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Signed-off-by: Stephanie You <>
  • Loading branch information
stephanieyou committed Apr 22, 2020
2 parents 520db50 + 03ef715 commit 774ba6e
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Showing 13 changed files with 108 additions and 54 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ type checked =

let check_path contexts =
let contexts =
( contexts ~f:(fun c -> (, c)))
Dune.Context_name.Map.of_list_map_exn contexts ~f:(fun c ->
(, c))
fun path ->
let internal_path () =
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61 changes: 53 additions & 8 deletions doc/toplevel-integration.rst
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Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,58 @@
Toplevel integration

It's possible to load dune projects in any toplevel. This is achieved in two stages.
OCaml provides a small repl to use the language interactively. We
generally call this tool a toplevel. The compiler distribution comes
with a small repl called simply ``ocaml`` and the community has
developed enhanced versions such as `utop

First, `dune toplevel-init-file` builds the project and produces a list of toplevel pragmas
(#directory and #load). Copying the output of this command to a toplevel lets you
interact with the project's modules.
It's possible to load dune projects in any toplevel. To do that,
simply execute the following in your toplevel:

.. code:: ocaml
# #use_output "dune top";;
``dune top`` is a dune command that builds all the libraries in the
current directory and sub-directories and output the relevant toplevel
directives (``#directory`` and ``#load``) to make the various modules
available in the toplevel.

Additionally, if some of the libraries are ppx rewriters the phrases
you type in the toplevel will be rewritten with these ppx rewriters.

This command is available since Dune 2.5.0.

Note that the ``#use_output`` directivce is only available since OCaml
4.11. You can add the following snippet to your ``~/.ocamlinit`` file
to make it available in older versions of OCaml:

.. code:: ocaml
let try_finally ~always f =
match f () with
| x ->
always ();
| exception e ->
always ();
raise e
let use_output command =
let fn = Filename.temp_file "ocaml" "" in
~always:(fun () -> try Sys.remove fn with Sys_error _ -> ())
(fun () ->
Printf.ksprintf Sys.command "%s > %s" command (Filename.quote fn)
| 0 -> ignore (Toploop.use_file Format.std_formatter fn : bool)
| n -> Format.printf "Command exited with code %d.@." n)
let () =
let name = "use_output" in
if not (Hashtbl.mem Toploop.directive_table name) then
Hashtbl.add Toploop.directive_table name
(Toploop.Directive_string use_output)
Second, to enhance usability, dune also provides a toplevel script, which does the above
manual work for you. To use it, make sure to have `topfind` available in your toplevel by
invoking `#use "topfind";;`. Afterwards you can run `#use "dune";;` and your
modules should be available.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions dune-project
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@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
(lang dune 2.5)
; ^^^
; When changing the version, don't forget to regenerate *.opam files
; by running [dune build].
(name dune)

(generate_opam_files true)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/cache/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ let string_of_version { major; minor } = sprintf "%i.%i" major minor
let find_newest_common_version versions_a versions_b =
let find a b =
let f { major; minor } = (major, minor) in
let a = Int.Map.of_list_exn ( ~f a)
and b = Int.Map.of_list_exn ( ~f b) in
let a = Int.Map.of_list_map_exn ~f a
and b = Int.Map.of_list_map_exn ~f b in
let common =
~f:(fun _major minor_in_a minor_in_b ->
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1989,8 +1989,7 @@ let load_dir ~dir = load_dir_and_produce_its_rules ~dir

let init ~contexts ?caching ~sandboxing_preference =
let contexts = contexts ~f:(fun c -> (, c))
|> Context_name.Map.of_list_exn
Context_name.Map.of_list_map_exn contexts ~f:(fun c -> (, c))
let caching =
let f ({ cache = (module Caching : Cache.Caching); _ } as v) =
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44 changes: 21 additions & 23 deletions src/dune/
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Expand Up @@ -755,29 +755,27 @@ module Create = struct
let workspace = Workspace.workspace () in
let rec contexts : t list Fiber.Once.t Context_name.Map.t Lazy.t =
( workspace.contexts ~f:(fun context ->
let contexts =
Fiber.Once.create (fun () ->
let* host_context =
match Workspace.Context.host_context context with
| None -> Fiber.return None
| Some context -> (
let+ contexts =
Context_name.Map.find_exn (Lazy.force contexts)
|> Fiber.Once.get
match contexts with
| [ x ] -> Some x
| [] -> assert false (* checked by workspace *)
| _ :: _ -> assert false
(* target cannot be host *) )
instantiate_context env workspace ~context ~host_context)
let name = context in
(name, contexts))
|> Context_name.Map.of_list_exn )
(Context_name.Map.of_list_map_exn workspace.contexts ~f:(fun context ->
let contexts =
Fiber.Once.create (fun () ->
let* host_context =
match Workspace.Context.host_context context with
| None -> Fiber.return None
| Some context -> (
let+ contexts =
Context_name.Map.find_exn (Lazy.force contexts) context
|> Fiber.Once.get
match contexts with
| [ x ] -> Some x
| [] -> assert false (* checked by workspace *)
| _ :: _ -> assert false
(* target cannot be host *) )
instantiate_context env workspace ~context ~host_context)
let name = context in
(name, contexts)))
Lazy.force contexts |> Context_name.Map.values
|> Fiber.parallel_map ~f:Fiber.Once.get
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ module Preprocess_map = struct
| Preprocess.Pps { loc; pps; flags; staged } ->
let pps = bisect_ppx :: pps in
Preprocess.Pps { loc; pps; flags; staged }
| _ -> pp (* TODO: decide if this is the correct behavior *) )
| _ -> pp )

module Lint = struct
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/dune/
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Expand Up @@ -35,15 +35,14 @@ let dir t = t.dir
let make_ocaml_config ocaml_config =
let string s = [ Value.String s ] in
Ocaml_config.to_list ocaml_config
|> ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
|> String.Map.of_list_map_exn ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
( k
, match (v : Ocaml_config.Value.t) with
| Bool x -> string (string_of_bool x)
| Int x -> string (string_of_int x)
| String x -> string x
| Words x -> Value.L.strings x
| Prog_and_args x -> Value.L.strings (x.prog :: x.args) ))
|> String.Map.of_list_exn

let set_env t ~var ~value =
{ t with
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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/dune/
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Expand Up @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ end = struct
(Some loc, Install.Entry.make Stublibs a))

let keep_if ~external_lib_deps_mode expander =
let keep_if ~(ctx : Context.t) ~external_lib_deps_mode expander =
if external_lib_deps_mode then
fun ~scope:_ ->
Expand All @@ -155,10 +155,14 @@ end = struct
let dune_version =
Scope.project scope |> Dune_project.dune_version
let pps =
(Dune_file.Buildable.preprocess exes.buildable
Lib.DB.resolve_user_written_deps_for_exes (Scope.libs scope)
exes.names exes.buildable.libraries
~pps:(Dune_file.Preprocess_map.pps exes.buildable.preprocess)
~pps ~dune_version
~variants:exes.variants ~optional:exes.optional
Expand All @@ -175,7 +179,7 @@ end = struct
let ctx = Super_context.context sctx in
let stanzas = Super_context.stanzas sctx in
let external_lib_deps_mode = Super_context.external_lib_deps_mode sctx in
let keep_if = keep_if ~external_lib_deps_mode in
let keep_if = keep_if ~ctx ~external_lib_deps_mode in
let init =
Super_context.packages sctx
|> ~f:(fun (pkg : Package.t) ->
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -439,9 +439,7 @@ module Map = struct
{ vars = String.Map.singleton k (No_info v); macros = String.Map.empty }

let of_list_exn pforms =
{ vars = ~f:(fun (k, x) -> (k, No_info x)) pforms
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
{ vars = String.Map.of_list_map_exn ~f:(fun (k, x) -> (k, No_info x)) pforms
; macros = String.Map.empty

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/dune/
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Expand Up @@ -204,11 +204,11 @@ let to_map x = (x : t :> Dir_rules.t Path.Build.Map.t)
let map t ~f = t ~f:(fun m ->
Id.Map.to_list (m : Dir_rules.Nonempty.t :> Dir_rules.t)
|> ~f:(fun (id, data) ->
|> Id.Map.of_list_map_exn ~f:(fun (id, data) ->
match f data with
| `No_change -> (id, data)
| `Changed data -> (Id.gen (), data))
|> Id.Map.of_list_exn |> Dir_rules.Nonempty.create |> Option.value_exn)
|> Dir_rules.Nonempty.create |> Option.value_exn)

let is_subset t ~of_ =
Path.Build.Map.is_subset (to_map t) ~of_:(to_map of_) ~f:Dir_rules.is_subset
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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -399,10 +399,14 @@ let get_installed_binaries stanzas ~(context : Context.t) =
let compile_info =
let project = Scope.project d.scope in
let dune_version = Dune_project.dune_version project in
let pps =
(Dune_file.Buildable.preprocess exes.buildable
Lib.DB.resolve_user_written_deps_for_exes (Scope.libs d.scope)
exes.names exes.buildable.libraries
~pps:(Dune_file.Preprocess_map.pps exes.buildable.preprocess)
~pps ~dune_version
~variants:exes.variants ~optional:exes.optional
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,9 +443,8 @@ let create ~(context : Context.t) ?host ~projects ~packages ~stanzas
let stanzas_per_dir = stanzas ~f:(fun stanzas ->
Path.Build.Map.of_list_map_exn stanzas ~f:(fun stanzas ->
(stanzas.Dir_with_dune.ctx_dir, stanzas))
|> Path.Build.Map.of_list_exn
let artifacts =
let public_libs = ({ context; public_libs } : Artifacts.Public_libs.t) in
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ let setup_copy_rules_for_impl ~sctx ~dir vimpl =
Modules.iter_no_vlib vlib_modules ~f:(fun m -> copy_objs m)

let impl sctx ~(lib : Dune_file.Library.t) ~scope =
let ctx = Super_context.context sctx in lib.implements ~f:(fun (loc, implements) ->
match Lib.DB.find (Scope.libs scope) implements with
| None ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,9 +109,13 @@ let impl sctx ~(lib : Dune_file.Library.t) ~scope =
let dir = Lib_info.src_dir info in
Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir
let preprocess =
Dune_file.Buildable.preprocess lib.buildable
let modules =
let pp_spec =
Pp_spec.make lib.buildable.preprocess
Pp_spec.make preprocess
(Super_context.context sctx).version
Dir_contents.ocaml dir_contents
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