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fix(rpc): remove threads
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replace them with evented io based on

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>

<!-- ps-id: 2d55627f-c73c-41a0-8e41-e57482f0edbe -->
  • Loading branch information
rgrinberg committed Apr 25, 2023
1 parent 75afcef commit 902838a
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Showing 14 changed files with 620 additions and 157 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions boot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ let local_libraries =
; ("src/section", Some "Dune_section", false, None)
; ("otherlibs/site/src/private", Some "Dune_site_private", false, None)
; ("src/meta_parser", Some "Dune_meta_parser", false, None)
; ("src/async_io", Some "Async_io", false, None)
; ("src/csexp_rpc", Some "Csexp_rpc", false, None)
; ("src/dune_rpc_server", Some "Dune_rpc_server", false, None)
; ("src/dune_rpc_client", Some "Dune_rpc_client", false, None)
Expand Down
303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions src/async_io/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
open Stdune
open Fiber.O

module Fd = struct
type t = Unix.file_descr

let equal = Poly.equal

let hash = Poly.hash

let to_dyn = Dyn.opaque

module type Scheduler = sig
val fill_jobs : Fiber.fill list -> unit

val register_job_started : unit -> unit

val cancel_job_started : unit -> unit

val spawn_thread : (unit -> unit) -> unit

let byte = Bytes.make 1 '0'

module Task_id = Id.Make ()

type t =
{ readers : (Unix.file_descr, packed_task Queue.t) Table.t
; writers : (Unix.file_descr, packed_task Queue.t) Table.t
; mutable to_close : Unix.file_descr list
; pipe_read : Unix.file_descr
; pipe_write : Unix.file_descr
; mutex : Mutex.t
; scheduler : (module Scheduler)
; mutable running : bool
; mutable interrupting : bool
; pipe_buf : Bytes.t

and 'a task =
{ job : unit -> 'a
; ivar : ('a, [ `Cancelled | `Exn of exn ]) result Fiber.Ivar.t
; select : t
; what : [ `Read | `Write ]
; fd : Unix.file_descr
; id : Task_id.t

and packed_task = Task : _ task -> packed_task

let interrupt t =
if not t.interrupting then (
assert (Unix.single_write t.pipe_write byte 0 1 = 1);
t.interrupting <- true)

module Task = struct
type 'a t = 'a task

let await task = task.ivar

let cancel t =
let* () = Fiber.return () in
let+ () =
Fiber.Ivar.peek t.ivar >>= function
| Some _ -> Fiber.return ()
| None ->
let module Scheduler = (val in
let table =
match t.what with
| `Read ->
| `Write ->
let should_interrupt =
match Table.find table t.fd with
| None -> false
| Some q ->
let new_q = Queue.create () in
Queue.iter q ~f:(fun (Task t' as task) ->
if Task_id.equal t'.id then Scheduler.cancel_job_started ()
else Queue.push new_q task);
if Queue.is_empty new_q then (
Table.remove table t.fd;
Queue.is_empty q)
else (
Table.add_exn table t.fd new_q;
Queue.length new_q <> Queue.length q)
if should_interrupt then interrupt;
Fiber.Ivar.fill t.ivar (Error `Cancelled)

let drain_until_ready queue acc =
match Queue.pop queue with
| None -> acc
| Some (Task task) ->
let result = try Ok (task.job ()) with exn -> Error (`Exn exn) in
Fiber.Fill (task.ivar, result) :: acc

let make_fills fds pipe_fd waiters init =
List.fold_left fds ~init:(false, init) ~f:(fun (pipe, acc) fd ->
if Fd.equal fd pipe_fd then (true, acc)
let acc =
match Table.find waiters fd with
| None -> acc
| Some w ->
let acc = drain_until_ready w acc in
if Queue.is_empty w then Table.remove waiters fd;
(pipe, acc))

let rec drain_pipe pipe buf =
(* a single read should be enough, but just in case *)
match pipe buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> drain_pipe pipe buf
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EAGAIN, _, _) -> ()

let rec drain_cancel q acc =
match Queue.pop q with
| None -> acc
| Some (Task task) ->
drain_cancel q (Fiber.Fill (task.ivar, Error `Cancelled) :: acc)

let maybe_cancel table fd acc =
match Table.find table fd with
| None -> acc
| Some q ->
Table.remove table fd;
drain_cancel q acc

let rec select_loop t =
(match t.to_close with
| [] -> ()
| to_close -> (
let fills =
List.fold_left to_close ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc fd ->
Unix.close fd;
let acc = maybe_cancel t.readers fd acc in
maybe_cancel t.writers fd acc)
t.to_close <- [];
match fills with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ ->
let module Scheduler = (val t.scheduler) in
Scheduler.fill_jobs fills));
match t.running with
| false ->
Unix.close t.pipe_write;
Unix.close t.pipe_read
| true ->
let readers, writers, ex =
let read = t.pipe_read :: Table.keys t.readers in
let write = Table.keys t.writers in
Mutex.unlock t.mutex;
(* At this point, if any [ready] acquires the lock, they need to check if
[read] or [write] contain their fd. If it doesn't, the write
[t.pipe_write] will interrupt this select *) read write [] (-1.0)
assert (ex = []);
(* Before we acquire the lock, it's possible that new tasks were added.
This is fine. *)
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
let seen_pipe, fills = make_fills readers t.pipe_read t.readers [] in
(* we will never see [t.pipe_read] in the next list, but there's no harm in
this *)
let _, fills = make_fills writers t.pipe_read t.writers fills in
if seen_pipe then (
drain_pipe t.pipe_read t.pipe_buf;
t.interrupting <- false);
(match fills with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ ->
let module Scheduler = (val t.scheduler) in
Scheduler.fill_jobs fills);
select_loop t

let t_var = Fiber.Var.create ()

let with_io scheduler f =
let module Scheduler = (val scheduler : Scheduler) in
let t =
let pipe_read, pipe_write = Unix.pipe ~cloexec:true () in
if not Sys.win32 then (
Unix.set_nonblock pipe_read;
Unix.set_nonblock pipe_write);
{ readers = Table.create (module Fd) 64
; writers = Table.create (module Fd) 64
; mutex = Mutex.create ()
; scheduler
; running = true
; pipe_read
; pipe_write
; pipe_buf = Bytes.create 512
; interrupting = false
; to_close = []
(* TODO make [spawn_thread] return a [Thread.t] to join it *)
let () =
Scheduler.spawn_thread (fun () ->
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
~f:(fun () -> select_loop t)
~finally:(fun () -> Mutex.unlock t.mutex))
Fiber.Var.set t_var t (fun () ->
Fiber.finalize f ~finally:(fun () ->
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
t.running <- false;
interrupt t;
Mutex.unlock t.mutex;
Fiber.return ()))

let with_ f =
let+ t = Fiber.Var.get_exn t_var in
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
Exn.protect ~f:(fun () -> f t) ~finally:(fun () -> Mutex.unlock t.mutex)

let cancel_fd scheduler table fd =
match Table.find table fd with
| None -> Fiber.return ()
| Some tasks ->
Table.remove table fd;
let module Scheduler = (val scheduler : Scheduler) in
Queue.to_list tasks
|> Fiber.parallel_iter ~f:(fun (Task t) ->
Scheduler.cancel_job_started ();
Fiber.Ivar.fill t.ivar (Error `Cancelled))

let close fd =
let* t = Fiber.Var.get_exn t_var in
Mutex.lock t.mutex;
(* everything below is guaranteed not to raise so the mutex will be unlocked
in the end. There's no need to use [protect] to make sure we don't deadlock *)
t.to_close <- fd :: t.to_close;
let+ () =
(fun () -> cancel_fd t.scheduler t.readers fd)
(fun () -> cancel_fd t.scheduler t.writers fd)
interrupt t;
Mutex.unlock t.mutex

let ready fd what ~f:job =
with_ @@ fun t ->
let module Scheduler = (val t.scheduler) in
Scheduler.register_job_started ();
let ivar = Fiber.Ivar.create () in
let q, interrupt_needed =
let table =
match what with
| `Read -> t.readers
| `Write -> t.writers
match Table.find table fd with
| Some q -> (q, false)
| None ->
let q = Queue.create () in
Table.add_exn table fd q;
(q, true)
let task = { ivar; select = t; job; what; id = Task_id.gen (); fd } in
Queue.push q (Task task);
if interrupt_needed then interrupt t;

let rec with_retry f fd =
match f () with
| () -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| exception Unix.Unix_error (EWOULDBLOCK, x, y) when Sys.win32 ->
Fiber.return (Error (`Unix (Unix.EINPROGRESS, x, y)))
| exception Unix.Unix_error ((EAGAIN | EWOULDBLOCK | EINTR), _, _) -> (
let* task = ready fd `Write in
Task.await task >>= function
| Ok () -> with_retry f fd
| Error `Cancelled as e -> Fiber.return e
| Error (`Exn _) -> assert false)
| exception Unix.Unix_error (err, x, y) ->
Fiber.return (Error (`Unix (err, x, y)))

let connect f fd socket =
let* () = Fiber.return () in
with_retry (fun () -> f fd socket) fd >>= function
| Ok () -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| Error (`Unix (Unix.EISCONN, _, _)) when Sys.win32 -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| Error (`Unix (EINPROGRESS, _, _)) -> (
let* task = ready fd `Write ~f:(fun () -> Unix.getsockopt_error fd) in
Task.await task >>| function
| Error _ as e -> e
| Ok None -> Ok ()
| Ok (Some err) -> Error (`Exn (Unix.Unix_error (err, "connect", ""))))
| Error (`Unix (e, x, y)) ->
Fiber.return @@ Error (`Exn (Unix.Unix_error (e, x, y)))
| Error (`Exn _) as e -> Fiber.return e
| Error `Cancelled as e -> Fiber.return e
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/async_io/async_io.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(** Poor man's asynchronous IO on sockets (and pipes on Unix)
Problematic in three ways:
- Needs to run in a separate thread because our scheduler loop does not
allow polling for fd's and custom events. This requires unnecessary
- Uses the rather slow select primitive. There's much better options on
every operating system.
- Relies on the "pipe trick" to be interruptible. This is the best we can do
with select. *)

(* TODO one day switch to lev and integrate all of this directly into the
scheduler. This should solve all the problems above. *)

module type Scheduler = sig
val fill_jobs : Fiber.fill list -> unit

val register_job_started : unit -> unit

val cancel_job_started : unit -> unit

val spawn_thread : (unit -> unit) -> unit

(** [with_io scheduler f] runs [f] with [scheduler]. All operations in this
module must be executed inside [f]. *)
val with_io : (module Scheduler) -> (unit -> 'a Fiber.t) -> 'a Fiber.t

(** [close fd] must be used to close any file descriptor which has been watched
at some point. This is needed to make sure we never close a file descriptor
that is being selected. Any associated operations with [fd] will be
cancelled. *)
val close : Unix.file_descr -> unit Fiber.t

module Task : sig
(** A cancellable task *)
type 'a t

(** Cancel a running task *)
val cancel : _ t -> unit Fiber.t

(** Wait for a task to complete *)
val await : 'a t -> ('a, [ `Cancelled | `Exn of exn ]) result Fiber.t

(** [ready fd what ~f] wait until [what] can be done on [fd] in a non-blocking
way and then call [f]. Note that [f] will be called in a different thread,
so it should only be used for atomic or synchronized operations. *)
val ready :
Unix.file_descr -> [ `Read | `Write ] -> f:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a Task.t Fiber.t

(** [connect fd sock] will do the equivalent of [Unix.connect fd sock] but
without blocking. As in the other functions, you must call
[Unix.set_nonblock fd] before calling this function.
It's possible to implement this function using the other functions in this
module. But since it's a bit non trivial, the implementation is done here. *)
val connect :
(Unix.file_descr -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit)
-> Unix.file_descr
-> Unix.sockaddr
-> (unit, [ `Cancelled | `Exn of exn ]) result Fiber.t
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/async_io/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name async_io)
(libraries stdune threads.posix unix fiber))

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