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fix(rpc): remove threads
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replace them with evented io based on

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>

<!-- ps-id: 2d55627f-c73c-41a0-8e41-e57482f0edbe -->
  • Loading branch information
rgrinberg committed Apr 19, 2023
1 parent 4c83fce commit 583dd8f
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Showing 14 changed files with 605 additions and 157 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions boot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ let local_libraries =
; ("src/section", Some "Dune_section", false, None)
; ("otherlibs/site/src/private", Some "Dune_site_private", false, None)
; ("src/meta_parser", Some "Dune_meta_parser", false, None)
; ("src/async_io", Some "Async_io", false, None)
; ("src/csexp_rpc", Some "Csexp_rpc", false, None)
; ("src/dune_rpc_server", Some "Dune_rpc_server", false, None)
; ("src/dune_rpc_client", Some "Dune_rpc_client", false, None)
Expand Down
302 changes: 302 additions & 0 deletions src/async_io/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
open Stdune
open Fiber.O

module Fd = struct
type t = Unix.file_descr

let equal = Poly.equal

let hash = Poly.hash

let to_dyn = Dyn.opaque

module type Scheduler = sig
val fill_jobs : Fiber.fill list -> unit

val register_job_started : unit -> unit

val cancel_job_started : unit -> unit

val spawn_thread : (unit -> unit) -> unit

let byte = Bytes.make 1 '0'

module Task_id = Id.Make ()

type t =
{ readers : (Unix.file_descr, packed_task Queue.t) Table.t
; writers : (Unix.file_descr, packed_task Queue.t) Table.t
; mutable to_close : Unix.file_descr list
; pipe_read : Unix.file_descr
; pipe_write : Unix.file_descr
; mutex : Mutex.t
; scheduler : (module Scheduler)
; mutable running : bool
; mutable interrupting : bool
; pipe_buf : Bytes.t

and 'a task =
{ job : unit -> 'a
; ivar : ('a, [ `Cancelled | `Exn of exn ]) result Fiber.Ivar.t
; select : t
; what : [ `Read | `Write ]
; fd : Unix.file_descr
; id : Task_id.t

and packed_task = Task : _ task -> packed_task

let interrupt t =
if not t.interrupting then (
assert (Unix.single_write t.pipe_write byte 0 1 = 1);
t.interrupting <- true)

module Task = struct
type 'a t = 'a task

let await task = task.ivar

let cancel t =
let* () = Fiber.return () in
let+ () =
Fiber.Ivar.peek t.ivar >>= function
| Some _ -> Fiber.return ()
| None ->
let module Scheduler = (val in
let table =
match t.what with
| `Read ->
| `Write ->
let should_interrupt =
match Table.find table t.fd with
| None -> false
| Some q ->
let new_q = Queue.create () in
Queue.iter q ~f:(fun (Task t' as task) ->
if Task_id.equal t'.id then Scheduler.cancel_job_started ()
else Queue.push new_q task);
if Queue.is_empty new_q then (
Table.remove table t.fd;
Queue.is_empty q)
else (
Table.add_exn table t.fd new_q;
Queue.length new_q <> Queue.length q)
if should_interrupt then interrupt;
Fiber.Ivar.fill t.ivar (Error `Cancelled)

let drain_until_ready queue acc =
match Queue.pop queue with
| None -> acc
| Some (Task task) ->
let result = try Ok (task.job ()) with exn -> Error (`Exn exn) in
Fiber.Fill (task.ivar, result) :: acc

let make_fills fds pipe_fd waiters init =
List.fold_left fds ~init:(false, init) ~f:(fun (pipe, acc) fd ->
if Fd.equal fd pipe_fd then (true, acc)
let acc =
match Table.find waiters fd with
| None -> acc
| Some w ->
let acc = drain_until_ready w acc in
if Queue.is_empty w then Table.remove waiters fd;
(pipe, acc))

let rec drain_pipe pipe buf =
(* a single read should be enough, bust just in case *)
match pipe buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> drain_pipe pipe buf
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EAGAIN, _, _) -> ()

let rec drain_cancel q acc =
match Queue.pop q with
| None -> acc
| Some (Task task) ->
drain_cancel q (Fiber.Fill (task.ivar, Error `Cancelled) :: acc)

let maybe_cancel table fd acc =
match Table.find table fd with
| None -> acc
| Some q ->
Table.remove table fd;
drain_cancel q acc

let rec select_loop t =
(match t.to_close with
| [] -> ()
| to_close -> (
let fills =
List.fold_left to_close ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc fd ->
Unix.close fd;
let acc = maybe_cancel t.readers fd acc in
maybe_cancel t.writers fd acc)
t.to_close <- [];
match fills with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ ->
let module Scheduler = (val t.scheduler) in
Scheduler.fill_jobs fills));
match t.running with
| false ->
Unix.close t.pipe_write;
Unix.close t.pipe_read
| true ->
let readers, writers, ex =
let read = t.pipe_read :: Table.keys t.readers in
let write = Table.keys t.writers in
Mutex.unlock t.mutex;
(* At this point, if any [ready] acquires the lock, they need to check if
[read] or [write] contain their fd. If it doesn't, the write
[t.pipe_write] will interrupt this select *) read write [] (-1.0)
assert (ex = []);
(* Before we acquire the lock, it's possible that new tasks were added.
This is fine. *)
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
let seen_pipe, fills = make_fills readers t.pipe_read t.readers [] in
(* we will never see [t.pipe_read] in the next list, but there's no harm in
this *)
let _, fills = make_fills writers t.pipe_read t.writers fills in
if seen_pipe then (
drain_pipe t.pipe_read t.pipe_buf;
t.interrupting <- false);
(match fills with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ ->
let module Scheduler = (val t.scheduler) in
Scheduler.fill_jobs fills);
select_loop t

let t_var = Fiber.Var.create ()

let with_io scheduler f =
let module Scheduler = (val scheduler : Scheduler) in
let t =
let pipe_read, pipe_write = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in
if not Sys.win32 then (
Unix.set_nonblock pipe_read;
Unix.set_nonblock pipe_write);
{ readers = Table.create (module Fd) 64
; writers = Table.create (module Fd) 64
; mutex = Mutex.create ()
; scheduler
; running = true
; pipe_read
; pipe_write
; pipe_buf = Bytes.create 512
; interrupting = false
; to_close = []
(* TODO make [spawn_thread] return a [Thread.t] to join it *)
let () =
Scheduler.spawn_thread (fun () ->
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
~f:(fun () -> select_loop t)
~finally:(fun () -> Mutex.unlock t.mutex))
Fiber.Var.set t_var t (fun () ->
Fiber.finalize f ~finally:(fun () ->
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
t.running <- false;
interrupt t;
Mutex.unlock t.mutex;
Fiber.return ()))

let with_ f =
let+ t = Fiber.Var.get_exn t_var in
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
Exn.protect ~f:(fun () -> f t) ~finally:(fun () -> Mutex.unlock t.mutex)

let cancel_fd scheduler table fd =
match Table.find table fd with
| None -> Fiber.return ()
| Some tasks ->
Table.remove table fd;
let module Scheduler = (val scheduler : Scheduler) in
Queue.to_list tasks
|> Fiber.parallel_iter ~f:(fun (Task t) ->
Scheduler.cancel_job_started ();
Fiber.Ivar.fill t.ivar (Error `Cancelled))

let close fd =
let* t = Fiber.Var.get_exn t_var in
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
(* everything below is guaranteed not to raise so the mutex will be unlocked *)
t.to_close <- fd :: t.to_close;
let+ () =
(fun () -> cancel_fd t.scheduler t.readers fd)
(fun () -> cancel_fd t.scheduler t.writers fd)
interrupt t;
Mutex.unlock t.mutex

let ready fd what ~f:job =
with_ @@ fun t ->
let module Scheduler = (val t.scheduler) in
Scheduler.register_job_started ();
let ivar = Fiber.Ivar.create () in
let q, interrupt_needed =
let table =
match what with
| `Read -> t.readers
| `Write -> t.writers
match Table.find table fd with
| Some q -> (q, false)
| None ->
let q = Queue.create () in
Table.add_exn table fd q;
(q, true)
let task = { ivar; select = t; job; what; id = Task_id.gen (); fd } in
Queue.push q (Task task);
if interrupt_needed then interrupt t;

let rec with_retry f fd =
match f () with
| () -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| exception Unix.Unix_error (EWOULDBLOCK, x, y) when Sys.win32 ->
Fiber.return (Error (`Unix (Unix.EINPROGRESS, x, y)))
| exception Unix.Unix_error ((EAGAIN | EWOULDBLOCK | EINTR), _, _) -> (
let* task = ready fd `Write in
Task.await task >>= function
| Ok () -> with_retry f fd
| Error `Cancelled as e -> Fiber.return e
| Error (`Exn _) -> assert false)
| exception Unix.Unix_error (err, x, y) ->
Fiber.return (Error (`Unix (err, x, y)))

let connect f fd socket =
let* () = Fiber.return () in
with_retry (fun () -> f fd socket) fd >>= function
| Ok () -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| Error (`Unix (Unix.EISCONN, _, _)) when Sys.win32 -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| Error (`Unix (EINPROGRESS, _, _)) -> (
let* task = ready fd `Write ~f:(fun () -> Unix.getsockopt_error fd) in
Task.await task >>| function
| Error _ as e -> e
| Ok None -> Ok ()
| Ok (Some err) -> Error (`Exn (Unix.Unix_error (err, "connect", ""))))
| Error (`Unix (e, x, y)) ->
Fiber.return @@ Error (`Exn (Unix.Unix_error (e, x, y)))
| Error (`Exn _) as e -> Fiber.return e
| Error `Cancelled as e -> Fiber.return e
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/async_io/async_io.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(** Poor man's asynchronous IO on sockets (and pipes on Unix)
Problematic in three ways:
- Needs to run in a separate thread because our scheduler loop does not
allow polling for fd's and custom events. This requires unnecessary
- Uses the rather slow select primitive. There's much better options on
every operation system.
- Relies on the "pipe trick" to be interruptible. This is the best we can do
with select.
TODO one day switch to lev and integrate all of this directly into the
scheduler. to solve all the problems above *)

module type Scheduler = sig
val fill_jobs : Fiber.fill list -> unit

val register_job_started : unit -> unit

val cancel_job_started : unit -> unit

val spawn_thread : (unit -> unit) -> unit

(** [with_io scheduler f] runs [f] with [scheduler]. All operations in this
module must be executed inside [f] *)
val with_io : (module Scheduler) -> (unit -> 'a Fiber.t) -> 'a Fiber.t

(** [close fd] must be used to call any file descriptor which has been watched
at some point. This is needed to get make sure we never close a file
descriptor that is being selected. Any associated operations with [fd] will
be cancelled *)
val close : Unix.file_descr -> unit Fiber.t

module Task : sig
(** A cancellable task *)
type 'a t

(** Cancel a running task *)
val cancel : _ t -> unit Fiber.t

(** Wait for a task to complete *)
val await : 'a t -> ('a, [ `Cancelled | `Exn of exn ]) result Fiber.t

(** [ready fd what ~f] wait until [what] can be done on [fd] in a non-blocking
way and then call [f]. Note that [f] will be called in a different thread,
so it should only be used for atomic or synchronized operations *)
val ready :
Unix.file_descr -> [ `Read | `Write ] -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a Task.t Fiber.t

(** [connect fd sock] will do the equivalent of [Unix.connect fd sock] but
without blocking. As in the other functions, you must call
[Unix.set_nonblock fd] before calling this function.
It's possible to implement this function using the other functions in this
module. But since it's a bit non trivial, the implementation is done here. *)
val connect :
(Unix.file_descr -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit)
-> Unix.file_descr
-> Unix.sockaddr
-> (unit, [ `Cancelled | `Exn of exn ]) result Fiber.t
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/async_io/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name async_io)
(libraries stdune threads.posix unix fiber))

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