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Add Vlib.Unimplemented to maintain unimplemented libs
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Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
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rgrinberg committed Mar 26, 2019
1 parent 9f21d34 commit 92e42d8
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 53 deletions.
114 changes: 61 additions & 53 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ let result_of_resolve_status = function
| St_not_found -> Error Error.Library_not_available.Reason.Not_found
| St_hidden (_, hidden) -> Error (Hidden hidden)

module Virtual_libs : sig
module Vlib : sig
(** Make sure that for every virtual library in the list there is at
most one corresponding implementation.
Expand All @@ -582,7 +582,51 @@ module Virtual_libs : sig
-> orig_stack:Dep_stack.t
-> linking:bool
-> t list Or_exn.t

module Unimplemented : sig
(** set of unimplemented libraries*)
type t

val empty : t

val add : t -> lib -> t Or_exn.t

val fold
: t
-> init:'acc
-> f:(lib -> 'acc -> 'acc Or_exn.t)
-> 'acc Or_exn.t
end = struct
module Unimplemented = struct
type status = Implemented | Not_implemented
type t = status Map.t

let empty = Map.empty

let add t lib =
match lib.implements, with
| None, None -> Ok t
| Some _, Some _ ->
assert false (* can't be virtual and implement *)
| None, Some _ ->
Ok (Map.update t lib ~f:(function
| None -> Some Not_implemented
| Some _ as x -> x))
| Some vlib, None ->
let+ vlib = vlib in
Map.add t vlib Implemented

let fold =
let rec loop ~f ~acc = function
| [] -> Ok acc
| (_, Implemented) :: libs -> loop ~f ~acc libs
| (lib, Not_implemented) :: libs ->
let* acc = f lib acc in
loop ~f ~acc libs
fun t ~init ~f -> loop (Map.to_list t) ~acc:init ~f
module Table = struct
module Partial = struct
type vlib_status =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -671,13 +715,6 @@ end = struct
Ok closure

module Vlib_status = struct
type nonrec t =
| No_implementation
| Implemented_by of t
| Too_many_impl of t list

module Vlib_visit : sig
type t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -737,29 +774,6 @@ let rec find_implementation_for db lib ~variants =
; conflict

(* Update the variant status map according to `lib` which is being added to the
closure. *)
let handle_vlibs lib virtual_status =
match, lib.implements with
| Some _, Some _ -> assert false
| None, None -> Ok virtual_status
| Some _, None ->
(* Virtual library: add it in the map if it doesn't exist yet. *)
Ok (
match Map.find virtual_status lib with
| None -> Map.add virtual_status lib Vlib_status.No_implementation
| Some _ -> virtual_status)
| None, Some implements ->
(* Implementation: find the corresponding virtual library *)
let+ implements = implements in
Map.update virtual_status implements ~f:(fun status ->
Option.some @@
match status with
| Some No_implementation
| None -> Vlib_status.Implemented_by lib
| Some (Implemented_by x) -> Too_many_impl [lib; x]
| Some (Too_many_impl lst) -> Too_many_impl (lib :: lst))

let rec instantiate db name (info : Lib_info.t) ~stack ~hidden =
let id, stack =
Dep_stack.create_and_push stack name info.src_dir
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1096,7 +1110,7 @@ and closure_with_overlap_checks db ts ~stack:orig_stack ~linking ~variants =
~allow_private_deps:true ~loc ~stack:Dep_stack.empty
let visited = ref Map.empty in
let virtual_status = ref Map.empty in
let unimplemented = ref Vlib.Unimplemented.empty in
let res = ref [] in
let rec loop t ~stack =
match Map.find !visited t with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1131,8 +1145,8 @@ and closure_with_overlap_checks db ts ~stack:orig_stack ~linking ~variants =
let* new_stack = Dep_stack.push stack (to_id t) in
let* deps = t.requires in
let* virtual_status' = handle_vlibs t !virtual_status in
virtual_status := virtual_status';
let* unimplemented' = Vlib.Unimplemented.add !unimplemented t in
unimplemented := unimplemented';
let+ () = Result.List.iter deps ~f:(loop ~stack:new_stack) in
res := (t, stack) :: !res
Expand All @@ -1144,24 +1158,18 @@ and closure_with_overlap_checks db ts ~stack:orig_stack ~linking ~variants =
else begin
(* Virtual libraries: find implementations according to variants. *)
let* (lst, with_default_impl) =
Map.foldi !virtual_status ~init:(Ok ([], []))
~f:(fun lib status acc ->
match status with
| Implemented_by _
| Too_many_impl _ -> acc
| No_implementation ->
let* (lst, def) = acc in
let (lib, _) = Map.find_exn !visited lib in
let* impl =
find_implementation_for (Option.value_exn db) lib ~variants in
match impl, lib.default_implementation with
| None, Some _ ->
Ok (lst, (lib :: def))
| None, None ->
Ok (lst, def)
| Some (impl_info : Lib_info.t), _ ->
let* impl = name_to_lib impl_info.loc in
Ok (impl :: lst, def))
|> Vlib.Unimplemented.fold ~init:([], []) ~f:(fun lib (lst, def) ->
let* impl =
find_implementation_for (Option.value_exn db) lib ~variants in
match impl, lib.default_implementation with
| None, Some _ ->
Ok (lst, (lib :: def))
| None, None ->
Ok (lst, def)
| Some (impl_info : Lib_info.t), _ ->
let* impl = name_to_lib impl_info.loc in
Ok (impl :: lst, def))
(* Manage unimplemented libraries that have a default implementation. *)
match lst, with_default_impl with
Expand All @@ -1175,7 +1183,7 @@ and closure_with_overlap_checks db ts ~stack:orig_stack ~linking ~variants =
let* () = handle ts ~stack:orig_stack in
Virtual_libs.associate (List.rev !res) ~linking ~orig_stack
Vlib.associate (List.rev !res) ~linking ~orig_stack

let closure_with_overlap_checks db l ~variants =
closure_with_overlap_checks db l ~stack:Dep_stack.empty ~variants
Expand Down

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