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bench: add GC stats to bench (#8063)
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Signed-off-by: Ali Caglayan <>
  • Loading branch information
Alizter authored Jul 8, 2023
1 parent a0364ad commit 615a649
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Showing 7 changed files with 337 additions and 44 deletions.
79 changes: 59 additions & 20 deletions bench/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,32 +90,83 @@ let prepare_workspace () =
Format.eprintf "cloning %s/%s@.";
Package.clone pkg)

let dune_build () =
let dune_build ~name =
let stdin_from = Process.(Io.null In) in
let stdout_to = Process.Io.make_stdout Swallow in
let stderr_to = Process.Io.make_stderr Swallow in
let gc_dump = Temp.create File ~prefix:"gc_stat" ~suffix:name in
let open Fiber.O in
(* Build with timings and gc stats *)
let+ times =
Process.run_with_times dune ~display:Quiet ~stdin_from ~stdout_to ~stderr_to
[ "build"; "@install"; "--release" ]
[ "build"
; "@install"
; "--release"
; "--dump-gc-stats"
; Path.to_string gc_dump
(* Read the gc stats from the dump file *)
Dune_lang.Parser.parse_string ~mode:Single ~fname:(Path.to_string gc_dump)
(Io.read_file gc_dump)
|> Dune_lang.Decoder.parse Dune_util.Gc.decode Univ_map.empty
|> Metrics.make times

let run_bench () =
let open Fiber.O in
let* clean = dune_build () in
let* clean = dune_build ~name:"clean" in
let+ zero =
let open Fiber.O in
let rec zero acc n =
if n = 0 then Fiber.return (List.rev acc)
let* time = dune_build () in
let* time = dune_build ~name:("zero" ^ string_of_int n) in
zero (time :: acc) (pred n)
zero [] 5
(clean, zero)

let display what units clean zero =
{ = what
; metrics =
[ ("[Clean] " ^ what, clean, units); ("[Null] " ^ what, zero, units) ]

let results clean zero size =
(* tagging data for json conversion *)
let tag data = ~f:(fun t -> `Float t) ~g:(fun t -> `Int t) data in
let clean = tag clean in
let zero = zero ~f:tag |> Metrics.unzip
|> ~f:(fun x -> `List x) ~g:(fun x -> `List x)
(* bench results *)
[ display "Build Time" "Seconds" clean.elapsed_time zero.elapsed_time
; { = "Misc"
; metrics = [ ("Size of _boot/dune.exe", `Int size, "Bytes") ]
; display "User CPU Time" "Seconds" clean.user_cpu_time zero.user_cpu_time
; display "System CPU Time" "Seconds" clean.system_cpu_time
; display "Minor Words" "Approx. Words" clean.minor_words zero.minor_words
; display "Major Words" "Approx. Words" clean.major_words zero.major_words
; display "Minor Collections" "Collections" clean.minor_collections
; display "Major Collections" "Collections" clean.major_collections
; display "Heap Words" "Words" clean.heap_words zero.heap_words
; display "Heap Chunks" "Chunks" clean.heap_chunks zero.heap_chunks
; display "Live Words" "Words" clean.live_words zero.live_words
; display "Live Blocks" "Blocks" clean.live_blocks zero.live_blocks
; display "Free Words" "Words" clean.free_words zero.free_words
; display "Free Blocks" "Blocks" clean.free_blocks zero.free_blocks
; display "Largest Free" "Words" clean.largest_free zero.largest_free
; display "Fragments" "Fragments" clean.fragments zero.fragments
; display "Compactions" "Compactions" clean.compactions zero.compactions
; display "Top Heap Words" "Words" clean.top_heap_words zero.top_heap_words
; display "Stack Size" "Words" clean.stack_size zero.stack_size

let () =
Dune_util.Log.init ~file:No_log_file ();
let dir = Temp.create Dir ~prefix:"dune" ~suffix:"bench" in
Expand All @@ -140,24 +191,12 @@ let () =
let* () = prepare_workspace () in
run_bench ())
let zero = zero ~f:(fun t -> `Float t) in
let size =
let stat : Unix.stats = Path.stat_exn dune in
let results =
[ { = "Build times"
; metrics =
[ ("Clean build time", `Float clean, "secs")
; ("Null build time", `List zero, "secs")
; { = "Misc"
; metrics = [ ("Size of _boot/dune.exe", `Int size, "bytes") ]
let version = 2 in
let results = results clean zero size in
let version = 3 in
let output = { Output.config = []; version; results } in
print_string (Json.to_string (Output.to_json output));
flush stdout
Empty file added bench/bench.mli
Empty file.
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions bench/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
(name bench)
(modules bench)
(libraries dune_stats chrome_trace stdune fiber dune_engine dune_util))
(modules bench metrics)

(alias bench)
Expand Down
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions bench/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
open Stdune

type ('float, 'int) t =
{ elapsed_time : 'float
; user_cpu_time : 'float
; system_cpu_time : 'float
; minor_words : 'float
; promoted_words : 'float
; major_words : 'float
; minor_collections : 'int
; major_collections : 'int
; heap_words : 'int
; heap_chunks : 'int
; live_words : 'int
; live_blocks : 'int
; free_words : 'int
; free_blocks : 'int
; largest_free : 'int
; fragments : 'int
; compactions : 'int
; top_heap_words : 'int
; stack_size : 'int

let make (times : Proc.Times.t) (gc : Gc.stat) =
(* We default to 0 for the other processor times since they are rarely None in
pracice. *)
let { Proc.Resource_usage.user_cpu_time; system_cpu_time } =
Option.value times.resource_usage
~default:{ user_cpu_time = 0.; system_cpu_time = 0. }
{ elapsed_time = times.elapsed_time
; user_cpu_time
; system_cpu_time
; minor_words = gc.minor_words
; promoted_words = gc.promoted_words
; major_words = gc.major_words
; minor_collections = gc.minor_collections
; major_collections = gc.major_collections
; heap_words = gc.heap_words
; heap_chunks = gc.heap_chunks
; live_words = gc.live_words
; live_blocks = gc.live_blocks
; free_words = gc.free_words
; free_blocks = gc.free_blocks
; largest_free = gc.largest_free
; fragments = gc.fragments
; compactions = gc.compactions
; top_heap_words = gc.top_heap_words
; stack_size = gc.stack_size

let map ~f ~g (metrics : ('float, 'int) t) : ('float_, 'int_) t =
{ elapsed_time = f metrics.elapsed_time
; user_cpu_time = f metrics.user_cpu_time
; system_cpu_time = f metrics.system_cpu_time
; minor_words = f metrics.minor_words
; promoted_words = f metrics.promoted_words
; major_words = f metrics.major_words
; minor_collections = g metrics.minor_collections
; major_collections = g metrics.major_collections
; heap_words = g metrics.heap_words
; heap_chunks = g metrics.heap_chunks
; live_words = g metrics.live_words
; live_blocks = g metrics.live_blocks
; free_words = g metrics.free_words
; free_blocks = g metrics.free_blocks
; largest_free = g metrics.largest_free
; fragments = g metrics.fragments
; compactions = g metrics.compactions
; top_heap_words = g metrics.top_heap_words
; stack_size = g metrics.stack_size

(** Turns a list of records into a record of lists. *)
let unzip (metrics : ('float, 'int) t list) : ('float list, 'int list) t =
List.fold_left metrics
{ elapsed_time = []
; user_cpu_time = []
; system_cpu_time = []
; minor_words = []
; promoted_words = []
; major_words = []
; minor_collections = []
; major_collections = []
; heap_words = []
; heap_chunks = []
; live_words = []
; live_blocks = []
; free_words = []
; free_blocks = []
; largest_free = []
; fragments = []
; compactions = []
; top_heap_words = []
; stack_size = []
} ~f:(fun acc x ->
{ elapsed_time = x.elapsed_time :: acc.elapsed_time
; user_cpu_time = x.user_cpu_time :: acc.user_cpu_time
; system_cpu_time = x.system_cpu_time :: acc.system_cpu_time
; minor_words = x.minor_words :: acc.minor_words
; promoted_words = x.promoted_words :: acc.promoted_words
; major_words = x.major_words :: acc.major_words
; minor_collections = x.minor_collections :: acc.minor_collections
; major_collections = x.major_collections :: acc.major_collections
; heap_words = x.heap_words :: acc.heap_words
; heap_chunks = x.heap_chunks :: acc.heap_chunks
; live_words = x.live_words :: acc.live_words
; live_blocks = x.live_blocks :: acc.live_blocks
; free_words = x.free_words :: acc.free_words
; free_blocks = x.free_blocks :: acc.free_blocks
; largest_free = x.largest_free :: acc.largest_free
; fragments = x.fragments :: acc.fragments
; compactions = x.compactions :: acc.compactions
; top_heap_words = x.top_heap_words :: acc.top_heap_words
; stack_size = x.stack_size :: acc.stack_size
|> map ~f:List.rev ~g:List.rev
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions bench/metrics.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
open Stdune

(** [('float, 'int) t] is a record of metrics about the current process. It
includes timing information and information available from [Gc.stat]. It is
polymorphic in the type of field values to allow for the definition of
[unzip] functions which make serialisation easier. *)
type ('float, 'int) t =
{ elapsed_time : 'float
(** Real time elapsed since the process started and the process
finished. *)
; user_cpu_time : 'float
(** The amount of CPU time spent in user mode during the process. Other
processes and blocked time are not included. *)
; system_cpu_time : 'float
(** The amount of CPU time spent in kernel mode during the process.
Similar to user time, other processes and time spent blocked by
other processes are not counted. *)
; minor_words : 'float
(** Number of words allocated in the minor heap since the program was
started. *)
; promoted_words : 'float
(** Number of words that have been promoted from the minor to the major
heap since the program was started. *)
; major_words : 'float
(** Number of words allocated in the major heap since the program was
started. *)
; minor_collections : 'int
(** Number of minor collections since the program was started. *)
; major_collections : 'int
(** Number of major collection cycles completed since the program was
started. *)
; heap_words : 'int (** Total size of the major heap, in words. *)
; heap_chunks : 'int
(** Number of contiguous pieces of memory that make up the major heap. *)
; live_words : 'int
(** Number of words of live data in the major heap, including the header
words. *)
; live_blocks : 'int (** Number of live blocks in the major heap. *)
; free_words : 'int (** Number of words in the free list. *)
; free_blocks : 'int (** Number of blocks in the free list. *)
; largest_free : 'int
(** Size (in words) of the largest block in the free list. *)
; fragments : 'int
(** Number of wasted words due to fragmentation. These are 1-words free
blocks placed between two live blocks. They are not available for
allocation. *)
; compactions : 'int
(** Number of heap compactions since the program was started. *)
; top_heap_words : 'int
(** Maximum size reached by the major heap, in words. *)
; stack_size : 'int (** Current size of the stack, in words. *)

(** [make t gc] creates a new metrics record from the given [t] and [gc]
information. *)
val make : Proc.Times.t -> Gc.stat -> (float, int) t

(** [map ~f ~g m] applies [f] to the float fields and [g] to the int fields of
[m]. *)
val map :
f:('float -> 'float_)
-> g:('int -> 'int_)
-> ('float, 'int) t
-> ('float_, 'int_) t

(** [unzip m] takes a list of metrics [m] and returns a records with the lists
of values for each field. This is particularly convenient when serialising
to json. *)
val unzip : ('float, 'int) t list -> ('float list, 'int list) t

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