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Do not use opam-installer to copy files (#941)
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Instead of calling opam-installer, manually parse .install files and copy the files.

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
  • Loading branch information
jeremiedimino authored Jul 3, 2018
1 parent 51c9b20 commit e56fba9
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Showing 11 changed files with 304 additions and 89 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ next

- Add `%{profile}` variable. (#938, @rgrinberg)

- Do not require opam-installer anymore (#941, @diml)

1.0+beta20 (10/04/2018)

Expand Down
85 changes: 59 additions & 26 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1053,16 +1053,6 @@ let rules =
& [] ~docv:"TARGET"))
, "rules" ~doc ~man)

let opam_installer () =
match Bin.which "opam-installer" with
| None ->
die "\
Sorry, you need the opam-installer tool to be able to install or
uninstall packages.
I couldn't find the opam-installer binary :-("
| Some fn -> fn

let get_prefix context ~from_command_line =
match from_command_line with
| Some p -> Fiber.return (Path.of_string p)
Expand All @@ -1073,14 +1063,23 @@ let get_libdir context ~libdir_from_command_line =
| Some p -> Fiber.return (Some (Path.of_string p))
| None -> Context.install_ocaml_libdir context

let print_unix_error f =
f ()
with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
Format.eprintf "@{<error>Error@}: %s@."
(Unix.error_message e)

let set_executable_bits x = x lor 0o111
let clear_executable_bits x = x land (lnot 0o111)

let install_uninstall ~what =
let doc =
sprintf "%s packages using opam-installer." (String.capitalize what)
let name_ = [] ~docv:"PACKAGE" in
let go common prefix_from_command_line libdir_from_command_line pkgs =
set_common common ~targets:[];
let opam_installer = opam_installer () in
let log = Log.create common in
Scheduler.go ~log ~common
(Main.setup ~log common >>= fun setup ->
Expand All @@ -1095,7 +1094,7 @@ let install_uninstall ~what = setup.contexts ~f:(fun ctx ->
let fn = Path.append ctx.Context.build_dir fn in
if Path.exists fn then
Left (ctx, fn)
Left (ctx, (pkg, fn))
Right fn))
|> List.partition_map ~f:(fun x -> x)
Expand All @@ -1121,23 +1120,57 @@ let install_uninstall ~what =
Fiber.parallel_iter install_files_by_context
~f:(fun (context, install_files) ->
let install_files_set = Path.Set.of_list install_files in
get_prefix context ~from_command_line:prefix_from_command_line
>>= fun prefix ->
get_libdir context ~libdir_from_command_line
>>= fun libdir ->
Fiber.parallel_iter install_files ~f:(fun path ->
let purpose = Process.Build_job install_files_set in ~purpose ~env:setup.env Strict opam_installer
([ sprintf "-%c" what.[0]
; Path.to_string path
; "--prefix"
; Path.to_string prefix
] @
match libdir with
| None -> []
| Some p -> [ "--libdir"; Path.to_string p ]
>>| fun libdir ->
List.iter install_files ~f:(fun (package, path) ->
let entries = Install.load_install_file path in
let paths =
let files_deleted_in = ref Path.Set.empty in
List.iter entries ~f:(fun { Install.Entry. src; dst; section } ->
let src = src in
let dst = Option.value dst ~default:(Path.basename src) in
let dst =
Path.relative (Install.Section.Paths.get paths section) dst
let dir = Path.parent_exn dst in
if what = "install" then begin
Printf.eprintf "Installing %s\n%!"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
Path.mkdir_p dir;
Io.copy_file () ~src ~dst
if Install.Section.should_set_executable_bit section then
end else begin
if Path.exists dst then begin
Printf.eprintf "Deleting %s\n%!"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
print_unix_error (fun () -> Path.unlink dst)
files_deleted_in := Path.Set.add !files_deleted_in dir;
Path.Set.to_list !files_deleted_in
(* This [List.rev] is to ensure we process children
directories before their parents *)
|> List.rev
|> List.iter ~f:(fun dir ->
if Path.exists dir then
match Path.readdir_unsorted dir with
| [] ->
Printf.eprintf "Deleting empty directory %s\n%!"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
print_unix_error (fun () -> Path.rmdir dir)
| _ -> ())))))
( Term.(const go
$ common
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ module Promotion = struct
Format.eprintf "Promoting %s to %s.@."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
Io.copy_file ~src ~dst
Io.copy_file ~src ~dst ()

module P = Utils.Persistent(struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -785,11 +785,11 @@ let rec exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
Io.copy_channels ic oc);
Fiber.return ()
| Copy (src, dst) ->
Io.copy_file ~src ~dst;
Io.copy_file ~src ~dst ();
Fiber.return ()
| Symlink (src, dst) ->
if Sys.win32 then
Io.copy_file ~src ~dst
Io.copy_file ~src ~dst ()
else begin
let src =
match Path.parent dst with
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ let rec compile_rule t ?(copy_source=false) pre_rule =
Utils.Cached_digest.file in_source_tree) then begin
if mode = Promote_but_delete_on_clean then
Promoted_to_delete.add in_source_tree;
Io.copy_file ~src:path ~dst:in_source_tree
Io.copy_file ~src:path ~dst:in_source_tree ()
t.hook Rule_completed
Expand Down
173 changes: 138 additions & 35 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,21 @@ module Section = struct
| Man -> "man"
| Misc -> "misc"

let of_string = function
| "lib" -> Some Lib
| "libexec" -> Some Libexec
| "bin" -> Some Bin
| "sbin" -> Some Sbin
| "toplevel" -> Some Toplevel
| "share" -> Some Share
| "share_root" -> Some Share_root
| "etc" -> Some Etc
| "doc" -> Some Doc
| "stublibs" -> Some Stublibs
| "man" -> Some Man
| "misc" -> Some Misc
| _ -> None

let t =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in
Expand All @@ -48,35 +63,65 @@ module Section = struct
; "misc" , Misc

let should_set_executable_bit = function
| Lib -> false
| Libexec -> true
| Bin -> true
| Sbin -> true
| Toplevel -> false
| Share -> false
| Share_root -> false
| Etc -> false
| Doc -> false
| Stublibs -> true
| Man -> false
| Misc -> false

module Paths = struct
let lib = Path.in_source "lib"
let libexec = Path.in_source "lib"
let bin = Path.in_source "bin"
let sbin = Path.in_source "sbin"
let toplevel = Path.in_source "lib/toplevel"
let share = Path.in_source "share"
let share_root = Path.in_source "share_root"
let etc = Path.in_source "etc"
let doc = Path.in_source "doc"
let stublibs = Path.in_source "lib/stublibs"
let man = Path.in_source "man"
type t =
{ lib : Path.t
; libexec : Path.t
; bin : Path.t
; sbin : Path.t
; toplevel : Path.t
; share : Path.t
; share_root : Path.t
; etc : Path.t
; doc : Path.t
; stublibs : Path.t
; man : Path.t

let install_dir t ~(package : Package.Name.t) =
let package = Package.Name.to_string package in
match t with
| Bin -> Paths.bin
| Sbin -> Paths.sbin
| Toplevel -> Paths.toplevel
| Share_root -> Paths.share_root
| Stublibs -> Paths.stublibs
| Man ->
| Lib -> Path.relative Paths.lib package
| Libexec -> Path.relative Paths.libexec package
| Share -> Path.relative Paths.share package
| Etc -> Path.relative Paths.etc package
| Doc -> Path.relative Paths.doc package
| Misc -> invalid_arg "Install.Section.install_dir"
let make ~package ~destdir ?(libdir=Path.relative destdir "lib") () =
let package = Package.Name.to_string package in
{ bin = Path.relative destdir "bin"
; sbin = Path.relative destdir "sbin"
; toplevel = Path.relative libdir "toplevel"
; share_root = Path.relative libdir "share"
; stublibs = Path.relative libdir "lib/stublibs"
; man = Path.relative destdir "man"
; lib = Path.relative libdir package
; libexec = Path.relative libdir package
; share = Path.relative destdir ("share/" ^ package)
; etc = Path.relative destdir ("etc/" ^ package)
; doc = Path.relative destdir ("doc/" ^ package)

let get t section =
match section with
| Lib -> t.lib
| Libexec -> t.libexec
| Bin -> t.bin
| Sbin -> t.sbin
| Toplevel -> t.toplevel
| Share -> t.share
| Share_root -> t.share_root
| Etc -> t.etc
| Doc -> t.doc
| Stublibs -> t.stublibs
| Man ->
| Misc -> invalid_arg "Install.Paths.get"

module Entry = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,8 +157,8 @@ module Entry = struct

let set_src t src = { t with src }

let relative_installed_path t ~package =
let main_dir = Section.install_dir t.section ~package in
let relative_installed_path t ~paths =
let main_dir = Section.Paths.get paths t.section in
let dst =
match t.dst with
| Some x -> x
Expand All @@ -129,15 +174,14 @@ module Entry = struct
Path.relative main_dir dst

let add_install_prefix t ~package ~prefix =
let opam_will_install_in_this_dir =
Section.install_dir t.section ~package
let add_install_prefix t ~paths ~prefix =
let opam_will_install_in_this_dir = Section.Paths.get paths t.section in
let i_want_to_install_the_file_as =
Path.append prefix (relative_installed_path t ~package)
Path.append prefix (relative_installed_path t ~paths)
let dst =
Path.reach i_want_to_install_the_file_as ~from:opam_will_install_in_this_dir
Path.reach i_want_to_install_the_file_as
{ t with dst = Some dst }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,3 +209,62 @@ let gen_install_file entries =
| Some dst -> pr " %S {%S}" src dst);
pr "]");
Buffer.contents buf

let pos_of_opam_value : OpamParserTypes.value -> OpamParserTypes.pos = function
| Bool (pos, _) -> pos
| Int (pos, _) -> pos
| String (pos, _) -> pos
| Relop (pos, _, _, _) -> pos
| Prefix_relop (pos, _, _) -> pos
| Logop (pos, _, _, _) -> pos
| Pfxop (pos, _, _) -> pos
| Ident (pos, _) -> pos
| List (pos, _) -> pos
| Group (pos, _) -> pos
| Option (pos, _, _) -> pos
| Env_binding (pos, _, _, _) -> pos

let load_install_file path =
let open OpamParserTypes in
let file = Opam_file.load path in
let fail (fname, line, col) fmt =
let pos : Lexing.position =
{ pos_fname = fname
; pos_lnum = line
; pos_bol = 0
; pos_cnum = col
in { start = pos; stop = pos } fmt
List.concat_map file.file_contents ~f:(function
| Variable (pos, section, files) -> begin
match Section.of_string section with
| None -> fail pos "Unknown install section"
| Some section -> begin
match files with
| List (_, l) -> l ~f:(function
| String (_, src) ->
{ Entry.
src = Path.of_string src
; dst = None
; section
| Option (_, String (_, src),
[String (_, dst)]) ->
{ Entry.
src = Path.of_string src
; dst = Some dst
; section
| v ->
fail (pos_of_opam_value v)
"Invalid value in .install file")
| v ->
fail (pos_of_opam_value v)
"Invalid value for install section"
| Section (pos, _) ->
fail pos "Sections are not allowed in .install file")

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