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Renaming to Dune (#721)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- install two identical binaries: jbuilder and dune
- rename the man pages to dune-*
- change the name in man pages
- change the name of libraries
- add support for dune-project files and add a dune-project file
- add support for dune-workspace files
- start updating the manual
- update the tests
  • Loading branch information
jeremiedimino authored May 2, 2018
1 parent b54c438 commit 325584a
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Showing 90 changed files with 508 additions and 339 deletions.
38 changes: 29 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ case "$TARGET" in
eval $(opam config env)
opam install utop ppx_driver odoc menhir ocaml-migrate-parsetree js_of_ocaml-ppx js_of_ocaml-compiler--yes
opam remove jbuilder `opam list --depends-on jbuilder --installed --short` --yes
if opam info dune &> /dev/null; then
opam remove dune `opam list --depends-on dune --installed --short` --yes
cp -a ~/.opam ~/.opam-start
echo -en "travis_fold:end:opam.init\r"
Expand All @@ -63,6 +66,10 @@ case "$TARGET" in
opam pin remove jbuilder --no-action --yes
opam remove jbuilder --yes
if opam pin list -s | grep dune; then
opam pin remove dune --no-action --yes
opam remove dune --yes || true
if [ ! -e ~/.opam/last-update ] || [ $(cat ~/.opam/last-update) != $DATE ] ; then
opam update --yes
Expand All @@ -71,22 +78,35 @@ case "$TARGET" in
opam upgrade --yes
opam list
echo "version: \"1.0+dev$DATE\"" >> jbuilder.opam
opam pin add jbuilder . --no-action --yes
echo "version: \"1.0+dev$DATE\"" >> dune.opam
mkdir -p ../jbuilder
cat > ../jbuilder/jbuilder.opam <<EOF
version: "1.0+dev$DATE"
opam-version: "1.2"
maintainer: ""
authors: ["Jane Street Group, LLC <>"]
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: ""
license: "Apache-2.0"
depends: [ "dune" ]
opam pin add dune . --no-action --yes
opam pin add jbuilder ../jbuilder --no-action --yes
opam install utop ppx_driver odoc ocaml-migrate-parsetree js_of_ocaml-ppx js_of_ocaml-compiler --yes
echo -en "travis_fold:end:opam.deps\r"
echo -en "travis_fold:start:jbuilder.bootstrap\r"
echo -en "travis_fold:start:dune.bootstrap\r"
echo -en "travis_fold:end:jbuilder.bootstrap\r"
echo -en "travis_fold:end:dune.bootstrap\r"
./boot.exe --subst
echo -en "travis_fold:start:jbuilder.boot\r"
echo -en "travis_fold:start:dune.boot\r"
./boot.exe --dev
echo -en "travis_fold:end:jbuilder.boot\r"
echo -en "travis_fold:end:dune.boot\r"
if [ $WITH_OPAM -eq 1 ] ; then
_build/install/default/bin/jbuilder runtest && \
_build/install/default/bin/jbuilder build @test/blackbox-tests/runtest-js && \
! _build/install/default/bin/jbuilder build @test/fail-with-background-jobs-running
_build/install/default/bin/dune runtest && \
_build/install/default/bin/dune build @test/blackbox-tests/runtest-js && \
! _build/install/default/bin/dune build @test/fail-with-background-jobs-running
if [ $UPDATE_OPAM -eq 0 ] ; then
rm -rf ~/.opam
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ promote:
accept-corrections: promote

$(BIN) build --dev @install @runtest --workspace --root .
$(BIN) build --dev @install @runtest --workspace --root .

$(BIN) clean
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions bin/jbuild
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
((name main)
(public_name jbuilder)
(libraries (unix jbuilder cmdliner))
(public_name dune)
(libraries (unix dune cmdliner))
(preprocess no_preprocessing)))

((section bin)
(files ((main.exe as jbuilder)))))
90 changes: 47 additions & 43 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
open Jbuilder
open Dune
open Import
open Cmdliner
open Fiber.O

(* Things in src/ don't depend on cmdliner to speed up the bootstrap, so we set this
reference here *)
(* Things in src/ don't depend on cmdliner to speed up the
bootstrap, so we set this reference here *)
let () = suggest_function := Cmdliner_suggest.value

type common =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let set_common c ~targets =
Clflags.force := c.force;
Clflags.external_lib_deps_hint :=
[ ["jbuilder"; "external-lib-deps"; "--missing"]
[ ["dune"; "external-lib-deps"; "--missing"]
; c.orig_args
; targets
Expand All @@ -70,12 +70,13 @@ let restore_cwd_and_execve common prog argv env =
Unix.execve prog argv env

module Main = struct
include Jbuilder.Main
include Dune.Main

let setup ~log ?external_lib_deps_mode common =
?workspace_file:( ~f:Path.of_string common.workspace_file)
?workspace_file:( common.workspace_file ~f:Path.of_string)
Expand All @@ -85,14 +86,14 @@ module Main = struct

module Log = struct
include Jbuilder.Log
include Dune.Log

let create common =
Log.create ~display:common.config.display ()

module Scheduler = struct
include Jbuilder.Scheduler
include Dune.Scheduler

let go ?log ~common fiber =
let fiber =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,11 +138,14 @@ let find_root () =
let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in
let rec loop counter ~candidates ~to_cwd dir =
let files = Sys.readdir dir |> Array.to_list |> String.Set.of_list in
if String.Set.mem files "jbuild-workspace" then
if String.Set.mem files "dune-workspace" ||
String.Set.mem files "jbuild-workspace" then
cont counter ~candidates:((0, dir, to_cwd) :: candidates) dir ~to_cwd
else if String.Set.exists files ~f:(fun fn ->
String.is_prefix fn ~prefix:"jbuild-workspace") then
String.is_prefix fn ~prefix:"jbuild-workspace") then
cont counter ~candidates:((1, dir, to_cwd) :: candidates) dir ~to_cwd
else if String.Set.mem files Dune_project.filename then
cont counter ~candidates:((2, dir, to_cwd) :: candidates) dir ~to_cwd
cont counter ~candidates dir ~to_cwd
and cont counter ~candidates ~to_cwd dir =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,7 +346,7 @@ let common =
& opt (some (enum Config.Display.all)) None
& info ["display"] ~docs ~docv:"MODE"
~doc:{|Control the display mode of Jbuilder.
~doc:{|Control the display mode of Dune.
See $(b,dune-config\(5\)) for more details.|})
let merge verbose display =
Expand All @@ -358,8 +362,8 @@ let common =
& flag
& info ["no-buffer"] ~docs ~docv:"DIR"
~doc:{|Do not buffer the output of commands executed by jbuilder.
By default jbuilder buffers the output of subcommands, in order
~doc:{|Do not buffer the output of commands executed by dune.
By default dune buffers the output of subcommands, in order
to prevent interleaving when multiple commands are executed
in parallel. However, this can be an issue when debugging
long running tests. With $(b,--no-buffer), commands have direct
Expand All @@ -382,7 +386,7 @@ let common =
& flag
& info ["auto-promote"] ~docs
~doc:"Automatically promote files. This is similar to running
$(b,jbuilder promote) after the build.")
$(b,dune promote) after the build.")
let force =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,7 +560,7 @@ let resolve_package_install setup pkg =
die "Unknown package %s!%s" pkg
(hint pkg
(Package.Name.Map.keys setup.packages
|> ~f:Package.Name.to_string))
|> ~f:Package.Name.to_string))

let target_hint (setup : Main.setup) path =
assert (Path.is_local path);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -593,7 +597,7 @@ let check_path contexts =
fun path ->
let internal path =
die "This path is internal to jbuilder: %s"
die "This path is internal to dune: %s"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path)
if Path.is_in_build_dir path then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -701,7 +705,7 @@ let runtest =
let man =
; `P {|This is a short-hand for calling:|}
; `Pre {| jbuilder build @runtest|}
; `Pre {| dune build @runtest|}
; `Blocks help_secs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,7 +736,7 @@ let clean =
let doc = "Clean the project." in
let man =
; `P {|Removes files added by jbuilder such as _build, <package>.install, and .merlin|}
; `P {|Removes files added by dune such as _build, <package>.install, and .merlin|}
; `Blocks help_secs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -856,7 +860,7 @@ let rules =
let doc = "Dump internal rules." in
let man =
; `P {|Dump Jbuilder internal rules for the given targets.
; `P {|Dump Dune internal rules for the given targets.
If no targets are given, dump all the internal rules.|}
; `P {|By default the output is a list of S-expressions,
one S-expression per rule. Each S-expression is of the form:|}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -996,7 +1000,7 @@ let install_uninstall ~what =
if missing_install_files <> [] then begin
die "The following <package>.install are missing:\n\
You need to run: jbuilder build @install"
You need to run: dune build @install"
(String.concat ~sep:"\n"
( missing_install_files
~f:(fun p -> sprintf "- %s" (Path.to_string p))))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1068,11 +1072,11 @@ let exec =
let man =
; `P {|$(b,jbuilder exec -- COMMAND) should behave in the same way as if you
; `P {|$(b,dune exec -- COMMAND) should behave in the same way as if you
; `Pre " \\$ jbuilder install\n\
; `Pre " \\$ dune install\n\
\ \\$ COMMAND"
; `P {|In particular if you run $(b,jbuilder exec ocaml), you will have
; `P {|In particular if you run $(b,dune exec ocaml), you will have
access to the libraries defined in the workspace using your usual
directives ($(b,#require) for instance)|}
; `P {|When a leading / is present in the command (absolute path), then the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1191,7 +1195,7 @@ let subst =
by the version obtained from the vcs. Currently only git is supported and
the version is obtained from the output of:|}
; `Pre {| \$ git describe --always --dirty|}
; `P {|$(b,jbuilder subst) substitutes the variables that topkg substitutes with
; `P {|$(b,dune subst) substitutes the variables that topkg substitutes with
the defatult configuration:|}
; var "NAME" "the name of the package"
; var "VERSION" "output of $(b,git describe --always --dirty)"
Expand All @@ -1211,9 +1215,9 @@ let subst =
heuristic: if all the $(b,<package>.opam) files in the current directory are
prefixed by the shortest package name, this prefix is used. Otherwise you must
specify a name with the $(b,-n) command line option.|}
; `P {|In order to call $(b,jbuilder subst) when your package is pinned, add this line
; `P {|In order to call $(b,dune subst) when your package is pinned, add this line
to the $(b,build:) field of your opam file:|}
; `Pre {| ["jbuilder" "subst"] {pinned}|}
; `Pre {| [dune "subst"] {pinned}|}
; `Blocks help_secs
Expand All @@ -1234,7 +1238,7 @@ let utop =
let doc = "Load library in utop" in
let man =
; `P {|$(b,jbuilder utop DIR) build and run utop toplevel with libraries defined in DIR|}
; `P {|$(b,dune utop DIR) build and run utop toplevel with libraries defined in DIR|}
; `Blocks help_secs
] in
let go common dir ctx_name args =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1271,12 +1275,12 @@ let promote =
let man =
; `P {|Considering all actions of the form $(b,(diff a b)) that failed
in the last run of jbuilder, $(b,jbuilder promote) does the following:
in the last run of dune, $(b,dune promote) does the following:

If $(b,a) is present in the source tree but $(b,b) isn't, $(b,b) is
copied over to $(b,a) in the source tree. The idea behind this is that
you might use $(b,(diff file.expected file.generated)) and then call
$(b,jbuilder promote) to promote the generated file.
$(b,dune promote) to promote the generated file.
; `Blocks help_secs
] in
Expand All @@ -1294,13 +1298,13 @@ let promote =

module Help = struct
let config =
("dune-config", 5, "", "Jbuilder", "Jbuilder manual"),
("dune-config", 5, "", "Dune", "Dune manual"),
[ `S Manpage.s_synopsis
; `Pre "~/.config/dune/config"
; `S Manpage.s_description
; `P {|Unless $(b,--no-config) or $(b,-p) is passed, Jbuilder will read a
; `P {|Unless $(b,--no-config) or $(b,-p) is passed, Dune will read a
configuration file from the user home directory. This file is used
to control various aspects of the behavior of Jbuilder.|}
to control various aspects of the behavior of Dune.|}
; `P {|The configuration file is normally $(b,~/.config/dune/config) on
Unix systems and $(b,Local Settings/dune/config) in the User home
directory on Windows. However, it is possible to specify an
Expand All @@ -1309,13 +1313,13 @@ module Help = struct
a list of stanzas. The following sections describe the stanzas available.|}
; `P {|Syntax: $(b,\(display MODE\))|}
; `P {|This stanza controls how Jbuilder reports what it is doing to the user.
; `P {|This stanza controls how Dune reports what it is doing to the user.
This parameter can also be set from the command line via $(b,--display MODE).
The following display modes are available:|}
; `Blocks
( ~f:(fun (x, desc) -> `I (sprintf "$(b,%s)" x, desc))
[ "progress",
{|This is the default, Jbuilder shows and update a
{|This is the default, Dune shows and update a
status line as build goals are being completed.|}
; "quiet",
{|Only display errors.|}
Expand All @@ -1325,21 +1329,21 @@ module Help = struct
on the right.|}
; "verbose",
{|Print the full command lines of programs being
executed by Jbuilder, with some colors to help differentiate
executed by Dune, with some colors to help differentiate
; `P {|Note that when the selected display mode is $(b,progress) and the
output is not a terminal then the $(b,quiet) mode is selected
instead. This rule doesn't apply when running Jbuilder inside Emacs.
Jbuilder detects whether it is executed from inside Emacs or not by
instead. This rule doesn't apply when running Dune inside Emacs.
Dune detects whether it is executed from inside Emacs or not by
looking at the environment variable $(b,INSIDE_EMACS) that is set by
Emacs. If you want the same behavior with another editor, you can set
this variable. If your editor already sets another variable,
please open a ticket on the ocaml/dune github project so that we can
add support for it.|}
; `S "JOBS"
; `P {|Syntax: $(b,\(jobs NUMBER\))|}
; `P {|Set the maximum number of jobs Jbuilder might run in parallel.
; `P {|Set the maximum number of jobs Dune might run in parallel.
This can also be set from the command line via $(b,-j NUMBER).|}
; `P {|The default for this value is 4.|}
; common_footer
Expand All @@ -1355,10 +1359,10 @@ module Help = struct

let help =
let doc = "Additional Jbuilder help" in
let doc = "Additional Dune help" in
let man =
; `P {|$(b,jbuilder help TOPIC) provides additional help on the given topic.
; `P {|$(b,dune help TOPIC) provides additional help on the given topic.
The following topics are available:|}
; `Blocks (List.concat_map commands ~f:(fun (s, what) ->
match what with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1413,13 +1417,13 @@ let all =
let default =
let doc = "composable build system for OCaml" in
( Term.(ret (const (fun _ -> `Help (`Pager, None)) $ common))
, "jbuilder" ~doc ~version:"%%VERSION%%"
, "dune" ~doc ~version:"%%VERSION%%"
; `P {|Jbuilder is a build system designed for OCaml projects only. It
; `P {|Dune is a build system designed for OCaml projects only. It
focuses on providing the user with a consistent experience and takes
care of most of the low-level details of OCaml compilation. All you
have to do is provide a description of your project and Jbuilder will
have to do is provide a description of your project and Dune will
do the rest.
; `P {|The scheme it implements is inspired from the one used inside Jane
Expand Down

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