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[lang] Preliminary Coq support.
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This commit adds experimental Coq support to Dune. See Dune issue 1446
for more details.

The patch adds a new stanza `(coqlib ...)` enabled by adding
`(using coq 0.1)` to `dune-project`. The stanza looks like:

 (name Ltac2)               ; Determines the `-R` flag
 (synopsis "Ltac 2 Plugin") ;
 (modules core Lib.mod)
 (flags -warn -no-cbv))     ; Flags for `coqc`

The functionality of the mode is basic, but it should suffice to
replace and extend most uses of `coq_makefile`.

The main remaining issue is the definition of on Coq libraries. Local
support for Coq libraries should suffice in the short-term. That is to
say, `(coqlib ....)` will only see libraries in the same scope, and
rely on Coq's default rules for the rest.

However, this doesn't seem straightforward. In particular, we may have
to re-implement `Lib.DB` which is not trivial.

Upcoming commits will add:

- support for depending on ML libraries;
- generation of `(install ...)` rules;

Signed-off-by: Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias <>
  • Loading branch information
ejgallego committed Mar 26, 2019
1 parent 82aa456 commit d0e490a
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Showing 26 changed files with 484 additions and 8 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ unreleased

- Fix glob dependencies on installed directories (#1965, @rgrinberg)

- Experimental Coq support (1466, @ejgallego)

1.8.2 (10/03/2019)

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,11 @@ test:
$(BIN) build @runtest-js

$(BIN) build @runtest-coq

$(BIN) build @runtest @runtest-js
$(BIN) build @runtest @runtest-js @runtest-coq

$(BIN) build @check
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions doc/coq.rst
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.. _coq-main:


Dune is also able to build Coq developments. A Coq project is a mix of
Coq ``.v`` files and (optionally) OCaml libraries linking to the Coq
API (in which case we say the project is a *Coq plugin*). To enable
Coq support in a dune project, the language version should be selected
in the ``dune-project`` file. For example:

.. code:: scheme
(using coq 0.1)
This will enable support for the ``coqlib`` stanza in the current project. If the
language version is absent, dune will automatically add this line with the
latest Coq version to the project file once a ``(coqlib ...)`` stanza is used anywhere.

Basic Usage

The basic form for defining Coq libraries is very similar to the OCaml form:

.. code:: scheme
(name <module_prefix>)
(synopsis <text>)
(modules <ordered_set_lang>)
(flags <coq_flags>))
The stanza will build all `.v` files on the given directory.
The semantics of fields is:
- ``<module_prefix>>`` will be used as the default Coq library prefix
- the ``modules`` field does allow to constraint the set of modules
included in the library, similarly to its OCaml counterpart
- ``<coq_flags>`` will be passed to ``coqc``.

Library Composition and Handling

The ``coqlib`` stanza does not yet support composition of Coq
libraries. In the 0.1 version of the language, libraries are located
using Coq's built-in library management, thus Coq will always resort
to the installed version of a particular library.

This will be fixed in the future.

Recursive modules


.. code:: scheme
(include_subdirs unqualified)
to the ``dune`` file will make Dune to consider all the modules in the
current directory and sub-directories, qualified in the current Coq
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/index.rst
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(* This file is licensed under The MIT License *)
(* (c) MINES ParisTech 2018-2019 *)
(* Written by: Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias *)

open! Stdune

module Name = struct

type t = string

let make x = x
let compare =
let pp = Fmt.text


(* We keep prefix and name separated as the handling of
`From Foo Require Bar.` may benefit from it. *)
type t =
{ source: Path.t
; prefix : string list
; name : string

let make ~source ~prefix ~name =
{ source
; prefix
; name

let source x = x.source
let prefix x = x.prefix
let name x =
let obj_file ~obj_dir ~ext x =
let vo_dir = List.fold_left x.prefix ~init:obj_dir ~f:Path.relative in
Path.relative vo_dir ( ^ ext)
let pp fmt x =
let open Format in
let pp_sep fmt () = pp_print_string fmt "." in
fprintf fmt "{ prefix = %a; name = %s; source = %a }"
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_print_string) x.prefix Path.pp x.source

let parse ~dir ~loc s =
let clist = List.rev @@ String.split s ~on:'.' in
match clist with
| [] -> loc "invalid coq module"
| name :: prefix ->
let prefix = List.rev prefix in
let source = List.fold_left prefix ~init:dir ~f:Path.relative in
let source = Path.relative source (name ^ ".v") in
make ~name ~source ~prefix

module Value = struct
type nonrec t = t
type key = string
let key x = String.concat ~sep:"." (x.prefix @ [])

module Eval = Ordered_set_lang.Make(String)(Value)
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions src/coq_module.mli
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(* This file is licensed under The MIT License *)
(* (c) MINES ParisTech 2018-2019 *)
(* Written by: Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias *)

open! Stdune

module Name : sig

type t

val make : string -> t
val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t

val pp : t Fmt.t


type t

(** A Coq module [] defined in file [a/b/foo.v] *)
val make
: source:Path.t
(** file = .v source file; module name has to be the same so far *)
-> prefix:string list
(** Library-local qualified prefix *)
-> name:Name.t
(** Name of the module *)
-> t

(** Coq does enforce some invariants wrt module vs file names *)

val source : t -> Path.t
val prefix : t -> string list
val name : t -> string
val obj_file : obj_dir:Path.t -> ext:string -> t -> Path.t
val pp : t Fmt.t

(** Parses a form "a.b.c" to a module *)
val parse : dir:Path.t -> loc:Loc.t -> string -> t
module Eval : Ordered_set_lang.S with type value := t
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions src/
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(* This file is licensed under The MIT License *)
(* (c) MINES ParisTech 2018-2019 *)
(* Written by: Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias *)

open! Stdune
open Build.O
module SC = Super_context

let coq_debug = false

type coq_context =
{ coqdep : Action.program
; coqc : Action.program
; coqpp : Action.program

let parse_coqdep ~coq_module (lines : string list) =
if coq_debug then Format.eprintf "Parsing coqdep @\n%!";
let source = Coq_module.source coq_module in
let invalid p =
Errors.die "coqdep returned invalid output for %s / [phase: %s]"
(Path.to_string source) p in
let line =
match lines with
| [] | _ :: _ :: _ :: _ -> invalid "line"
| [line] -> line
| [l1;_l2] ->
(* .vo is produced before .vio, this is fragile tho *)
match String.lsplit2 line ~on:':' with
| None -> invalid "split"
| Some (basename,deps) ->
let ff = List.hd @@ String.extract_blank_separated_words basename in
let depname, _ = Filename.split_extension ff in
let modname =
Coq_module.(String.concat ~sep:"/" (prefix coq_module @ [name coq_module])) in
if coq_debug
then Format.eprintf "depname / modname: %s / %s@\n%!" depname modname;
if depname <> modname then invalid "basename";
let deps = String.extract_blank_separated_words deps in
if coq_debug
then Format.eprintf "deps for %a: %a@\n%!" Path.pp source Fmt.(list text) deps;

let setup_rule ~expander ~dir ~cc ~source_rule ~name ~cflags coq_module =

if coq_debug
then Format.eprintf "gen_rule coq_module: %a@\n%!" Coq_module.pp coq_module;
let obj_dir = dir in
let source = Coq_module.source coq_module in
let stdout_to = Coq_module.obj_file ~obj_dir ~ext:".v.d" coq_module in
let object_to = Coq_module.obj_file ~obj_dir ~ext:".vo" coq_module in

let iflags = Arg_spec.As ["-R"; "."; name] in
let cd_arg = Arg_spec.[ iflags; Dep source ] in

(* coqdep needs the full source to be present :( *)
let coqdep_rule =
source_rule >>> ~dir ~stdout_to cc.coqdep cd_arg

(* Process coqdep and generate rules *)
let deps_of = Build.dyn_paths (
Build.lines_of stdout_to >>^
parse_coqdep ~coq_module >>^ ~f:(Path.relative dir)
) in
let cc_arg = Arg_spec.[
Dep source;
Hidden_targets [object_to] ]
deps_of >>>
Expander.expand_and_eval_set expander cflags ~standard:(Build.return []) >>> ~dir cc.coqc (Dyn (fun flags -> As flags) :: cc_arg)

(* TODO: remove; rgrinberg points out:
- resolve program is actually cached,
- better just to ask for values that we actually use.
let create_ccoq sctx ~dir =
let rr prg =
SC.resolve_program ~dir sctx prg ~loc:None ~hint:"try: opam install coq" in
{ coqdep = rr "coqdep"
; coqc = rr "coqc"
; coqpp = rr "coqpp"

let setup_rules ~sctx ~dir ~dir_contents (s : Dune_file.Coq.t) =

if coq_debug then begin
let scope = SC.find_scope_by_dir sctx dir in
Format.eprintf "[gen_rules] @[dir: %a@\nscope: %a@]@\n%!"
Path.pp dir Path.pp (Scope.root scope)

let cc = create_ccoq sctx ~dir in
let name = snd in
let coq_modules = Dir_contents.coq_modules_of_library dir_contents ~name in

(* coqdep requires all the files to be in the tree to produce correct
dependencies *)
let source_rule = Build.paths ( ~f:Coq_module.source coq_modules) in
let cflags = s.Dune_file.Coq.flags in
let expander = SC.expander sctx ~dir in
let coq_rules =
~f:(setup_rule ~expander ~dir ~cc ~source_rule ~name ~cflags) coq_modules in
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/coq_rules.mli
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(* This file is licensed under The MIT License *)
(* (c) MINES ParisTech 2018-2019 *)
(* Written by: Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias *)

(* Build rules for Coq's .v -> .vo files *)

open! Stdune

val setup_rules
: sctx:Super_context.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> dir_contents:Dir_contents.t
-> Dune_file.Coq.t
-> (unit, Action.t) Build.t list

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