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feature(pkg): Creation of files from .in templates (#8225)
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* Implement substitutions using OPAM API

Signed-off-by: Marek Kubica <>
  • Loading branch information
Leonidas-from-XIV authored Aug 4, 2023
1 parent 9f487f2 commit 3bbd07c
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Showing 8 changed files with 327 additions and 21 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions otherlibs/stdune/src/path.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -268,6 +268,8 @@ val descendant : t -> of_:t -> t option
val is_descendant : t -> of_:t -> bool
val append_local : t -> Local.t -> t
val append_source : t -> Source.t -> t

(** [extend_basename p ~suffix] adds [suffix] at the end of the path *)
val extend_basename : t -> suffix:Filename.t -> t

(** Extract the build context from a path. For instance, representing paths as
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/dune_pkg/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ module Opam_file = Opam_file
module Opam_repo = Opam_repo
module Opam_solver = Opam_solver
module Solver_env = Solver_env
module Substs = Substs
module Sys_poll = Sys_poll
module Version_preference = Version_preference
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_pkg/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
open Stdune

module Variable = struct
type t = OpamVariable.t

let to_dyn v = Dyn.string @@ OpamVariable.to_string v
let compare a b = Ordering.of_int @@ a b
let encode v = Dune_lang.atom_or_quoted_string @@ OpamVariable.to_string v
let of_string = OpamVariable.of_string

module Var = struct
module T = struct
type t =
{ package : Dune_lang.Package_name.t option
; variable : Variable.t

let compare a b =
match a.package b.package with
| Eq -> Ordering.of_int @@ a.variable b.variable
| otherwise -> otherwise

let to_dyn { package; variable } =
(Dyn.option Dune_lang.Package_name.to_dyn)
(package, variable)

include Comparable.Make (T)
include T

module Map = Var.Map

let subst env self ~src ~dst =
let self' = self |> Dune_lang.Package_name.to_string |> OpamPackage.Name.of_string in
let env full_variable =
let variable = OpamVariable.Full.variable full_variable in
let package =
OpamVariable.Full.package ~self:self' full_variable
|> ~f:(fun package ->
package |> OpamPackage.Name.to_string |> Dune_lang.Package_name.of_string)
let key = { Var.T.package; variable } in
match Map.find env key with
| Some _ as v -> v
| None -> Map.find env { Var.T.package = Some self; variable }
let src = OpamFilename.of_string (Path.to_string src) in
let dst = OpamFilename.of_string (Path.Build.to_string dst) in
OpamFilter.expand_interpolations_in_file_full env ~src ~dst
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_pkg/substs.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
open Stdune

module Variable : sig
type t

val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t
val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
val encode : t -> Dune_lang.t
val of_string : string -> t

module Var : sig
type t =
{ package : Dune_lang.Package_name.t option
; variable : Variable.t

val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t

include Comparable_intf.S with type key := t

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t

module Map = Var.Map

val subst
: OpamVariable.variable_contents Map.t
-> Dune_lang.Package_name.t
-> src:Path.t
-> dst:Path.Build.t
-> unit
113 changes: 97 additions & 16 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ open Memo.O
open Dune_pkg

- substitutions
- post dependencies
- build dependencies
- cross compilation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,28 +357,57 @@ end

module Substitute = struct
module Spec = struct
type ('path, 'target) t = 'path * 'target
type ('path, 'target) t =
(* XXX it's not good to serialize the substitution map like this. We're
essentially implementing the same substitution procedure but in two
different places: action geeneration, and action execution.
The two implementations are bound to drift. Better would be to
reconstruct everything that is needed to call our one and only
substitution function. *)
OpamVariable.variable_contents Substs.Map.t
* Dune_lang.Package_name.t
* 'path
* 'target

let name = "substitute"
let version = 1
let bimap (i, o) f g = f i, g o
let bimap (e, s, i, o) f g = e, s, f i, g o
let is_useful_to ~distribute:_ ~memoize = memoize

let encode (i, o) input output : Dune_lang.t =
List [ Dune_lang.atom_or_quoted_string name; input i; output o ]
let encode (e, s, i, o) input output : Dune_lang.t =
let e =
Substs.Map.to_list_map e ~f:(fun { Substs.Var.package; variable } v ->
let k =
let package =
Dune_sexp.Encoder.option Dune_lang.Package_name.encode package
Dune_sexp.List [ package; Substs.Variable.encode variable ]
let v =
Dune_lang.atom_or_quoted_string (OpamVariable.string_of_variable_contents v)
Dune_sexp.List [ k; v ])
let s = Dune_lang.Package_name.encode s in
List [ Dune_lang.atom_or_quoted_string name; List e; s; input i; output o ]

let action _ ~ectx:_ ~eenv:_ = assert false
let action (env, self, src, dst) ~ectx:_ ~eenv:_ =
let open Fiber.O in
let+ () = Fiber.return () in
Substs.subst env ~src self ~dst

let action ~input ~output =
let action ~env ~name ~input ~output =
let module M = struct
type path = Path.t
type target = Path.Build.t

module Spec = Spec

let v = input, output
let v = env, name, input, output
Action.Extension (module M)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,6 +582,54 @@ module Action_expander = struct

let substitute_env (expander : Expander.t) =
let setenv package variable value env =
let var = { Substs.Var.package = Some package; variable } in
Substs.Map.add_exn env var value
let env =
(* values set with withenv *) expander.env ~f:Env_update.string_of_env_values
|> Env.Map.to_list_map ~f:(fun variable value ->
(* TODO why is [package = None]? *)
( { Substs.Var.package = None; variable = Substs.Variable.of_string variable }
, OpamVariable.S value ))
|> Substs.Map.of_list_exn
~f:(fun name (var_conts, paths) env ->
let env =
String.Map.foldi var_conts ~init:env ~f:(fun key value env ->
let key = Substs.Variable.of_string key in
setenv name key value env)
let install_paths = Paths.install_paths paths in
~f:(fun env (var_name, section) ->
let key = Substs.Variable.of_string var_name in
let section =
OpamVariable.S (Path.to_string (Install.Paths.get install_paths section))
setenv name key section env)
[ "lib", Section.Lib
; "lib_root", Lib_root
; "libexec", Libexec
; "libexec_root", Libexec_root
; "bin", Bin
; "sbin", Sbin
; "toplevel", Toplevel
; "share", Share
; "share_root", Share_root
; "etc", Etc
; "doc", Doc
; "stublibs", Stublibs
; "man", Man

let rec expand (action : Action_unexpanded.t) ~(expander : Expander.t) =
let dir = expander.paths.source_dir in
match action with
Expand All @@ -571,7 +647,7 @@ module Action_expander = struct
Action.System arg
| Patch p ->
let* input = Expander.expand_pform_gen ~mode:Single expander p in
let input = input |> Value.to_string ~dir in
let input = Value.to_string ~dir input in
let+ patch =
let path = Global.env () |> Env_path.path in
let program = "patch" in
Expand All @@ -585,14 +661,17 @@ module Action_expander = struct
(* TODO opam has a preprocessing step that we should probably apply *)
Action.Run (patch, Array.Immutable.of_array [| "-p1"; "-i"; input |])
| Substitute (input, output) ->
let* input = Expander.expand_pform_gen ~mode:Single expander input in
let input = input |> Value.to_path ~dir in
let+ output = Expander.expand_pform_gen ~mode:Single expander output in
let output = output |> Value.to_path ~dir |> Path.as_in_build_dir_exn in
Substitute.action ~input ~output
let+ input =
Expander.expand_pform_gen ~mode:Single expander input >>| Value.to_path ~dir
and+ output =
let+ output = Expander.expand_pform_gen ~mode:Single expander output in
Value.to_path ~dir output
|> (* TODO this needs proper error handling *) Path.as_in_build_dir_exn
let env = substitute_env expander in
Substitute.action ~env ~input ~output
| Withenv (updates, action) ->
let* action = expand action ~expander in
let+ _env, updates =
let* env, updates =
~init:(expander.env, [])
Expand All @@ -615,6 +694,8 @@ module Action_expander = struct
env, update :: updates)
let expander = { expander with env } in
let+ action = expand action ~expander in
List.fold_left updates ~init:action ~f:(fun action (k, v) ->
Action.Setenv (k, v, action))
| _ ->
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