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feature: case statements
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We add a `(case ...)` constructor to dune_lang for actions which when
expanded will reduce down to the matching branch.

Signed-off-by: Ali Caglayan <>
  • Loading branch information
Alizter committed Jul 18, 2023
1 parent 32fcaeb commit 2e62977
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Showing 4 changed files with 238 additions and 10 deletions.
90 changes: 80 additions & 10 deletions src/dune_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ type t =
| Patch of String_with_vars.t
| Substitute of String_with_vars.t * String_with_vars.t
| Withenv of String_with_vars.t Env_update.t list * t
| Case of String_with_vars.t * (String_with_vars.t * t) list * t

let is_dev_null t = String_with_vars.is_pform t (Var Dev_null)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,6 +232,60 @@ let decode_with_accepted_exit_codes =

let sw = String_with_vars.decode

let decode_case t =
let open Decoder in
let+ arg = sw
and+ cases =
repeat1 @@ enter
@@ let+ pat =
(let+ loc, _ = located (keyword "_") in
`Default loc)
<|> let+ pat = sw in
`Case pat
and+ branch = t in
(pat, branch)
(* we need to check that there is at most one default case and that it
appears last *)
let cases, default =
match List.rev cases with
| [] -> Code_error.raise "decode_case: empty cases list" []
| (`Case pat, _) :: _ ->
User_error.raise ~loc:(String_with_vars.loc pat)
~hints:[ Pp.text "Add a (_ (...)) case at the end." ]
[ Pp.text "Only the default case can be at the end." ]
| (`Default default_loc, default) :: l ->
let err_duplicate_case loc1 loc2 msg =
[ Pp.text msg
; Pp.map_tags ~f:(fun _ -> User_message.Style.Loc) (Loc.pp loc1)
; Pp.map_tags ~f:(fun _ -> User_message.Style.Loc) (Loc.pp loc2)
let rec loop patterns cases =
match cases with
| [] -> []
(* The default case has already been handled, any other is an error *)
| (`Default loc, _) :: _ ->
err_duplicate_case loc default_loc "Multiple default cases."
(* If a pattern has been seen before, it's an error *)
| (`Case pat, _) :: _
when List.mem patterns pat ~equal:String_with_vars.equal_no_loc ->
let other_loc =
List.find_exn patterns ~f:(fun p ->
String_with_vars.equal_no_loc p pat)
|> String_with_vars.loc
err_duplicate_case (String_with_vars.loc pat) other_loc
"Duplicate case."
(* If a pattern is new, we add it to the list of seen patterns *)
| (`Case pat, branch) :: cases ->
(pat, branch) :: loop (pat :: patterns) cases
(loop [] l, default)
Case (arg, cases, default)

let cstrs_dune_file t =
let open Decoder in
[ ( "run"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,6 +386,7 @@ let cstrs_dune_file t =
, Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (2, 7)
>>> let+ script = sw in
Cram script )
; ("case", Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (3, 10) >>> decode_case t)

let decode_dune_file = Decoder.fix @@ fun t -> Decoder.sum (cstrs_dune_file t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,6 +471,11 @@ let rec encode =
| Substitute (i, o) -> List [ atom "substitute"; sw i; sw o ]
| Withenv (ops, t) ->
List [ atom "withenv"; List ( ~f:Env_update.encode ops); encode t ]
| Case (var, cases, default) ->
([ atom "case"; sw var ]
@ cases ~f:(fun (var, t) -> List [ sw var; encode t ])
@ [ List [ atom "_"; encode default ] ])

(* In [Action_exec] we rely on one-to-one mapping between the cwd-relative paths
seen by the action and [Path.t] seen by dune.
Expand All @@ -427,7 +488,17 @@ let rec encode =
Moreover, we also check that 'dynamic-run' is not used within
'with-exit-codes', since the meaning of this interaction is not clear. *)
let ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run ~loc action =
let rec loop : t -> bool = function
let rec ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run_list ts =
List.fold_left ts ~init:false ~f:(fun acc t ->
let have_dyn = loop t in
if acc && have_dyn then
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.text
"Multiple 'dynamic-run' commands within single action are not \
else acc || have_dyn)
and loop : t -> bool = function
| Dynamic_run _ -> true
| Chdir (_, t)
| Setenv (_, _, t)
Expand All @@ -452,15 +523,9 @@ let ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run ~loc action =
| Patch _
| Cram _ -> false
| Pipe (_, ts) | Progn ts | Concurrent ts ->
List.fold_left ts ~init:false ~f:(fun acc t ->
let have_dyn = loop t in
if acc && have_dyn then
User_error.raise ~loc
[ Pp.text
"Multiple 'dynamic-run' commands within single action are \
not supported."
else acc || have_dyn)
ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run_list ts
| Case (_, cases, default) ->
ensure_at_most_one_dynamic_run_list (default :: ~f:snd cases)
ignore (loop action)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,6 +566,11 @@ let rec map_string_with_vars t ~f =
( ops ~f:(fun (op : _ Env_update.t) ->
{ op with value = f op.value })
, map_string_with_vars t ~f )
| Case (sw, cases, default) ->
( f sw
, cases ~f:(fun (sw, t) -> (f sw, map_string_with_vars t ~f))
, map_string_with_vars default ~f )

let remove_locs = map_string_with_vars ~f:String_with_vars.remove_locs

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/dune_lang/action.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ type t =
| Patch of String_with_vars.t
| Substitute of String_with_vars.t * String_with_vars.t
| Withenv of String_with_vars.t Env_update.t list * t
| Case of String_with_vars.t * (String_with_vars.t * t) list * t

val encode : t Encoder.t

Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -484,6 +484,14 @@ let rec expand (t : Dune_lang.Action.t) ~context : Action.t Action_expander.t =
| Withenv _ | Substitute _ | Patch _ ->
(* these can only be provided by the package language which isn't expanded here *)
assert false
| Case (arg, cases, default) -> (
let+ arg = E.string arg
and+ cases =
A.all ( ~f:(fun (k, a) -> A.both (E.string k) (expand a)) cases)
and+ default = expand default in
match List.assoc cases arg with
| Some a -> a
| None -> default)

let expand_no_targets t ~loc ~chdir ~deps:deps_written_by_user ~expander ~what =
let open Action_builder.O in
Expand Down
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/actions/case.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
Testing (case) action.

$ cat > dune-project << EOF
> (lang dune 3.10)

$ cat > version << EOF
> 1

Basic usage:

$ cat > dune << EOF
> (rule
> (alias foo)
> (action
> (case %{read-lines:version}
> (1 (echo "version is 1"))
> (2 (echo "version is 2"))
> (3 (echo "version is 3"))
> (_ (echo "shouldn't happen, got %{read-lines:version}")))))

$ dune build @foo
version is 1

$ cat > version << EOF
> 2
$ dune build @foo
version is 2

$ cat > version << EOF
> 3
$ dune build @foo
version is 3

$ cat > version << EOF
> 4
$ dune build @foo
shouldn't happen, got 4

$ cat > version << EOF
> 1

Missing default field:

$ cat > dune << EOF
> (rule
> (alias foo)
> (action
> (case %{read-lines:version}
> (1 (echo "version is 1")))))

$ dune build @foo
File "dune", line 5, characters 4-5:
5 | (1 (echo "version is 1")))))
Error: Only the default case can be at the end.
Hint: Add a (_ (...)) case at the end.

Two default fields:

$ cat > dune << EOF
> (rule
> (alias foo)
> (action
> (case %{read-lines:version}
> (_ (echo "version is 1"))
> (2 (echo "version is 2"))
> (_ (echo "version is 3")))))

$ dune build @foo
Error: Multiple default cases.
File "dune", line 5, characters 4-5:
5 | (_ (echo "version is 1"))

File "dune", line 7, characters 4-5:
7 | (_ (echo "version is 3")))))


Last case is not default case:

$ cat > dune << EOF
> (rule
> (alias foo)
> (action
> (case %{read-lines:version}
> (_ (echo "version is 1"))
> (2 (echo "version is 2"))
> (3 (echo "version is 3")))))

$ dune build @foo
File "dune", line 7, characters 4-5:
7 | (3 (echo "version is 3")))))
Error: Only the default case can be at the end.
Hint: Add a (_ (...)) case at the end.

Empty case:

$ cat > dune << EOF
> (rule
> (alias foo)
> (action
> (case %{read-lines:version})))

$ dune build @foo
File "dune", line 4, characters 2-30:
4 | (case %{read-lines:version})))
Error: Not enough arguments for case

Duplicate cases:

$ cat > dune << EOF
> (rule
> (alias foo)
> (action
> (case %{read-lines:version}
> (1 (echo "version is 1"))
> (1 (echo "version is 1"))
> (_ (echo "shouldn't happen")))))

$ dune build @foo
Error: Duplicate case.
File "dune", line 5, characters 4-5:
5 | (1 (echo "version is 1"))

File "dune", line 6, characters 4-5:
6 | (1 (echo "version is 1"))


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