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dune exec: support pform syntax
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This supports things like `dune exec time %{bin:e}`.

The syntax is consistent with what support in `dune build` and
backwards compatible in cases where no arguments start with `%`.

The resolution mechanism is slightly different for the program and the
rest of the arguments:

- the program is always considered a possible dependency, either in
  pform syntax (`%{bin:e}` or in string syntax (`./path/to/e`,
- arguments are only interpreted as dependencies if they are in pform

Closes #2691

Signed-off-by: Etienne Millon <>
Signed-off-by: Marek Kubica <>
  • Loading branch information
emillon authored and Leonidas-from-XIV committed Aug 24, 2023
1 parent 372eddf commit e4962e2
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Showing 5 changed files with 198 additions and 11 deletions.
97 changes: 88 additions & 9 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,63 @@ let build_prog ~no_rebuild ~prog p =

module Cli_item = struct
type program_name =
| String of string
| Sw of Dune_lang.String_with_vars.t * string

type t =
| Program of program_name
| Argument of string

let parse_program_name s =
match Arg.conv_parser Arg.dep s with
| Ok (File sw) when Dune_lang.String_with_vars.has_pforms sw -> Sw (sw, s)
| _ -> String s

let parse s =
match parse_program_name s with
| Sw _ as n -> Program n
| String s -> Argument s

let pp_program_name pps = function
| String s -> Format.fprintf pps "%s" s
| Sw (_, s) -> Format.fprintf pps "%s" s

let pp pps = function
| Program prog -> pp_program_name pps prog
| Argument s -> Format.fprintf pps "%s" s

let expand_program_name root sctx prog =
let open Memo.O in
let context = Dune_rules.Super_context.context sctx in
match prog with
| Sw (sw, _) ->
let+ path, _ = (Target.expand_path_from_root' root sctx context sw) Eager
(Dune_engine.Context_name.build_dir ( context))
| String s -> Memo.return s

let expand root sctx item =
match item with
| Program p -> expand_program_name root sctx p
| Argument s -> Memo.return s

let program_name_conv = Arg.conv ((fun s -> Ok (parse_program_name s)), pp_program_name)
let conv = Arg.conv ((fun s -> Ok (parse s)), pp)

let not_found ~dir ~prog =
let open Memo.O in
let+ hints =
Expand All @@ -153,8 +210,9 @@ let not_found ~dir ~prog =
User_error.raise ~hints [ Pp.textf "Program %S not found!" prog ]

let get_path_and_build_if_necessary sctx ~no_rebuild ~dir ~prog =
let get_path_and_build_if_necessary root sctx ~no_rebuild ~dir ~prog =
let open Memo.O in
let* prog = Cli_item.expand_program_name root sctx prog in
match Filename.analyze_program_name prog with
| In_path ->
Super_context.resolve_program sctx ~dir ~loc:None prog
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,9 +255,10 @@ module Exec_context = struct
type t =
{ common : Common.t
; config : Dune_config.t
; args : string list
; args : Cli_item.t list
; env : Env.t Fiber.t
; get_path_and_build_if_necessary : (unit -> Path.t Memo.t) Fiber.t
; expand_cli_item : (Cli_item.t -> string Memo.t) Fiber.t

let init ~common ~context ~no_rebuild ~prog ~args =
Expand All @@ -222,29 +281,47 @@ module Exec_context = struct
let open Fiber.O in
let* sctx = sctx in
let+ dir = dir in
fun () -> get_path_and_build_if_necessary sctx ~no_rebuild ~dir ~prog
fun () ->
get_path_and_build_if_necessary (Common.root common) sctx ~no_rebuild ~dir ~prog
{ common; config; env; args; get_path_and_build_if_necessary }
let expand_cli_item =
let open Fiber.O in
let+ sctx = sctx in
fun arg -> Cli_item.expand (Common.root common) sctx arg
{ common; config; env; args; get_path_and_build_if_necessary; expand_cli_item }

let run_once { common; config; env; args; get_path_and_build_if_necessary; _ } =
let run_once
{ common; config; env; args; get_path_and_build_if_necessary; expand_cli_item }
Scheduler.go ~common ~config
@@ fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
let* get_path_and_build_if_necessary = get_path_and_build_if_necessary in
let* env = env in
let+ path = Build_system.run_exn get_path_and_build_if_necessary in
let* expand_cli_item = expand_cli_item in
let* path, args =
Build_system.run_exn (fun () ->
let path = get_path_and_build_if_necessary () in
let args = Memo.parallel_map ~f:expand_cli_item args in
Memo.both path args)
let prog = Path.to_string path in
let argv = prog :: args in
restore_cwd_and_execve common prog argv env

let run_eager_watch { common; config; env; args; get_path_and_build_if_necessary; _ } =
let run_eager_watch
{ common; config; env; args; get_path_and_build_if_necessary; expand_cli_item }
Scheduler.go_with_rpc_server_and_console_status_reporting ~common ~config
@@ fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
let* get_path_and_build_if_necessary = get_path_and_build_if_necessary in
let* env = env in
let* expand_cli_item = expand_cli_item in
let* args = args |> Memo.parallel_map ~f:expand_cli_item |> in
let command_to_exec =
{ Command_to_exec.get_path_and_build_if_necessary =
(fun () ->
Expand All @@ -263,10 +340,12 @@ end
let term =
let+ common = Common.term
and+ context = Common.context_arg ~doc:{|Run the command in this build context.|}
and+ prog = Arg.(required & pos 0 (some string) None ( [] ~docv:"PROG"))
and+ prog =
required & pos 0 (some Cli_item.program_name_conv) None ( [] ~docv:"PROG"))
and+ no_rebuild =
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "no-build" ] ~doc:"don't rebuild target before executing")
and+ args = Arg.(value & pos_right 0 string [] ( [] ~docv:"ARGS")) in
and+ args = Arg.(value & pos_right 0 Cli_item.conv [] ( [] ~docv:"ARGS")) in
(* TODO we should make sure to finalize the current backend before exiting dune.
For watch mode, we should finalize the backend and then restart it in between
runs. *)
Expand Down
26 changes: 24 additions & 2 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,24 @@ let resolve_path path ~(setup : Dune_rules.Main.build_system)
| None -> can't_build path)

let expand_path (root : Workspace_root.t) ~(setup : Dune_rules.Main.build_system) ctx sv =
let expand_path_from_root' (root : Workspace_root.t) sctx ctx sv =
let dir =
(String.concat ~sep:Filename.dir_sep root.to_cwd)
let* expander = Action_builder.of_memo (Dune_rules.Super_context.expander sctx ~dir) in
let expander = Dune_rules.Dir_contents.add_sources_to_expander sctx expander in
let+ s = Dune_rules.Expander.expand_str expander sv in
root.reach_from_root_prefix ^ s

let expand_path_from_root
(root : Workspace_root.t)
~(setup : Dune_rules.Main.build_system)
let sctx = Dune_engine.Context_name.Map.find_exn setup.scontexts ( ctx) in
let dir =
Expand All @@ -175,7 +192,12 @@ let expand_path (root : Workspace_root.t) ~(setup : Dune_rules.Main.build_system
let* expander = Action_builder.of_memo (Dune_rules.Super_context.expander sctx ~dir) in
let expander = Dune_rules.Dir_contents.add_sources_to_expander sctx expander in
let+ s = Dune_rules.Expander.expand_str expander sv in
Path.relative Path.root (root.reach_from_root_prefix ^ s)
root.reach_from_root_prefix ^ s

let expand_path root ~setup ctx sv =
let+ s = expand_path_from_root root ~setup ctx sv in
Path.relative Path.root s

let resolve_alias root ~recursive sv ~(setup : Dune_rules.Main.build_system) =
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions bin/target.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,3 +17,10 @@ val interpret_targets
-> Dune_rules.Main.build_system
-> Arg.Dep.t list
-> unit Dune_engine.Action_builder.t

val expand_path_from_root'
: Workspace_root.t
-> Dune_rules.Super_context.t
-> Dune_rules.Context.t
-> Dune_lang.String_with_vars.t
-> string Dune_engine.Action_builder.t
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions doc/changes/
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- `dune exec`: support syntax like `%{bin:program}`. This can appear anywhere
in the command line, so things like `dune exec time %{bin:program}` now work.
(#6035, fixes #2691, @emillon)
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions test/blackbox-tests/test-cases/exec-bin.t
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@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
$ cat > dune-project << EOF
> (lang dune 1.1)
> (package
> (name e))
$ cat > dune << EOF
> (executable
> (public_name e))

The executable just displays "Hello" and its arguments.

$ cat > << EOF
> let () =
> print_endline "Hello";
> Array.iteri (fun i s ->
> Printf.printf "argv[%d] = %s\n" i s
> ) Sys.argv

By default, e is executed with the program name and arguments in argv.

$ dune exec ./e.exe a b c
argv[0] = _build/default/e.exe
argv[1] = a
argv[2] = b
argv[3] = c

The special form %{bin:public_name} is supported.

$ dune exec %{bin:e} a b c
argv[0] = _build/install/default/bin/e
argv[1] = a
argv[2] = b
argv[3] = c

This wrapper parses its own arguments and executes the rest.

$ cat > << 'EOF'
> #!/bin/bash
> while getopts "xy" o; do
> echo "Got option: $o"
> done
> shift $((OPTIND-1))
> echo Before
> "$@"
> echo After
$ chmod +x

It is possible to put the %{bin:...} pform in arguments rather than first.

$ dune exec -- ./ -x -y %{bin:e} a b c
Got option: x
Got option: y
argv[0] = _build/install/default/bin/e
argv[1] = a
argv[2] = b
argv[3] = c

The first item is still looked up in PATH.

$ dune exec ls %{bin:e}

Pforms can appear several times.

$ dune exec ls %{bin:e} %{bin:e}

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