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feature: Allow include in install stanza
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Signed-off-by: Stephen Sherratt <>
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gridbugs authored and rgrinberg committed Oct 12, 2022
1 parent 6256895 commit 94a4a6d
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Coq 8.16.0, Coq itself has some bugs preventing this to work yet. (#6167 ,
workarounds #5767, @ejgallego)

- Allow include statement in install stanza (#6139, fixes #256, @gridbugs)

3.4.1 (26-07-2022)

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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions doc/dune-files.rst
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Expand Up @@ -1415,6 +1415,37 @@ installed in. If the section above is documented as "with the executable bit
set", they are installed with mode ``0o755`` (``rwxr-xr-x``); otherwise they are
installed with mode ``0o644`` (``rw-r--r--``).

Including Files in the Install Stanza

You can include external files from the ``files`` and ``dirs`` fields of the
install stanza:

.. code:: scheme
(files (include foo.sexp))
(section share))
Here the file ``foo.sexp`` must contain a single S-expression list, whose
elements will be included in the list of files or directories to install. That
is, elements may be of the form:

- ``<filename>``
- ``(<filename> as <destination>)``
- ``(include <filename>)``

Included files may be generated by rules. Here is an example of a rule which
generates a file by listing all the files in a subdirectory ``resources``:

.. code:: scheme
(deps (source_tree resources))
(with-stdout-to foo.sexp
(system "echo '(' resources/* ')'"))))
Handling of the .exe Extension on Windows

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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_rules/
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ let get_installed_binaries ~(context : Context.t) stanzas = stanzas ~f:(fun (d : Dune_file.t) ->
let dir = Path.Build.append_source context.build_dir d.dir in
let binaries_from_install files = files ~f:(fun fb ->
let* unexpanded_file_bindings =
Dune_file.Install_conf.File_entry.expand_include_multi files
~expand_str:(expand_str ~dir) ~dir
in unexpanded_file_bindings ~f:(fun fb ->
let+ p =
File_binding.Unexpanded.destination_relative_to_install_path fb
~section:Bin ~expand:(expand_str ~dir)
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97 changes: 90 additions & 7 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -944,10 +944,88 @@ module Plugin = struct

module Install_conf = struct
module File_entry = struct
type t =
| Binding of File_binding.Unexpanded.t
| Include of
{ context : Univ_map.t
; path : String_with_vars.t

let decode =
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
let decode_binding =
let+ binding = File_binding.Unexpanded.decode in
Binding binding
let decode_include =
[ ( "include"
, let+ () = Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (3, 5)
and+ context = get_all
and+ path = String_with_vars.decode in
Include { context; path } )
decode_binding <|> decode_include

let load_included_file path ~context =
let open Memo.O in
let+ contents =
Build_system.read_file ( path) ~f:Io.read_file
let ast =
Dune_lang.Parser.parse_string contents ~mode:Single
~fname:(Path.Build.to_string path)
let parse = Dune_lang.Decoder.parse decode context in
match ast with
| List (_loc, terms) -> terms ~f:parse
| other ->
let loc = Dune_sexp.Ast.loc other in
User_error.raise ~loc [ Pp.textf "Expected list, got:\n%s" contents ]

let expand_include t ~expand_str ~dir =
let rec expand_include t ~seen =
match t with
| Binding binding -> Memo.return [ binding ]
| Include { context; path = path_sw } ->
let open Memo.O in
let* path =
expand_str path_sw
>>| Path.Build.relative
~error_loc:(String_with_vars.loc path_sw)
if Path.Build.Set.mem seen path then
~loc:(String_with_vars.loc path_sw)
[ Pp.textf "Include loop detected via: %s"
(Path.Build.to_string path)
let seen = Path.Build.Set.add seen path in
let* contents = load_included_file path ~context in
Memo.List.concat_map contents ~f:(expand_include ~seen)
expand_include t ~seen:Path.Build.Set.empty

let expand_include_multi ts ~expand_str ~dir =
Memo.List.concat_map ts ~f:(expand_include ~expand_str ~dir)

let expand t ~expand_str ~dir =
let open Memo.O in
let* unexpanded = expand_include t ~expand_str ~dir in unexpanded
~f:(File_binding.Unexpanded.expand ~dir ~f:expand_str)

let expand_multi ts ~expand_str ~dir =
Memo.List.concat_map ts ~f:(expand ~expand_str ~dir)

type t =
{ section : Install.Section_with_site.t
; files : File_binding.Unexpanded.t list
; dirs : File_binding.Unexpanded.t list
; files : File_entry.t list
; dirs : File_entry.t list
; package : Package.t
; enabled_if : Blang.t
Expand All @@ -956,11 +1034,11 @@ module Install_conf = struct
(let+ loc = loc
and+ section = field "section" Install.Section_with_site.decode
and+ files = field_o "files" File_binding.Unexpanded.L.decode
and+ files = field_o "files" (repeat File_entry.decode)
and+ dirs =
field_o "dirs"
(Dune_lang.Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (3, 5)
>>> File_binding.Unexpanded.L.decode)
>>> repeat File_entry.decode)
and+ package = Stanza_common.Pkg.field ~stanza:"install"
and+ enabled_if =
let allowed_vars = Enabled_if.common_vars ~since:(2, 6) in
Expand All @@ -975,6 +1053,10 @@ module Install_conf = struct

{ section; dirs; files; package; enabled_if })

let expand_files t = File_entry.expand_multi t.files

let expand_dirs t = File_entry.expand_multi t.dirs

module Executables = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1134,9 +1216,10 @@ module Executables = struct
let files =
List.map2 t.names public_names ~f:(fun (locn, name) (locp, pub) -> pub ~f:(fun pub ->
~src:(locn, name ^ ext)
~dst:(locp, pub)))
~src:(locn, name ^ ext)
~dst:(locp, pub))))
|> List.filter_opt
{ Install_conf.section = Section Bin
Expand Down
32 changes: 30 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_rules/dune_file.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,13 +204,41 @@ module Plugin : sig

module Install_conf : sig
module File_entry : sig
type t

val expand_include_multi :
t list
-> expand_str:(String_with_vars.t -> string Memo.t)
-> dir:Path.Build.t
-> File_binding.Unexpanded.t list Memo.t

val expand_multi :
t list
-> expand_str:(String_with_vars.t -> string Memo.t)
-> dir:Path.Build.t
-> File_binding.Expanded.t list Memo.t

type t =
{ section : Install.Section_with_site.t
; files : File_binding.Unexpanded.t list
; dirs : File_binding.Unexpanded.t list
; files : File_entry.t list
; dirs : File_entry.t list
; package : Package.t
; enabled_if : Blang.t

val expand_files :
-> expand_str:(String_with_vars.t -> string Memo.t)
-> dir:Path.Build.t
-> File_binding.Expanded.t list Memo.t

val expand_dirs :
-> expand_str:(String_with_vars.t -> string Memo.t)
-> dir:Path.Build.t
-> File_binding.Expanded.t list Memo.t

module Executables : sig
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71 changes: 34 additions & 37 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,44 +63,41 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
{ src; dst }

module L = struct
let decode_file =
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
let decode =
let+ is_atom =
peek_exn >>| function
| Atom _ -> true
| _ -> false
and+ s = String_with_vars.decode
and+ version = Dune_lang.Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax in
if (not is_atom) && version < (1, 6) then
let what =
(if String_with_vars.has_pforms s then "variables"
else "quoted strings")
|> sprintf "Using %s here"
Dune_lang.Syntax.Error.since (String_with_vars.loc s) Stanza.syntax
(1, 6) ~what
else s
peek_exn >>= function
| Atom _ | Quoted_string _ | Template _ ->
decode >>| fun src -> { src; dst = None }
| List (_, [ _; Atom (_, A "as"); _ ]) ->
(let* src = decode in
keyword "as"
>>> let* dst = decode in
return { src; dst = Some dst })
| sexp ->
User_error.raise ~loc:(Dune_lang.Ast.loc sexp)
[ Pp.text
"invalid format, <name> or (<name> as <install-as>) expected"

let decode =
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
let decode =
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
repeat decode_file
let+ is_atom =
peek_exn >>| function
| Atom _ -> true
| _ -> false
and+ s = String_with_vars.decode
and+ version = Dune_lang.Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax in
if (not is_atom) && version < (1, 6) then
let what =
(if String_with_vars.has_pforms s then "variables"
else "quoted strings")
|> sprintf "Using %s here"
Dune_lang.Syntax.Error.since (String_with_vars.loc s) Stanza.syntax
(1, 6) ~what
else s
peek_exn >>= function
| Atom _ | Quoted_string _ | Template _ ->
decode >>| fun src -> { src; dst = None }
| List (_, [ _; Atom (_, A "as"); _ ]) ->
(let* src = decode in
keyword "as"
>>> let* dst = decode in
return { src; dst = Some dst })
| sexp ->
User_error.raise ~loc:(Dune_lang.Ast.loc sexp)
[ Pp.text "Invalid format, <name> or (<name> as <install-as>) expected"

module L = struct
let decode = Dune_lang.Decoder.repeat decode

let strings_with_vars { src; dst } = src :: Option.to_list dst

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_rules/file_binding.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ module Unexpanded : sig

val make : src:Loc.t * string -> dst:Loc.t * string -> t

val decode : t Dune_lang.Decoder.t

val expand :
-> dir:Path.Build.t
Expand Down
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -200,13 +200,17 @@ let define_all_alias ~dir ~project ~js_targets =

let gen_rules sctx dir_contents cctxs expander
{ Dune_file.dir = src_dir; stanzas; project } ~dir:ctx_dir =
let files_to_install
{ Install_conf.section = _; files; package = _; enabled_if = _; dirs } =
let files_to_install install_conf =
let expand_str = Expander.No_deps.expand_str expander in
let files_and_dirs = (files @ dirs) ~f:(fun fb ->
File_binding.Unexpanded.expand_src ~dir:ctx_dir fb
~f:(Expander.No_deps.expand_str expander)
let* files_expanded =
Install_conf.expand_files install_conf ~expand_str ~dir:ctx_dir
let+ dirs_expanded =
Install_conf.expand_dirs install_conf ~expand_str ~dir:ctx_dir
in (files_expanded @ dirs_expanded) ~f:(fun fb ->
File_binding.Expanded.src fb |>
let action =
let open Action_builder.O in
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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions src/dune_rules/
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Expand Up @@ -274,14 +274,13 @@ end = struct
let open Dune_file in
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Install i | Executables { install_conf = Some i; _ } ->
let path_expander =
File_binding.Unexpanded.expand ~dir
~f:(Expander.No_deps.expand_str expander)
let section = i.section in
let expand_str = Expander.No_deps.expand_str expander in
let* files_expanded =
Dune_file.Install_conf.expand_files i ~expand_str ~dir
let* files = i.files ~f:(fun unexpanded ->
let* fb = path_expander unexpanded in files_expanded ~f:(fun fb ->
let loc = File_binding.Expanded.src_loc fb in
let src = File_binding.Expanded.src fb in
let dst = File_binding.Expanded.dst fb in
Expand All @@ -292,9 +291,11 @@ end = struct
Install.Entry.Sourced.create ~loc entry)
let* dirs_expanded =
Dune_file.Install_conf.expand_dirs i ~expand_str ~dir
let+ files_from_dirs = i.dirs ~f:(fun unexpanded ->
let* fb = path_expander unexpanded in dirs_expanded ~f:(fun fb ->
let loc = File_binding.Expanded.src_loc fb in
let src = File_binding.Expanded.src fb in
let dst = File_binding.Expanded.dst fb in
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