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File metadata and controls

239 lines (188 loc) · 9.77 KB

A mockup of a (very) simple trading-system GUI.

What does the application actually do?

Ts_gui is a tabular application that's meant to simulate the GUI for a trading system:

(Click the image above for a short clip of the app in action.)

You can get it running yourself by following the instructions on this page ("Build instructions: Running the examples").

There's a lot going on in this relatively simple interface, and it's worth unpacking before we dive into the code. That way we'll have a sense of what all the code is actually for. Here are some highlights:

  • The UI displays lots of rows (10,000 by default) but without rendering the ones that are offscreen. For this it uses the Table widget, which is built on Partial_render_list to do the intelligent partial rendering.
  • Certain cells update from time to time, and some of them flash purple when they do. The data is all fake, and is generated client-side (i.e., the web page isn't calling out to a server to get new values).
  • You can change which cell is "focused," which highlights that cell in green and its corresponding row in blue.
  • You can edit certain cells in the focused row, though your changes don't persist over page reloads.
  • There are keyboard shortcuts for these operations (focusing rows, navigating within a row, editing & committing edits to cells, etc.).
  • There is a help menu that shows all the available keyboard shortcuts.
  • You can search the table to filter it. The filtering happens as you type.
  • You can sort by one column at a time, in either direction.

How is the code organized?

There are six important files:

  • The app is built on top of a few Incr_dom_widgets, most importantly Ts_table, which are imported by this file.

  •{,i}. The bulk of the overall application logic -- Model, Action, State, view -- lives here.

  •{,i}. You can think of each row as a mini-app with its own model and view, specified in this file. A row has many columns, which are defined next.

  •{,i}. A helper module for setting up Ts_table.Columns for a given row.

  • A few helper functions for rendering the current time to string, which is slightly awkward in Incr_dom.

  • Initializes the app using Start_app.start.

What makes this app more sophisticated than Text_input?

Part of the reason this app is worth exploring in some more detail is that it makes use of many of the features of Incr_dom that were shrugged off in the Text_input example. In particular...

It uses a Component to share computations

Ts_gui renders a bunch of data in a table, where that table is filtered and sorted inside of the browser. The filtering and sorting can be done incrementally in the view function, so that changing data can be handled gracefully. But ideally, you’d like for the apply_action function, which updates the model, to have access to some of the same data computed by view. In particular, if you define an action that moves you to the next row, the identity of that row depends on how the data has been sorted and filtered. And you don’t want to recompute this data every time someone wants to move from one row to the next. In other words, Incr_dom needs some way of sharing the sorting-and-filtering logic between the view and the apply_action functions. This is what Component does.

(You can read more about the motivation for Component in this blog post.)

In particular, where simpler applications would have view and apply_action functions that don't really talk to one another, here, all of the incremental computations pertaining to the table are shared via Component. We can see this in view:

let view table (m : Model.t Incr.t) ~(inject : Action.t -> unit Vdom.Effect.t) =
  let%map table = table >>| Component.view
  and ... in

and in apply_action:

let apply_action table (m : Model.t Incr.t) =
  let%map m = m
  and table_apply_action = table >>| Component.apply_action in

It uses widgets

The Incr_dom_widgets library provides reusable "widgets" that can be plugged into web apps. Most of the widgets we've developed so far have to do with processing tabular data, but you could imagine all kinds of reusable components -- for instance, for picking dates or validating forms.

Once you've used Incr_dom, widgets are easy to understand because they implement the same interface. In fact each widget is essentially just its own Incr_dom app, with a model, actions, and view. You use them simply by referring to these parts in the corresponding place in your own app.

(The difference is that most widgets depend on the app that includes them to provide certain key parts of the model and view. In other words, most widgets wouldn't work as a standalone app.)

It uses schedule_action

The on_startup function in the Text_input app was a no-op. Here, though, we use it to kick off an async process that creates a "big kick" (a simulated price move) in the app every 50ms:

let on_startup ~schedule_action (m : Model.t) =
  let open Async_kernel in
  let ids = Map.keys m.rows |> Array.of_list in
  every (Time_ns.Span.of_ms 50.) (fun () -> schedule_action (Action.Big_kick ids));

In more sophisticated apps, this kind of async process might actually hit an external server, but either way the principle is the same: We have a handle to the Model, which lets us feed the current state of the app into our async process; and a handle to schedule_action, which lets us feed the results of the async process back into the model.

That is the whole point of schedule_action: it's a function from Action.t -> unit that an external process can call anytime it wants to update the model (by triggering an action).

It uses on_display

Recall that on_display fires anytime the DOM is updated. It's used to respond to the view-changing side effects of model changes. Here, we use it to check whether the focus has moved to a cell that's no longer in view, say because the user cleared their search and the focused row was pushed down below rows that are newly unfiltered. If so, we scroll the page to put the row back into view.

(This functionality is provided mostly by the Ts_table widget.)

It uses update_visibility

We don't want to render rows that are offscreen, especially when there are 10,000 of them. The update_visibility function allows us to achieve this. It's called whenever the page is reflowed, and includes a hook to the model (and derived model). We can inspect the model, and use information about what should be rendered to selectively render just those rows that are still visible -- say, after a user scrolls.

Just using the Ts_gui app, you might not believe that partial rendering is actually working, since it feels like you can scroll smoothly through the 10,000 rows. But you can see it vividly if you look at the Chrome inspector:

Notice that the scrollbar makes it look as though there are thousands more rows. And indeed when we scroll, it's as if those rows were already there. But they are generated on the fly. In the "Elements" panel on the right-hand side of the screen, you can see that there are only 35 actual <tr> elements. As you scroll down, row 106 will drop off while row 141 will be created, and so on.

The number 35 isn't magic or hard-coded anywhere -- the Partial_render_list widget, which Ts_table depends on, calculates the height of each individual element (row) in the container, and uses that to calculate how many rows should be visible.

This calculation is kicked off in the update_visibility function:

let update_visibility (m:Model.t) (d:Derived_model.t) ~recompute_derived:_ =
  let table = Ts_table.update_visibility m.table d.table in
  {m with table}

Like many functions in the Ts_gui app, this one just delegates to the corresponding function in Ts_table, where the actual work happens:

let update_visibility (m : Model.t) d =
  let visibility_info      = update_visibility_info      m d in
  let height_cache         = update_height_cache         m d in
  let col_group_row_height = update_col_group_row_height m d in
  if [%compare.equal: Visibility_info.t option] visibility_info m.visibility_info
  && [%compare.equal: Row_view.Height_cache.t] height_cache m.height_cache
  && [%compare.equal: int] col_group_row_height m.col_group_row_height
  then m
  else { m with visibility_info; height_cache; col_group_row_height }

The update_height_cache function does the actual calculation:

(** Computes and updates the heights of all rows that are currently rendered *)
let update_height_cache (m : Model.t) (d : _ Derived_model.t) =
    ~measure_row:(fun key -> (find_row_element key.row_id) ~f:(fun el ->
        let rect = Js_misc.viewport_rect_of_element el in rect, Js_misc.Rect.bottom rect
    ~get_row_height:(fun ~prev ~curr ~next ->

Row_view is just an alias for our Partial_render_list:

module Row_view = Partial_render_list.Make(Key)

In short, the ability to partially render rows comes from Partial_render_list, via the Ts_table widget, which is invoked (among other places) every time we update_visibility -- which happens more or less constantly as we use the app or update the model (like anytime new "trading data" comes in, every 50ms).