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Refactor handling of backend selection errors + add tests
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Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
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Jeremie Dimino authored and jeremiedimino committed Jun 5, 2018
1 parent 84f1f9b commit ec6ca4b
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Showing 13 changed files with 259 additions and 66 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ let of_lexbuf lb =

let exnf t fmt =
Format.pp_open_box err_ppf 0;
Format.pp_print_as err_ppf 7 ""; (* "Error: " *)
kerrf fmt ~f:(fun s -> Exn.Loc_error (t, s))
kerrf (fmt^^ "@]") ~f:(fun s -> Exn.Loc_error (t, s))

let fail t fmt =
Format.pp_print_as err_ppf 7 ""; (* "Error: " *)
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87 changes: 64 additions & 23 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,68 @@ module Driver = struct
include M
include Sub_system.Register_backend(M)

(* Where are we called from? *)
type loc =
| User_file of Loc.t * (Loc.t * Pp.t) list
| Dot_ppx of Path.t * Pp.t list

let make_error loc msg =
match loc with
| User_file (loc, _) -> Error (Loc.exnf loc "%a" Fmt.text msg)
| Dot_ppx (path, pps) ->
Error (Loc.exnf (Loc.in_file (Path.to_string path)) "%a" Fmt.text
"Failed to create on-demand ppx rewriter for %s; %s"
(String.enumerate_and ( pps ~f:Pp.to_string))
(String.uncapitalize msg)))

let select libs ~loc =
match select_replaceable_backend libs ~replaces with
| Ok _ as x -> x
| Error No_backend_found ->
let msg =
match libs with
| [] ->
"You must specify at least one ppx rewriter."
| _ ->
List.filter_map libs ~f:(fun lib ->
match lib with
| "ocaml-migrate-parsetree" | "ppxlib" | "ppx_driver" as s ->
Some s
| _ -> None)
| [] ->
let pps =
match loc with
| User_file (_, pps) -> pps ~f:snd
| Dot_ppx (_, pps) -> pps
"No ppx driver were found. It seems that %s %s not \
compatible with Dune. Examples of ppx rewriters that \
are compatible with Dune are ones using \
ocaml-migrate-parsetree, ppxlib or ppx_driver."
(String.enumerate_and ( pps ~f:Pp.to_string))
(match pps with
| [_] -> "is"
| _ -> "are")
| names ->
"No ppx driver were found.\n\
Hint: Try upgrading or reinstalling %s."
(String.enumerate_and names)
make_error loc msg
| Error (Too_many_backends ts) ->
make_error loc
"Too many incompatible ppx drivers were found: %s."
(String.enumerate_and ( ts ~f:(fun t -> (lib t)))))
| Error (Other exn) ->
Error exn

module Jbuild_driver = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,24 +246,6 @@ let ppx_exe sctx ~key ~dir_kind =
| Jbuild ->
Path.relative (SC.build_dir sctx) (".ppx/jbuild/" ^ key ^ "/ppx.exe")

let no_driver_error pps =
let has name =
List.exists pps ~f:(fun lib -> lib = name)
List.find ["ocaml-migrate-parsetree"; "ppxlib"; "ppx_driver"] ~f:has
| Some name ->
"No ppx driver found.\n\
Hint: Try upgrading or reinstalling %S." name
| None ->
"No ppx driver found.\n\
It seems that these ppx rewriters are not compatible with Dune.\n\
Hint: Examples of ppx rewriters that are compatible with Dune are\n\
ones using ocaml-migrate-parsetree, ppxlib or ppx_driver."

let build_ppx_driver sctx ~lib_db ~dep_kind ~target ~dir_kind pps =
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
let mode = Context.best_mode ctx in
Expand All @@ -226,9 +270,7 @@ let build_ppx_driver sctx ~lib_db ~dep_kind ~target ~dir_kind pps =
>>= fun resolved_pps ->
match jbuild_driver with
| None ->
Driver.select_replaceable_backend resolved_pps ~loc:Loc.none
~no_backend_error:no_driver_error resolved_pps ~loc:(Dot_ppx (target, pps))
>>| fun driver ->
(driver, resolved_pps)
| Some driver ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,8 +381,7 @@ let get_ppx_driver sctx ~loc ~scope ~dir_kind pps =
>>= fun libs ->
Lib.closure libs
Driver.select_replaceable_backend ~loc ~replaces:Driver.replaces
~no_backend_error:no_driver_error ~loc:(User_file (loc, pps))
>>= fun driver ->
Ok (ppx_driver_exe sctx libs ~dir_kind, driver)
| Jbuild ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/stdune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ let failwith fmt = kstrf failwith fmt
let list = Format.pp_print_list
let string s ppf = Format.pp_print_string ppf s

let text = Format.pp_print_text

let nl = Format.pp_print_newline

let prefix f g ppf x = f ppf; g ppf x
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/stdune/fmt.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ val failwith : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a

val string : string -> Format.formatter -> unit

val text : string t

val prefix
: (Format.formatter -> unit)
-> (Format.formatter -> 'b -> 'c)
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/stdune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,3 +201,16 @@ let maybe_quoted s =

module Set = Set.Make(T)
module Map = Map.Make(T)

let enumerate_gen s =
let s = " " ^ s ^ " " in
let rec loop = function
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [x]
| [x; y] -> [x; s; y]
| x :: l -> x :: ", " :: loop l
fun l -> concat (loop l) ~sep:""

let enumerate_and = enumerate_gen "and"
let enumerate_or = enumerate_gen "or"
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/stdune/string.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,5 +45,11 @@ val for_all : t -> f:(char -> bool) -> bool
lexing conventions and [sprintf "%S" s] otherwise. *)
val maybe_quoted : t -> t

(** Produces: "x, y and z" *)
val enumerate_and : string list -> string

(** Produces: "x, y or z" *)
val enumerate_or : string list -> string

module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
84 changes: 49 additions & 35 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,39 +43,54 @@ module Register_backend(M : Backend) = struct
(M.desc ~plural:false))
| Some t -> Ok t

let written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan ~no_backend_error =
module Selection_error = struct
type t =
| Too_many_backends of M.t list
| No_backend_found
| Other of exn

let to_exn t ~loc =
match t with
| Too_many_backends backends ->
Loc.exnf loc
"Too many independant %s found:\n%s"
(M.desc ~plural:true)
(String.concat ~sep:"\n"
( backends ~f:(fun t ->
let lib = M.lib t in
sprintf "- %S in %s"
( lib)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted (Lib.src_dir lib)))))
| No_backend_found ->
Loc.exnf loc "No %s found." (M.desc ~plural:false)
| Other exn ->

let or_exn res ~loc =
match res with
| Ok _ as x -> x
| Error t -> Error (to_exn t ~loc)

let wrap = function
| Ok _ as x -> x
| Error exn -> Error (Other exn)
open Selection_error

let written_by_user_or_scan ~written_by_user ~to_scan =
match written_by_user with
| Some l -> l
| None -> List.filter_map to_scan ~f:get
| [] -> begin
match no_backend_error with
| Some f ->
Error (Loc.exnf loc "%s" (f to_scan))
| None ->
(Loc.exnf loc "No %s found." (M.desc ~plural:false))
| [] -> Error No_backend_found
| l -> Ok l

let too_many_backends ~loc backends =
Loc.exnf loc
"Too many independant %s found:\n%s"
(M.desc ~plural:true)
(String.concat ~sep:"\n"
( backends ~f:(fun t ->
let lib = M.lib t in
sprintf "- %S in %s"
( lib)
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted (Lib.src_dir lib)))))

let select_extensible_backends ~loc ?written_by_user ~extends to_scan =
let select_extensible_backends ?written_by_user ~extends to_scan =
let open Result.O in
written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan
written_by_user_or_scan ~written_by_user ~to_scan
>>= fun backends ->
top_closure backends ~deps:extends
wrap (top_closure backends ~deps:extends)
>>= fun backends ->
let roots =
let all = Set.of_list backends in
Expand All @@ -86,21 +101,20 @@ module Register_backend(M : Backend) = struct
if List.length roots = 1 then
Ok backends
Error (too_many_backends ~loc roots)
Error (Too_many_backends roots)

let select_replaceable_backend ~loc ?written_by_user ~replaces
?no_backend_error to_scan =
let select_replaceable_backend ?written_by_user ~replaces to_scan =
let open Result.O in
written_by_user_or_scan ~loc ~written_by_user ~to_scan ~no_backend_error
written_by_user_or_scan ~written_by_user ~to_scan
>>= fun backends ->
Result.concat_map backends ~f:replaces
wrap (Result.concat_map backends ~f:replaces)
>>= fun replaced_backends ->
Set.diff (Set.of_list backends) (Set.of_list replaced_backends)
|> Set.to_list
| [b] -> Ok b
| l -> Error (too_many_backends ~loc l)
| l -> Error (Too_many_backends l)

type Lib.Sub_system.t +=
Expand All @@ -120,11 +134,11 @@ module Register_end_point(M : End_point) = struct
Result.all ( l ~f:(M.Backend.resolve (Scope.libs c.scope)))
>>| Option.some)
>>= fun written_by_user ->
~loc:(M.Info.loc info)
(deps @ pps)
M.Backend.Selection_error.or_exn ~loc:(M.Info.loc info)
(deps @ pps))
let fail, backends =
match backends with
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21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,16 @@ module type Registered_backend = sig
(** Resolve a backend name *)
val resolve : Lib.DB.t -> Loc.t * string -> t Or_exn.t

module Selection_error : sig
type nonrec t =
| Too_many_backends of t list
| No_backend_found
| Other of exn

val to_exn : t -> loc:Loc.t -> exn
val or_exn : ('a, t) result -> loc:Loc.t -> 'a Or_exn.t

(** Choose a backend by either using the ones written by the user or
by scanning the dependencies.
Expand All @@ -53,23 +63,20 @@ module type Registered_backend = sig
independant, i.e. none of them is in the transitive closure of
the other one. *)
val select_extensible_backends
: loc:Loc.t
-> ?written_by_user:t list
: ?written_by_user:t list
-> extends:(t -> t list Or_exn.t)
-> Lib.t list
-> t list Or_exn.t
-> (t list, Selection_error.t) result

(** Choose a backend by either using the ones written by the user or
by scanning the dependencies.
A backend can replace other backends *)
val select_replaceable_backend
: loc:Loc.t
-> ?written_by_user:t list
: ?written_by_user:t list
-> replaces:(t -> t list Or_exn.t)
-> ?no_backend_error:(Lib.t list -> string)
-> Lib.t list
-> t Or_exn.t
-> (t, Selection_error.t) result

(* This is probably what we'll give to plugins *)
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test/blackbox-tests/
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Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,15 @@
(progn (run ${exe:cram.exe} -test run.t) (diff? run.t run.t.corrected))))))

((name dune-ppx-driver-system)
((package dune) (files_recursively_in test-cases/dune-ppx-driver-system)))
(progn (run ${exe:cram.exe} -test run.t) (diff? run.t run.t.corrected))))))

((name env)
(deps ((package dune) (files_recursively_in test-cases/env)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,6 +546,7 @@
(alias cross-compilation)
(alias custom-build-dir)
(alias depend-on-the-universe)
(alias dune-ppx-driver-system)
(alias env)
(alias exclude-missing-module)
(alias exec-cmd)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -600,6 +610,7 @@
(alias cross-compilation)
(alias custom-build-dir)
(alias depend-on-the-universe)
(alias dune-ppx-driver-system)
(alias env)
(alias exclude-missing-module)
(alias exec-cmd)
Expand Down

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