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Update vendored re (#3797)
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* Update vendored re

* Go from 1.7.1 to 1.9.0
* Do not just use a subset, use all of re. This simplifies maintenance
* Custom modifications are generated in the bash script. This simplifies

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>

* Fix update script

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
  • Loading branch information
rgrinberg authored Sep 24, 2020
1 parent 24a968f commit 01bcdbd
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Showing 32 changed files with 3,526 additions and 1,550 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
111 changes: 49 additions & 62 deletions vendor/re/src/ → vendor/re/src/
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Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

module Cset = Re_cset

type sem = [ `Longest | `Shortest | `First ]

type rep_kind = [ `Greedy | `Non_greedy ]

type category = int
type mark = int
type idx = int

module Pmark : sig
type t = private int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val gen : unit -> t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
= struct
type t = int
let equal (x : int) (y : int) = x = y
let compare (x : int) (y : int) = compare x y
let r = ref 0
let gen () = incr r ; !r

let pp = Format.pp_print_int

type expr = { id : int; def : def }

and def =
Expand All @@ -57,20 +37,18 @@ and def =
| Rep of rep_kind * sem * expr
| Mark of int
| Erase of int * int
| Before of category
| After of category
| Before of Category.t
| After of Category.t
| Pmark of Pmark.t

module PmarkSet = Set.Make(Pmark)

let hash_combine h accu = accu * 65599 + h

module Marks = struct
type t =
{ marks : (int * int) list
; pmarks : PmarkSet.t }
; pmarks : Pmark.Set.t }

let empty = { marks = [] ; pmarks = PmarkSet.empty }
let empty = { marks = [] ; pmarks = Pmark.Set.empty }

let rec merge_marks_offset old = function
| [] ->
Expand All @@ -84,7 +62,7 @@ module Marks = struct

let merge old nw =
{ marks = merge_marks_offset old.marks nw.marks
; pmarks = PmarkSet.union old.pmarks nw.pmarks }
; pmarks = Pmark.Set.union old.pmarks nw.pmarks }

let rec hash_marks_offset l accu =
match l with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,7 +105,7 @@ let pp_rep_kind fmt = function
| `Non_greedy -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "Non_greedy"

let rec pp ch e =
let open Re_fmt in
let open Fmt in
match e.def with
Cst l ->
sexp ch "cst" Cset.pp l;
Expand All @@ -146,9 +124,9 @@ let rec pp ch e =
| Erase (b, e) ->
sexp ch "erase" (pair int int) (b, e)
| Before c ->
sexp ch "before" int c
sexp ch "before" Category.pp c
| After c ->
sexp ch "after" int c
sexp ch "after" Category.pp c

Expand All @@ -175,7 +153,7 @@ let mk_expr ids def =
let empty ids = mk_expr ids (Alt [])

let cst ids s =
if Re_cset.is_empty s
if Cset.is_empty s
then empty ids
else mk_expr ids (Cst s)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,7 +206,7 @@ let rec rename ids x =

type hash = int
type mark_infos = int array
type status = Failed | Match of mark_infos * PmarkSet.t | Running
type status = Failed | Match of mark_infos * Pmark.Set.t | Running

module E = struct
type t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,22 +278,22 @@ end
module State = struct
type t =
{ idx: idx
; category: category
; category: Category.t
; desc: E.t list
; mutable status: status option
; hash: hash }

let dummy =
{ idx = -1
; category = -1
; category = Category.dummy
; desc = []
; status = None
; hash = -1 }

let hash idx cat desc =
E.hash desc (hash_combine idx (hash_combine cat 0)) land 0x3FFFFFFF
E.hash desc (hash_combine idx (hash_combine (Category.to_int cat) 0)) land 0x3FFFFFFF

let mk idx cat desc =
let mk idx cat desc =
{ idx
; category = cat
; desc
Expand All @@ -326,12 +304,12 @@ module State = struct

let equal x y =
(x.hash : int) = y.hash && (x.idx : int) = y.idx &&
(x.category : int) = y.category && E.equal x.desc y.desc
Category.equal x.category y.category && E.equal x.desc y.desc

let compare x y =
let c = compare (x.hash : int) y.hash in
if c <> 0 then c else
let c = compare (x.category : int) y.category in
let c = x.category y.category in
if c <> 0 then c else
compare x.desc y.desc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,18 +399,18 @@ let rec set_idx idx = function
let filter_marks b e marks =
{marks with Marks.marks = List.filter (fun (i, _) -> i < b || i > e) marks.Marks.marks }

let rec delta_1 marks c cat' cat x rem =
let rec delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat x rem =
(*Format.eprintf "%d@.";*)
match x.def with
Cst s ->
if Cset.mem c s then E.texp marks eps_expr :: rem else rem
| Alt l ->
delta_2 marks c cat' cat l rem
delta_2 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat l rem
| Seq (kind, y, z) ->
let y' = delta_1 marks c cat' cat y [] in
delta_seq c cat' cat kind y' z rem
let y' = delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat y [] in
delta_seq c ~next_cat ~prev_cat kind y' z rem
| Rep (rep_kind, kind, y) ->
let y' = delta_1 marks c cat' cat y [] in
let y' = delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat y [] in
let (y'', marks') =
Expand All @@ -451,21 +429,23 @@ let rec delta_1 marks c cat' cat x rem =
let marks = { marks with Marks.marks = (i, -1) :: List.remove_assq i marks.Marks.marks } in
E.TMatch marks :: rem
| Pmark i ->
let marks = { marks with Marks.pmarks = PmarkSet.add i marks.Marks.pmarks } in
let marks = { marks with Marks.pmarks = Pmark.Set.add i marks.Marks.pmarks } in
E.TMatch marks :: rem
| Erase (b, e) ->
E.TMatch (filter_marks b e marks) :: rem
| Before cat'' ->
if cat land cat'' <> 0 then E.TMatch marks :: rem else rem
if Category.intersect next_cat cat'' then E.TMatch marks :: rem else rem
| After cat'' ->
if cat' land cat'' <> 0 then E.TMatch marks :: rem else rem
if Category.intersect prev_cat cat'' then E.TMatch marks :: rem else rem

and delta_2 marks c cat' cat l rem =
and delta_2 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat l rem =
match l with
[] -> rem
| y :: r -> delta_1 marks c cat' cat y (delta_2 marks c cat' cat r rem)
| y :: r ->
delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat y
(delta_2 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat r rem)

and delta_seq c cat' cat kind y z rem =
and delta_seq c ~next_cat ~prev_cat kind y z rem =
first (function E.TMatch marks -> Some marks | _ -> None) y
Expand All @@ -474,35 +454,42 @@ and delta_seq c cat' cat kind y z rem =
| Some marks ->
match kind with
`Longest ->
E.tseq kind (remove_matches y) z (delta_1 marks c cat' cat z rem)
E.tseq kind (remove_matches y) z
(delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat z rem)
| `Shortest ->
delta_1 marks c cat' cat z (E.tseq kind (remove_matches y) z rem)
delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat z
(E.tseq kind (remove_matches y) z rem)
| `First ->
let (y', y'') = split_at_match y in
E.tseq kind y' z (delta_1 marks c cat' cat z (E.tseq kind y'' z rem))
E.tseq kind y' z
(delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat z (E.tseq kind y'' z rem))

let rec delta_3 c cat' cat x rem =
let rec delta_3 c ~next_cat ~prev_cat x rem =
match x with
E.TSeq (y, z, kind) ->
let y' = delta_4 c cat' cat y [] in
delta_seq c cat' cat kind y' z rem
let y' = delta_4 c ~next_cat ~prev_cat y [] in
delta_seq c ~next_cat ~prev_cat kind y' z rem
| E.TExp (marks, e) ->
delta_1 marks c cat' cat e rem
delta_1 marks c ~next_cat ~prev_cat e rem
| E.TMatch _ ->
x :: rem

and delta_4 c cat' cat l rem =
and delta_4 c ~next_cat ~prev_cat l rem =
match l with
[] -> rem
| y :: r -> delta_3 c cat' cat y (delta_4 c cat' cat r rem)
| y :: r ->
delta_3 c ~next_cat ~prev_cat y
(delta_4 c ~next_cat ~prev_cat r rem)

let delta tbl_ref cat' char st =
let delta tbl_ref next_cat char st =
let prev_cat = st.State.category in
let (expr', _) =
remove_duplicates [] (delta_4 char st.State.category cat' st.State.desc [])
remove_duplicates []
(delta_4 char ~next_cat ~prev_cat st.State.desc [])
eps_expr in
let idx = free_index tbl_ref expr' in
let expr'' = set_idx idx expr' in idx cat' expr'' idx next_cat expr''


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -586,7 +573,7 @@ let rec deriv_1 all_chars categories marks cat x rem =
| Before cat' ->
Cset.prepend (List.assq cat' categories) [E.TMatch marks] rem
| After cat' ->
if cat land cat' <> 0 then Cset.prepend all_chars [E.TMatch marks] rem else rem
if Category.intersect cat cat' then Cset.prepend all_chars [E.TMatch marks] rem else rem

and deriv_2 all_chars categories marks cat l rem =
match l with
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31 changes: 10 additions & 21 deletions vendor/re/src/re_automata.mli → vendor/re/src/automata.mli
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(* Regular expressions *)

type category = int
type mark = int

type sem = [ `Longest | `Shortest | `First ]
Expand All @@ -31,22 +30,14 @@ type rep_kind = [ `Greedy | `Non_greedy ]
val pp_sem : Format.formatter -> sem -> unit
val pp_rep_kind : Format.formatter -> rep_kind -> unit

module Pmark : sig
type t = private int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val gen : unit -> t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

type expr
val is_eps : expr -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> expr -> unit

type ids
val create_ids : unit -> ids

val cst : ids -> Re_cset.t -> expr
val cst : ids -> Cset.t -> expr
val empty : ids -> expr
val alt : ids -> expr list -> expr
val seq : ids -> sem -> expr -> expr -> expr
Expand All @@ -55,22 +46,20 @@ val rep : ids -> rep_kind -> sem -> expr -> expr
val mark : ids -> mark -> expr
val pmark : ids -> Pmark.t -> expr
val erase : ids -> mark -> mark -> expr
val before : ids -> category -> expr
val after : ids -> category -> expr
val before : ids -> Category.t -> expr
val after : ids -> Category.t -> expr

val rename : ids -> expr -> expr


module PmarkSet : Set.S with type elt = Pmark.t

(* States of the automata *)

type idx = int
module Marks : sig
type t =
{ marks: (mark * idx) list
; pmarks: PmarkSet.t }
; pmarks: Pmark.Set.t }

module E : sig
Expand All @@ -80,17 +69,17 @@ end

type hash
type mark_infos = int array
type status = Failed | Match of mark_infos * PmarkSet.t | Running
type status = Failed | Match of mark_infos * Pmark.Set.t | Running

module State : sig
type t =
{ idx: idx
; category: category
; category: Category.t
; desc: E.t list
; mutable status: status option
; hash: hash }
val dummy : t
val create : category -> expr -> t
val create : Category.t -> expr -> t
module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t

Expand All @@ -102,10 +91,10 @@ type working_area
val create_working_area : unit -> working_area
val index_count : working_area -> int

val delta : working_area -> category -> Re_cset.c -> State.t -> State.t
val delta : working_area -> Category.t -> Cset.c -> State.t -> State.t
val deriv :
working_area -> Re_cset.t -> (category * Re_cset.t) list -> State.t ->
(Re_cset.t * State.t) list
working_area -> Cset.t -> (Category.t * Cset.t) list -> State.t ->
(Cset.t * State.t) list


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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions vendor/re/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@

type t = int
let equal (x : int) (y : int) = x = y
let compare (x : int) (y : int) = compare x y
let to_int x = x
let pp = Format.pp_print_int

let intersect x y = x land y <> 0
let (++) x y = x lor y

let dummy = -1
let inexistant = 1
let letter = 2
let not_letter = 4
let newline = 8
let lastnewline = 16
let search_boundary = 32

let from_char = function
(* Should match [cword] definition *)
| 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '_' | '\170' | '\181' | '\186'
| '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' ->
| '\n' ->
not_letter ++ newline
| _ ->

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