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Introduce scheme (#2086)
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* Introduce Scheme

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
Signed-off-by: Arseniy Alekseyev <>
  • Loading branch information
aalekseyev authored May 7, 2019
1 parent 1bef76a commit 30d2400
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Showing 12 changed files with 725 additions and 1 deletion.
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions src/
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open! Stdune

type t =
| Empty
| Universal
| Nontrivial of nontrivial
and nontrivial = {
default : bool;
here : bool;
exceptions : t String.Map.t;

let here = function
| Empty -> false
| Universal -> true
| Nontrivial t ->

let default = function
| Empty -> false
| Universal -> true
| Nontrivial t -> t.default

let exceptions = function
| Empty | Universal -> String.Map.empty
| Nontrivial t -> t.exceptions

let empty = Empty
let universal = Universal

let trivial = function
| false -> Empty
| true -> Universal

let create ~default ~here ~exceptions =
if String.Map.is_empty exceptions && here = default then
trivial default
Nontrivial { here; default; exceptions }

let is_empty = function
| Empty -> true
| _ -> false

let is_universal = function
| Universal -> true
| _ -> false

let merge_exceptions a b ~default ~f =
String.Map.merge a.exceptions b.exceptions ~f:(fun _ x y ->
let x = Option.value x ~default:(trivial a.default) in
let y = Option.value y ~default:(trivial b.default) in
match default, f x y with
| false, Empty | true, Universal -> None
| _, res -> Some res)

let merge_nontrivial a b ~f_one ~f_set =
let default = f_one a.default b.default in
~exceptions:(merge_exceptions a b ~default ~f:f_set)
[@@inline always]

let rec union x y =
match x, y with
| Empty, v | v, Empty -> v
| Universal, _ | _, Universal -> Universal
| Nontrivial x, Nontrivial y ->
merge_nontrivial x y ~f_one:(||) ~f_set:union

let rec inter x y =
match x, y with
| Universal, v | v, Universal -> v
| Empty, _ | _, Empty -> Empty
| Nontrivial x, Nontrivial y ->
merge_nontrivial x y ~f_one:(&&) ~f_set:inter

let rec negate x =
match x with
| Universal -> Empty
| Empty -> Universal
| Nontrivial { here; default; exceptions } ->
Nontrivial { here = not here
; default = not default
; exceptions = exceptions ~f:negate

let rec diff x y =
match x with
| Empty -> Empty
| Universal -> negate y
| Nontrivial nx ->
match y with
| Empty -> x
| Universal -> Empty
| Nontrivial ny ->
merge_nontrivial nx ny
~f_one:(fun a b -> a && not b)

let rec mem t dir =
match t with
| Empty -> false
| Universal -> true
| Nontrivial { here; default; exceptions } ->
match dir with
| [] -> here
| child :: rest ->
match String.Map.find exceptions child with
| None -> default
| Some t -> mem t rest

let mem t dir = mem t (Path.Build.explode dir)

let descend t child =
match t with
| Empty -> Empty
| Universal -> Universal
| Nontrivial { here = _; default; exceptions } ->
match String.Map.find exceptions child with
| None -> trivial default
| Some t -> t

let union_all = List.fold_left ~init:empty ~f:union
let inter_all = List.fold_left ~init:empty ~f:inter

let of_subtree_gen =
let rec loop subtree = function
| [] -> subtree
| component :: rest ->
~exceptions:(String.Map.singleton component (loop subtree rest))
fun subtree path -> loop subtree (Path.Build.explode path)

let just_the_root =
{ here = true
; default = false
; exceptions = String.Map.empty

let subtree p = of_subtree_gen universal p
let singleton p = of_subtree_gen just_the_root p

let is_subset =
let not_subset () = raise_notrace Exit in
let rec loop x y =
match x, y with
| _, Universal | Empty, _ -> Empty
| Universal, _ | _, Empty -> not_subset ()
| Nontrivial x, Nontrivial y ->
if ( && not ) ||
(x.default && not y.default) then
not_subset ();
(merge_exceptions x y ~default:false ~f:loop : t String.Map.t);
fun x ~of_ ->
match loop x of_ with
| (_ : t) -> true
| exception Exit -> false

let rec to_sexp t = match t with
| Empty -> Sexp.Atom "Empty"
| Universal -> Sexp.Atom "Universal"
| Nontrivial { here; default; exceptions } ->
Sexp.List (
(match here with | true -> [ ".", Sexp.Atom "true" ] | false -> []) @
(String.Map.to_list exceptions
|> ~f:(fun (s, t) ->
s, to_sexp t)) @
(match default with
| false -> []
| true -> [("*", Sexp.Atom "Universal")]))
|> ~f:(fun (k, v) -> Sexp.List [Sexp.Atom k; v]))
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions src/dir_set.mli
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(** Potentially infinite sets of directories *)

open! Stdune

(** Type of potentially infinite sets of directories. Not all sets can
be represented, only ones that can be efficiently inspected. *)
type t

(** [mem t p] is [true] if and only if [p] is in [t] *)
val mem : t -> Path.Build.t -> bool

(** [here t] is the same as [mem t Path.Build.root] but more
efficient. *)
val here : t -> bool

(** The empty set *)
val empty : t

(** The set of all possible directories *)
val universal : t

(** [trivial b] is such that for all path [p]:
mem (trivial b) p = b
i.e. [trivial false] is [empty] and [trivial true] is [universal].
val trivial : bool -> t

val is_empty : t -> bool
val is_universal : t -> bool

(** [descend t comp] is the set [t'] such that for all path [p], [p]
is in [t'] iff [comp/p] is in [t]. [comp] must be a path component,
i.e. without directory separator characters. *)
val descend : t -> string -> t

(** [exceptions t] is the set of all bindings of the form [(comp,
t']] such that:
- [t' = descend t comp]
- [t' <> trivial (default t)]
Sets of directories for which [exceptions t] is not finite cannot be
represented by this module.
val exceptions : t -> t String.Map.t

(** Default membership value for paths that are neither empty nor part
of the exceptions. I.e. for all non-empty path [p] whose first
component is not in [exceptions t], [mem t p = default t]. *)
val default : t -> bool

(** [singleton p] is the set containing only [p] *)
val singleton : Path.Build.t -> t

(** [subtree p] is the set of all directories that are descendant of
[p]. *)
val subtree : Path.Build.t -> t

val is_subset : t -> of_:t -> bool
val union : t -> t -> t
val union_all : t list -> t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val inter_all : t list -> t
val diff : t -> t -> t
val negate : t -> t

val to_sexp : t -> Sexp.t
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/memo/
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Expand Up @@ -724,6 +724,13 @@ module Lazy = struct
let of_val x = fun () -> x
let create f = lazy_ f
let force f = f ()

let map2 x y ~f =
create (fun () -> f (x ()) (y ()))

let bind x ~f =
create (fun () -> force (f (force x)))


module With_implicit_output = struct
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/memo/memo.mli
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Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,10 @@ val registered_functions : unit -> Function_info.t list
val function_info : string -> Function_info.t

module Lazy : sig
type 'a t
type +'a t

val map2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c t
val bind : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

val create : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t
val of_val : 'a -> 'a t
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open! Stdune

module Dir_rules = struct
type t = unit -> unit

let empty = (fun () -> ())
let union f g () = f (); g ()

module T = struct
type t = Dir_rules.t Path.Build.Map.t

let empty = Path.Build.Map.empty

let union_map a b ~f =
Path.Build.Map.union a b ~f:(fun _key a b -> Some (f a b))

let union = union_map ~f:Dir_rules.union

let name = "Rules"

include T

let file_rule ~rule:(dst, rule) =
let dst = Path.as_in_build_dir_exn dst in
Path.Build.Map.singleton (Path.Build.parent_exn dst) rule

let dir_rule (dir, rule) =
let dir = Path.as_in_build_dir_exn dir in
Path.Build.Map.singleton dir rule

let implicit_output = Memo.Implicit_output.add(module T)

let file_rule ~rule =
Memo.Implicit_output.produce implicit_output (file_rule ~rule)

let dir_rule arg =
Memo.Implicit_output.produce implicit_output (dir_rule arg)

let collect f =
let result, out = Memo.Implicit_output.collect_sync implicit_output f in
result, Option.value out ~default:T.empty

let to_map x = x
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/rules.mli
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(** [Rules] represents a collection of rules across a known finite set of
directories. *)

open! Stdune

module Dir_rules : sig
(** [rule] is a function that produces some build system rules
such as ([Build_system.add_rule]) in a known directory. *)
type t = unit -> unit

val empty : t
val union : t -> t -> t

type t = private Dir_rules.t Path.Build.Map.t

val to_map : t -> Dir_rules.t Path.Build.Map.t

(* [Path] must be in build directory *)
val file_rule : rule:(Path.t * Dir_rules.t) -> unit

(* [Path] must be in build directory *)
val dir_rule : (Path.t * Dir_rules.t) -> unit

val union : t -> t -> t

val collect : (unit -> 'a) -> ('a * t)

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