =
let fmt_sep c ?(force_break = false) xe1 ext xe2 =
let break =
if sequence_blank_line c xe1 xe2 then fmt "\n@;<1000 0>"
let l1 = xe1.ast.pexp_loc and l2 = xe2.ast.pexp_loc in
if sequence_blank_line c l1 l2 then fmt "\n@;<1000 0>"
else if c.conf.break_sequences || force_break then fmt "@;<1000 0>"
else if parens && Poly.(c.conf.sequence_style = `Before) then
fmt "@;<1 -2>"
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ let parens_or_begin_end (c : Conf.t) source ~loc =
match c.exp_grouping with
| `Parens -> `Parens
| `Preserve ->
let str = String.lstrip (Source.string_at source loc) in
let str =
(Source.string_at source loc.Location.loc_start loc.loc_end)
if String.is_prefix ~prefix:"begin" str then `Begin_end else `Parens

let wrap_exp (c : Conf.t) ?(disambiguate = false) ?(fits_breaks = true)
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105 changes: 61 additions & 44 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ let position_before t (pos : Lexing.position) =
let pos_cnum_opt = String.rfindi t ~pos:pos.pos_cnum ~f in pos_cnum_opt ~f:(fun x -> {pos with pos_cnum= x + 1})

let string_between t (l1 : Location.t) (l2 : Location.t) =
let pos = l1.loc_end.pos_cnum in
let len = Position.distance l1.loc_end l2.loc_start in
let string_between t (p1 : Lexing.position) (p2 : Lexing.position) =
let pos = p1.pos_cnum in
let len = Position.distance p1 p2 in
len < 0 || pos < 0
(* can happen e.g. if comment is within a parenthesized expression *)
Expand All @@ -41,72 +41,91 @@ let string_between t (l1 : Location.t) (l2 : Location.t) =
then None
else Some (String.sub t ~pos ~len)

let empty_line_between t l1 l2 =
let non_whitespace _ c = not (Char.is_whitespace c) in
let is_empty s = String.lfindi s ~f:non_whitespace |> Option.is_none in
Location.(l2.loc_end.pos_lnum - l1.loc_start.pos_lnum) > 1
&& Option.for_all (string_between t l1 l2) ~f:is_empty
(** Lines between [p1] and [p2]. Lines are represented their (offset, length)
in the source. The first and last line (containing [p1] and [p2]) are
ignored. *)
let lines_between t (p1 : Lexing.position) (p2 : Lexing.position) =
let rec loop acc off lnum =
if lnum >= p2.pos_lnum then acc (* ignore last line *)
match String.index_from t off '\n' with
| None -> acc (* ignore last line *)
| Some endl -> loop ((off, endl - off) :: acc) (endl + 1) (lnum + 1)
(* ignore first line *)
match String.index_from t p1.pos_cnum '\n' with
| None -> []
| Some endl -> loop [] (endl + 1) (p1.pos_lnum + 1)

(** Returns the index of the first char that [f] match. Only consider [len]
characters starting at [pos]. *)
let string_lcontains ~pos ~len s ~f =
let end_ = pos + len in
let rec loop i =
if i >= end_ then None else if f s.[i] then Some i else loop (i + 1)
loop pos

let string_at t (l : Location.t) =
let pos = l.loc_start.pos_cnum in
let len = Location.width l in
let empty_line_between t p1 p2 =
let non_whitespace c = not (Char.is_whitespace c) in
let is_line_empty (off, len) =
Option.is_none (string_lcontains ~pos:off ~len t ~f:non_whitespace)
Lexing.(p2.pos_lnum - p1.pos_lnum) > 1
&& List.exists (lines_between t p1 p2) ~f:is_line_empty

let string_at t loc_start loc_end =
let pos = loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
and len = Position.distance loc_start loc_end in
if String.length t < pos + len || pos < 0 || len < 0 then ""
else String.sub t ~pos ~len

let has_cmt_same_line_after t (loc : Location.t) =
let loc_start = {loc.loc_end with pos_cnum= loc.loc_end.pos_cnum} in
let loc_end = {loc.loc_end with pos_cnum= loc_start.pos_cnum + 20} in
let loc = {loc with loc_start; loc_end} in
let str = string_at t loc in
let str = string_at t loc_start loc_end in
if String.is_empty str then false
else if Char.equal str.[0] '\n' then false
let str = String.lstrip str in
String.is_prefix str ~prefix:"(*"

let merge (l1 : Location.t) ~(sub : Location.t) =
let base = l1.loc_start.pos_cnum in
{ l1 with
loc_start= {l1.loc_start with pos_cnum= base + sub.loc_start.pos_cnum}
; loc_end= {l1.loc_end with pos_cnum= base + sub.loc_end.pos_cnum} }

let lexbuf_from_loc t (l : Location.t) =
let s = string_at t l in
Lexing.from_string s
let lexbuf_set_pos lexbuf pos =
lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos <- pos.Lexing.pos_cnum ;
lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- pos

let tokens_at t ?(filter = fun _ -> true) (l : Location.t) :
(Parser.token * Location.t) list =
let lexbuf = lexbuf_from_loc t l in
let tokens_between t ?(filter = fun _ -> true) loc_start loc_end =
let s = string_at t loc_start loc_end in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
lexbuf_set_pos lexbuf loc_start ;
let rec loop acc =
match Lexer.token lexbuf with
| Parser.EOF -> List.rev acc
| tok ->
if filter tok then
let sub = Location.curr lexbuf in
loop ((tok, merge l ~sub) :: acc)
if filter tok then loop ((tok, Location.curr lexbuf) :: acc)
else loop acc
loop []
let tokens_at t ?filter (l : Location.t) =
tokens_between t ?filter l.loc_start l.loc_end
let find_after t f (loc : Location.t) =
let loc = {loc with loc_start= loc.loc_end} in
let pos = ref loc.loc_end.pos_cnum in
let pos_start = loc.loc_end in
let lexbuf =
let pos = ref pos_start.pos_cnum in
Lexing.from_function (fun bytes available ->
let to_write = min (String.length t - !pos) available in
Bytes.From_string.blit ~src:t ~src_pos:!pos ~dst:bytes ~dst_pos:0
~len:to_write ;
pos := !pos + to_write ;
lexbuf_set_pos lexbuf pos_start ;
let rec loop () =
match Lexer.token lexbuf with
| Parser.EOF -> None
| tok ->
if f tok then
let sub = Location.curr lexbuf in
Some (merge loc ~sub)
else loop ()
| tok -> if f tok then Some (Location.curr lexbuf) else loop ()
loop ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,17 +192,11 @@ let extend_loc_to_include_attributes t (loc : Location.t)
| None -> impossible "Invariant of the token stream"
| Some e -> {loc with loc_end= e.loc_end}
let loc_between ~(from : Location.t) ~(upto : Location.t) : Location.t =
{from with loc_start= from.loc_start; loc_end= upto.loc_start}
let tokens_between t ?(filter = fun _ -> true) ~(from : Location.t)
~(upto : Location.t) : (Parser.token * Location.t) list =
tokens_at t ~filter (loc_between ~from ~upto)
let contains_token_between t ~(from : Location.t) ~(upto : Location.t) tok =
let filter = Poly.( = ) tok in
Source_code_position.ascending from.loc_start upto.loc_start < 0
&& not (List.is_empty (tokens_between t ~from ~upto ~filter))
let from = from.loc_start and upto = upto.loc_start in
Source_code_position.ascending from upto < 0
&& not (List.is_empty (tokens_between t ~filter from upto))
let is_long_pexp_open source {Parsetree.pexp_desc; _} =
match pexp_desc with
Expand All @@ -197,6 +210,10 @@ let is_long_pmod_functor source Parsetree.{pmod_desc; pmod_loc= from; _} =
contains_token_between source ~from ~upto Parser.FUNCTOR
| _ -> false
let lexbuf_from_loc t (l : Location.t) =
let s = string_at t l.loc_start l.loc_end in
Lexing.from_string s
let string_literal t mode (l : Location.t) =
(* the location of a [string] might include surrounding comments and
attributes because of [reloc_{exp,pat}] and a [string] can be found in
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21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions src/Source.mli
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Expand Up @@ -15,13 +15,16 @@ type t

val create : string -> t

val empty_line_between : t -> Location.t -> Location.t -> bool
val empty_line_between : t -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> bool
(** [empty_line_between t p1 p2] is [true] if there is an empty line between
[p1] and [p2]. The lines containing [p1] and [p2] are not considered
empty. *)

val string_between : t -> Location.t -> Location.t -> string option
val string_between : t -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> string option

val has_cmt_same_line_after : t -> Location.t -> bool

val string_at : t -> Location.t -> string
val string_at : t -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> string

val string_literal :
t -> [`Normalize | `Preserve] -> Location.t -> string option
Expand All @@ -38,18 +41,14 @@ val position_before : t -> Lexing.position -> Lexing.position option
(** [position_before s pos] returns the starting position of the token
preceding the position [pos]. *)

val loc_between : from:Location.t -> upto:Location.t -> Location.t
(** [loc_between ~from ~upto] returns a location starting from [from] and
ending before [upto]. *)

val tokens_between :
-> ?filter:(Parser.token -> bool)
-> from:Location.t
-> upto:Location.t
-> Lexing.position
-> Lexing.position
-> (Parser.token * Location.t) list
(** [tokens_between s ~filter ~from ~upto] returns the list of tokens
starting from [from] and ending before [upto] and respecting the [filter]
(** [tokens_between s ~filter from upto] returns the list of tokens starting
from [from] and ending before [upto] and respecting the [filter]
property. [from] must start before [upto]. *)

val is_long_pexp_open : t -> Parsetree.expression -> bool
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8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions test/passing/
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
let z = this one is pretty looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong

and z = so is this oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone

let f x = x + 1
let z = this one is pretty looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong
let z = so is this oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone
Expand All @@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ let f = function
let x = 1

and y = 2

let z = this one is pretty looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong
let z = so is this oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone

Expand All @@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ module M =

let x = 1
let y = 2

let x = 1

and y = 2
Expand All @@ -50,15 +47,11 @@ and z = so is this oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone
type k = A | B | K of int * char * string | E

let x = 1

let z = this one (is short)

let y = 2

let w =
this one is toooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(looooooooooooooooooooooooog but is (originally a one - liner))

let k = z

module N = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,4 +126,5 @@ let cr0_em = 1 lsl 2
(* with double semicolons *)

let foo = fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

let foo = fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/passing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
--sequence-blank-line=preserve-one --max-iter=3

0 comments on commit 61950aa

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