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Remove unnecessary expander wrapping
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Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
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rgrinberg committed Mar 17, 2020
1 parent bdba509 commit d549478
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Showing 5 changed files with 137 additions and 157 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,16 +14,14 @@ module Prog = struct

let create ?hint ~context ~program ~loc () = { hint; context; program; loc }

let user_message { context; program; hint; loc } =
let raise { context; program; hint; loc } =
let hint =
match program with
| "refmt" ->
Some (Option.value ~default:"try: opam install reason" hint)
| _ -> hint
Utils.program_not_found_error ?hint ~loc ~context program

let raise t = raise (User_error.E (user_message t))
Utils.program_not_found ?hint ~loc ~context program

let to_dyn { context; program; hint; loc = _ } =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/dune/action.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ module Prog : sig
-> unit
-> t

val user_message : t -> User_message.t

val raise : t -> _

Expand Down
265 changes: 131 additions & 134 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -218,18 +218,12 @@ let expand_str t sw =
expand t ~mode:Single ~template:sw |> Value.to_string ~dir:( t.dir)

module Or_exn = struct
(* used to wrap exceptions in [add_fail]. To make sure that we don't
accidentally delay any exceptions that we aren't supposed to *)
exception E of exn

let raise e = raise (E e)

let expand t ~mode ~template =
(String_with_vars.expand ~dir:( t.dir) ~mode template
~f:(expand_var_exn t))
with E e -> Error e
with User_error.E _ as e -> Error e

let expand_path t sw =
expand t ~mode:Single ~template:sw
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,136 +337,139 @@ let expand_and_record acc ~map_exe ~dep_kind ~expansion_kind
~(dir : Path.Build.t) ~pform t expansion
~(cc : dir:Path.Build.t -> Value.t list Build.t Foreign.Language.Dict.t) =
let loc = String_with_vars.Var.loc pform in
let relative d s = (Path.Build.relative ~error_loc:loc d s) in
let add_ddep =
match expansion_kind with
| Static -> fun _ -> User_error.raise ~loc [ cannot_be_used_here pform ]
| Dynamic -> Resolved_forms.add_ddep acc expansion
let add_fail =
match expansion_kind with
| Static -> Or_exn.raise
| Dynamic ->
fun e -> Resolved_forms.add_fail acc { fail = (fun () -> raise e) }
let open Build.O in
match (expansion : Pform.Expansion.t) with
| Var
( Project_root | First_dep | Deps | Targets | Target | Named_local
| Values _ )
| Macro ((Ocaml_config | Env | Version), _) ->
assert false
| Var Cc -> add_ddep (cc ~dir).c
| Var Cxx -> add_ddep (cc ~dir).cxx
| Macro (Artifact a, s) ->
let data =
(let+ values =
Build.delayed (fun () ->
match expand_artifact ~dir ~loc t a s with
| Some (Ok v) -> v
| Some (Error msg) -> raise (User_error.E msg)
| None -> User_error.raise ~loc [ cannot_be_used_here pform ])
( values
, List.filter_map values ~f:(function
| Value.Path p -> Some p
| _ -> None) ))
let expansion () =
let relative d s = (Path.Build.relative ~error_loc:loc d s) in
let add_ddep =
match expansion_kind with
| Static -> fun _ -> User_error.raise ~loc [ cannot_be_used_here pform ]
| Dynamic -> Resolved_forms.add_ddep acc expansion
add_ddep data
| Macro (Path_no_dep, s) -> Some [ Value.Dir (relative dir s) ]
| Macro (Exe, s) -> Some (path_exp (map_exe (relative dir s)))
| Macro (Dep, s) -> Some (path_exp (relative dir s))
| Macro (Bin, s) -> (
match resolve_binary ~loc:(Some loc) t ~prog:s with
| Error e -> add_fail (User_error.E (Action.Prog.Not_found.user_message e))
| Ok path -> Some (path_exp path) )
| Macro (Lib { lib_exec; lib_private }, s) -> (
let lib, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in
Resolved_forms.add_lib_dep acc lib dep_kind;
if lib_private then
let open Result.O in
let* lib = Lib.DB.resolve (Scope.libs t.scope) (loc, lib) in
let current_project_name = t.scope
and referenced_project_name = lib |> Lib_info.status |> Lib_info.Status.project_name
Option.equal Dune_project.Name.equal (Some current_project_name)
let open Build.O in
match (expansion : Pform.Expansion.t) with
| Var
( Project_root | First_dep | Deps | Targets | Target | Named_local
| Values _ )
| Macro ((Ocaml_config | Env | Version), _) ->
assert false
| Var Cc -> add_ddep (cc ~dir).c
| Var Cxx -> add_ddep (cc ~dir).cxx
| Macro (Artifact a, s) ->
let data =
(let+ values =
Build.delayed (fun () ->
match expand_artifact ~dir ~loc t a s with
| Some (Ok v) -> v
| Some (Error msg) -> raise (User_error.E msg)
| None -> User_error.raise ~loc [ cannot_be_used_here pform ])
( values
, List.filter_map values ~f:(function
| Value.Path p -> Some p
| _ -> None) ))
add_ddep data
| Macro (Path_no_dep, s) -> Some [ Value.Dir (relative dir s) ]
| Macro (Exe, s) -> Some (path_exp (map_exe (relative dir s)))
| Macro (Dep, s) -> Some (path_exp (relative dir s))
| Macro (Bin, s) -> (
match resolve_binary ~loc:(Some loc) t ~prog:s with
| Error e -> Action.Prog.Not_found.raise e
| Ok path -> Some (path_exp path) )
| Macro (Lib { lib_exec; lib_private }, s) -> (
let lib, file = parse_lib_file ~loc s in
Resolved_forms.add_lib_dep acc lib dep_kind;
if lib_private then
let open Result.O in
let* lib = Lib.DB.resolve (Scope.libs t.scope) (loc, lib) in
let current_project_name = t.scope
and referenced_project_name = lib |> Lib_info.status |> Lib_info.Status.project_name
Option.equal Dune_project.Name.equal (Some current_project_name)
Ok (Path.relative (Lib_info.src_dir ( lib)) file)
(User_error.make ~loc
[ Pp.textf
"The variable \"lib-private\" can only refer to \
libraries within the same project. The current \
project's name is %S, but the reference is to %s."
(Dune_project.Name.to_string_hum current_project_name)
( match referenced_project_name with
| Some name ->
"\"" ^ Dune_project.Name.to_string_hum name ^ "\""
| None -> "an external library" )
Artifacts.Public_libs.file_of_lib t.lib_artifacts ~loc ~lib ~file
| Ok path ->
(* TODO: The [exec = true] case is currently not handled correctly and
does not match the documentation. *)
if (not lib_exec) || (not Sys.win32) || Filename.extension s = ".exe"
Ok (Path.relative (Lib_info.src_dir ( lib)) file)
Some (path_exp path)
(User_error.make ~loc
[ Pp.textf
"The variable \"lib-private\" can only refer to \
libraries within the same project. The current \
project's name is %S, but the reference is to %s."
(Dune_project.Name.to_string_hum current_project_name)
( match referenced_project_name with
| Some name ->
"\"" ^ Dune_project.Name.to_string_hum name ^ "\""
| None -> "an external library" )
Artifacts.Public_libs.file_of_lib t.lib_artifacts ~loc ~lib ~file
| Ok path ->
(* TODO: The [exec = true] case is currently not handled correctly and
does not match the documentation. *)
if (not lib_exec) || (not Sys.win32) || Filename.extension s = ".exe" then
Some (path_exp path)
let path_exe = Path.extend_basename path ~suffix:".exe" in
let dep =
Build.if_file_exists path_exe
(let+ () = Build.path path_exe in
path_exp path_exe)
(let+ () = Build.path path in
path_exp path)
add_ddep dep
| Error e ->
( match lib_private with
| true -> e
| false ->
if Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs t.scope) lib then
(User_error.make ~loc
[ Pp.textf
"The library %S is not public. The variable \"lib\" \
expands to the file's installation path which is not \
defined for private libraries."
(Lib_name.to_string lib)
e ) )
| Macro (Lib_available, s) ->
let lib = Lib_name.parse_string_exn (loc, s) in
Resolved_forms.add_lib_dep acc lib Optional;
Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs t.scope) lib
|> string_of_bool |> str_exp |> Option.some
| Macro (Read, s) ->
let path = relative dir s in
let data =
let+ s = Build.contents path in
[ Value.String s ]
add_ddep data
| Macro (Read_lines, s) ->
let path = relative dir s in
let data = (Build.lines_of path) ~f:Value.L.strings in
add_ddep data
| Macro (Read_strings, s) ->
let path = relative dir s in
let data = (Build.strings path) ~f:Value.L.strings in
add_ddep data
let path_exe = Path.extend_basename path ~suffix:".exe" in
let dep =
Build.if_file_exists path_exe
(let+ () = Build.path path_exe in
path_exp path_exe)
(let+ () = Build.path path in
path_exp path)
add_ddep dep
| Error e ->
( match lib_private with
| true -> e
| false ->
if Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs t.scope) lib then
(User_error.make ~loc
[ Pp.textf
"The library %S is not public. The variable \"lib\" \
expands to the file's installation path which is not \
defined for private libraries."
(Lib_name.to_string lib)
e ) )
| Macro (Lib_available, s) ->
let lib = Lib_name.parse_string_exn (loc, s) in
Resolved_forms.add_lib_dep acc lib Optional;
Lib.DB.available (Scope.libs t.scope) lib
|> string_of_bool |> str_exp |> Option.some
| Macro (Read, s) ->
let path = relative dir s in
let data =
let+ s = Build.contents path in
[ Value.String s ]
add_ddep data
| Macro (Read_lines, s) ->
let path = relative dir s in
let data = (Build.lines_of path) ~f:Value.L.strings in
add_ddep data
| Macro (Read_strings, s) ->
let path = relative dir s in
let data = (Build.strings path) ~f:Value.L.strings in
add_ddep data
match expansion_kind with
| Static -> expansion ()
| Dynamic -> (
try expansion ()
with User_error.E _ as e ->
Resolved_forms.add_fail acc { fail = (fun () -> raise e) } )

let check_multiplicity ~pform ~declaration ~use =
let module Multiplicity = Dune_file.Rule.Targets.Multiplicity in
Expand Down
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ let bash_exn =
[ Pp.textf "I need bash to %s but I couldn't find it :(" needed_to ]

let not_found_error fmt ?loc ?context ?hint x =
User_error.make ?loc
let not_found fmt ?loc ?context ?hint x =
User_error.raise ?loc
( Pp.textf fmt (String.maybe_quoted x)
( match context with
Expand All @@ -41,15 +41,9 @@ let not_found_error fmt ?loc ?context ?hint x =
| None -> []
| Some hint -> [ Pp.text hint ] )

let not_found fmt ?loc ?context ?hint x =
raise (User_error.E (not_found_error fmt ?loc ?context ?hint x))

let program_not_found_error ?context ?hint ~loc prog =
not_found_error "Program %s not found in the tree or in PATH" ?context ?hint
?loc prog

let program_not_found ?context ?hint ~loc prog =
raise (User_error.E (program_not_found_error ?context ?hint ~loc prog))
not_found "Program %s not found in the tree or in PATH" ?context ?hint ?loc

let library_not_found ?context ?hint lib =
not_found "Library %s not found" ?context ?hint lib
Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions src/dune/utils.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,13 +13,6 @@ val bash_exn : needed_to:string -> Path.t
val program_not_found :
?context:Context_name.t -> ?hint:string -> loc:Loc.t option -> string -> _

val program_not_found_error :
-> ?hint:string
-> loc:Loc.t option
-> string
-> User_message.t

(** Raise an error about a library not found *)
val library_not_found : ?context:Context_name.t -> ?hint:string -> string -> _

Expand Down

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