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Remove sexp and pretty printers in favor of to_dyn
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Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
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rgrinberg committed Apr 14, 2019
1 parent ad43c4b commit d9f721e
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Showing 8 changed files with 154 additions and 90 deletions.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,16 @@ module Op = struct
| (Neq | Lt | Lte) , Lt
| (Neq | Gt | Gte) , Gt -> true
| _, _ -> false

let to_dyn =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
| Eq -> string "Eq"
| Gt -> string "Gt"
| Gte -> string "Gte"
| Lte -> string "Lte"
| Lt -> string "Lt"
| Neq -> string "Neq"

type t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,3 +53,23 @@ let rec eval t ~dir ~f =
let x = String_with_vars.expand x ~mode:Many ~dir ~f
and y = String_with_vars.expand y ~mode:Many ~dir ~f in
Op.eval op (Value.L.compare_vals ~dir x y)

include (
type nonrec t = t

let rec to_dyn =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
| Const b -> constr "Const" [bool b]
| Expr e -> constr "Expr" [via_sexp String_with_vars.to_sexp e]
| And t -> constr "And" ( ~f:to_dyn t)
| Or t -> constr "Or" ( ~f:to_dyn t)
| Compare (o, s1, s2) ->
constr "Compare"
[ Op.to_dyn o
; via_sexp String_with_vars.to_sexp s1
; via_sexp String_with_vars.to_sexp s2
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/blang.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,3 +24,5 @@ val eval
-> dir:Path.t
-> f:Value.t list option String_with_vars.expander
-> bool

include Dyn.S with type t := t
163 changes: 82 additions & 81 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ module Name : sig
| Named of string
| Anonymous of Path.t

val pp : t Fmt.t
include Dyn.S with type t := t

val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t

val to_string_hum : t -> string

val decode : t Dune_lang.Decoder.t
val to_sexp : t Sexp.Encoder.t

val to_encoded_string : t -> string
val of_encoded_string : string -> t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,23 +54,19 @@ end = struct

let anonymous_root = Anonymous Path.root

let pp fmt = function
| Named n ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Named %S" n
| Anonymous p ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Anonymous %s" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted p)
include Dyn.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t
let to_dyn =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
| Named n -> constr "Named" [string n]
| Anonymous p -> constr "Anonymous" [Path.to_dyn p]

let to_string_hum = function
| Named s -> s
| Anonymous p -> sprintf "<anonymous %s>" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted p)

let to_sexp = function
| Named s -> Sexp.Encoder.string s
| Anonymous p ->
List [ Atom "anonymous"
; Path.to_sexp p

let validate name =
let len = String.length name in
len > 0 &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,36 +134,40 @@ module Project_file = struct
; project_name : Name.t

let pp fmt { file ; exists; project_name } =
Fmt.record fmt
[ "file", Fmt.const Path.pp file
; "exists", Fmt.const Format.pp_print_bool exists
; "project_name", (fun fmt () -> Name.pp fmt project_name)

let to_sexp { file; exists; project_name } =
let open Sexp.Encoder in
[ "file", Path.to_sexp file
; "exists", bool exists
; "project_name", Name.to_sexp project_name
type nonrec t = t
let to_dyn { file; exists; project_name } =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
[ "file", Path.to_dyn file
; "exists", bool exists
; "project_name", Name.to_dyn project_name

module Source_kind = struct
type t =
| Github of string * string
| Url of string

include Dyn.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t
let to_dyn =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
| Github (user,repo) ->
constr "Github" [string user; string repo]
| Url url ->
constr "Url" [string url]

let pp fmt = function
| Github (user,repo) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "git+" user repo
| Url u -> Format.pp_print_string fmt u

let to_sexp = function
| Github (user,repo) -> Sexp.(List [Atom "github"; Atom user; Atom repo])
| Url url -> Sexp.(List [Atom "url"; Atom url])

let decode =
let open Stanza.Decoder in
Expand All @@ -183,8 +182,6 @@ end

module Opam = struct

let pp_constr fmt _ = Format.fprintf fmt "<constraint>"

let decode_constraint = Blang_decode.decode

module Package = struct
Expand All @@ -208,13 +205,18 @@ module Opam = struct
(repeat decode_constraint) in
{ name; synopsis; description; constraints })

let pp fmt { name; synopsis; constraints; description } =
Fmt.record fmt
[ "name", Fmt.const Package.Name.pp name
; "synopsis", Fmt.const Format.pp_print_string synopsis
; "description", Fmt.const Format.pp_print_string description
; "constraints", Fmt.(const (list pp_constr) constraints)
include (
type nonrec t = t
let to_dyn { name; synopsis; constraints; description } =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
[ "name", Package.Name.to_dyn name
; "synopsis", string synopsis
; "description", string description
; "constraints", list Blang.to_dyn constraints

type t =
Expand All @@ -223,20 +225,16 @@ module Opam = struct
; packages: Package.t list

let pp fmt { tags; constraints; packages } =
Fmt.record fmt
[ "tags", Fmt.(const (list Format.pp_print_string) tags)
; "constraints", Fmt.(const (list pp_constr) constraints)
; "packages", Fmt.(const (list Package.pp) packages)

let to_sexp { tags; constraints = _ ; packages = _ } =
let open Sexp.Encoder in
[ "tags", list string tags
; "constraints", list string ["TODO"]
; "packages", list string ["TODO"]
include Dyn.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t
let to_dyn { tags; constraints ; packages } =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
[ "tags", list string tags
; "constraints", list Blang.to_dyn constraints
; "packages", list Package.to_dyn packages

let decode =
let open Stanza.Decoder in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,32 +290,35 @@ let implicit_transitive_deps t = t.implicit_transitive_deps
let allow_approx_merlin t = t.allow_approx_merlin
let gen_opam_file t = t.gen_opam_file

let pp fmt { name ; root ; version ; source; license; authors
; opam; project_file ; parsing_context = _
; extension_args = _; stanza_parser = _ ; packages
; implicit_transitive_deps ; dune_version
; allow_approx_merlin ; gen_opam_file} =
Fmt.record fmt
[ "name", Fmt.const Name.pp name
; "root", Fmt.const Path.Local.pp root
; "version", Fmt.const (Fmt.optional Format.pp_print_string) version
; "source", Fmt.const (Fmt.optional Source_kind.pp) source
; "license", Fmt.const (Fmt.optional Format.pp_print_string) license
; "authors", Fmt.const (Fmt.list Format.pp_print_string) authors
; "opam", Fmt.const (Fmt.optional Opam.pp) opam
; "project_file", Fmt.const Project_file.pp project_file
; "packages",
(Fmt.ocaml_list (Fmt.tuple Package.Name.pp Package.pp))
(Package.Name.Map.to_list packages)
; "implicit_transitive_deps",
Fmt.const Format.pp_print_bool implicit_transitive_deps
; "dune_version", Fmt.const Syntax.Version.pp dune_version
; "allow_approx_merlin"
, Fmt.const Format.pp_print_bool allow_approx_merlin
; "gen_opam_file"
, Fmt.const Format.pp_print_bool gen_opam_file
include (Dyn.Make(
type nonrec t = t
let to_dyn
{ name ; root ; version ; source; license; authors
; opam; project_file ; parsing_context = _
; extension_args = _; stanza_parser = _ ; packages
; implicit_transitive_deps ; dune_version
; allow_approx_merlin ; gen_opam_file } =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
[ "name", Name.to_dyn name
; "root", via_sexp Path.Local.to_sexp root
; "version", (option string) version
; "source", (option Source_kind.to_dyn) source
; "license", (option string) license
; "authors", (list string) authors
; "opam", (option Opam.to_dyn) opam
; "project_file", Project_file.to_dyn project_file
; "packages",
(list (pair Package.Name.to_dyn Package.to_dyn))
(Package.Name.Map.to_list packages)
; "implicit_transitive_deps",
bool implicit_transitive_deps
; "dune_version", Syntax.Version.to_dyn dune_version
; "allow_approx_merlin", bool allow_approx_merlin
; "gen_opam_file", bool gen_opam_file

let find_extension_args t key =
Univ_map.find t.extension_args key
Expand Down
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions src/dune_project.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ module Name : sig
| Named of string
| Anonymous of Path.t

include Dyn.S with type t := t

val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t

(** Convert to a string that is suitable for human readable messages *)
val to_string_hum : t -> string

val to_sexp : t Sexp.Encoder.t

(** Convert to/from an encoded string that is suitable to use in filenames *)
val to_encoded_string : t -> string
val of_encoded_string : string -> t
Expand All @@ -36,14 +36,15 @@ end

module Project_file : sig
type t
include Dyn.S with type t := t

module Source_kind : sig
type t =
| Github of string * string
| Url of string

val pp : t Fmt.t
include Dyn.S with type t := t

module Opam : sig
Expand All @@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ module Opam : sig
; description: string
; constraints: Blang.t list
include Dyn.S with type t := t

type t = private
Expand All @@ -64,11 +66,15 @@ module Opam : sig

type package_name

include Dyn.S with type t := t

val find : t -> package_name -> Package.t option
end with type package_name := Package.Name.t

type t

include Dyn.S with type t := t

val packages : t -> Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
val version : t -> string option
val name : t -> Name.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,5 +173,3 @@ val set_parsing_context : t -> 'a Dune_lang.Decoder.t -> 'a Dune_lang.Decoder.t
val implicit_transitive_deps : t -> bool

val dune_version : t -> Syntax.Version.t

val pp : t Fmt.t
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/stdune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,3 +126,18 @@ module Encoder = struct

let opaque = String "<opaque>"

type dyn = t

module type S = sig
type t
val to_dyn : t -> dyn
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_sexp : t -> Sexp0.t

module Make (S : sig type t val to_dyn : t -> dyn end) = struct
include S
let pp fmt t = pp fmt (to_dyn t)
let to_sexp t = to_sexp (to_dyn t)
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/stdune/dyn.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,3 +48,14 @@ val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val opaque : t

val to_sexp : t Sexp.Encoder.t

type dyn = t

module type S = sig
type t
val to_dyn : t -> dyn
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_sexp : t -> Sexp0.t

module Make (D : sig type t val to_dyn : t -> dyn end) : S with type t := D.t
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ module Version = struct

let to_sexp t = Sexp.Atom (to_string t)

let to_dyn t =
let open Dyn.Encoder in
pair int int t

let hash = Hashtbl.hash

let encode t = Dune_lang.Encoder.string (to_string t)
Expand Down

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