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Add version check and deprecation warning
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Starting a dst path with ".." now just generates a deprecation warning
rather than an error, and only on versions of dune before 3.11.
  • Loading branch information
gridbugs committed Aug 15, 2023
1 parent 0d2516f commit ee9509a
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Showing 5 changed files with 107 additions and 57 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1179,6 +1179,7 @@ module Executables = struct
type t =
{ names : (Loc.t * string) list
; public : public option
; dune_syntax : Syntax.Version.t

let names t = t.names
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1319,7 +1320,7 @@ module Executables = struct
(pluralize "public_name" ~multi)
{ names; public }
{ names; public; dune_syntax }

let install_conf t ~ext ~enabled_if =
Expand All @@ -1328,7 +1329,10 @@ module Executables = struct
List.map2 t.names public_names ~f:(fun (locn, name) (locp, pub) -> pub ~f:(fun pub ->
(File_binding.Unexpanded.make ~src:(locn, name ^ ext) ~dst:(locp, pub))))
~src:(locn, name ^ ext)
~dst:(locp, pub)
|> List.filter_opt
{ Install_conf.section = Section Bin
Expand Down
74 changes: 47 additions & 27 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,45 +4,57 @@ open Memo.O
type ('src, 'dst) t =
{ src : 'src
; dst : 'dst option
(* The [dune_syntax] field is used for validation which has different
behaviour depending on the version of dune syntax in use. *)
; dune_syntax : Syntax.Version.t

let equal f g { src; dst } t = f src t.src && Option.equal g dst t.dst
let equal f g { src; dst; dune_syntax } t =
f src t.src
&& Option.equal g dst t.dst
&& Syntax.Version.equal dune_syntax t.dune_syntax

let relative_path_starts_with_parent relative_path =
match String.lsplit2 relative_path ~on:'/' with
| None -> false
| Some (first, _) -> String.equal first Filename.parent_dir_name

let validate_dst_for_install_stanza ~loc dst =
let validate_dst_for_install_stanza ~loc dst dune_syntax =
if relative_path_starts_with_parent dst
[ Pp.textf
"The destination path %s begins with \"..\" which is not allowed. Destinations \
of files in install stanzas may not begin with \"..\" to prevent them from \
escaping the package's install directory."
(String.maybe_quoted dst)
then (
match dune_syntax (3, 11) with
| Lt -> ()
| _ ->
[ Pp.textf
"The destination path %s begins with \"..\" which will become an error in a \
future version of Dune. Destinations of files in install stanzas beginning \
with \"..\" will be disallowed to prevent a package's installed files from \
escaping that package's install directories."
(String.maybe_quoted dst)

module Expanded = struct
type nonrec t = (Loc.t * Path.Build.t, Loc.t * string) t

let to_dyn { src; dst } =
let to_dyn { src; dst; dune_syntax } =
let open Dyn in
[ "src", pair Loc.to_dyn Path.Build.to_dyn src
; "dst", option (pair Loc.to_dyn string) dst
; "dune_syntax", Syntax.Version.to_dyn dune_syntax

let src t = snd t.src
let dst t = ~f:snd t.dst
let src_loc t = fst t.src

let dst_basename { src = _, src; dst } =
let dst_basename { src = _, src; dst; dune_syntax = _ } =
match dst with
| Some (_, dst) -> dst
| None ->
Expand All @@ -53,24 +65,29 @@ module Expanded = struct
let dst_path t ~dir = Path.Build.relative dir (dst_basename t)

let validate_for_install_stanza t =
Option.iter t.dst ~f:(fun (loc, dst) -> validate_dst_for_install_stanza ~loc dst)
Option.iter t.dst ~f:(fun (loc, dst) ->
validate_dst_for_install_stanza ~loc dst t.dune_syntax)

module Unexpanded = struct
type nonrec t = (String_with_vars.t, String_with_vars.t) t

let to_dyn { src; dst } =
let to_dyn { src; dst; dune_syntax } =
let open Dyn in
[ "src", String_with_vars.to_dyn src; "dst", option String_with_vars.to_dyn dst ]
[ "src", String_with_vars.to_dyn src
; "dst", option String_with_vars.to_dyn dst
; "dune_syntax", Syntax.Version.to_dyn dune_syntax

let equal = equal String_with_vars.equal_no_loc String_with_vars.equal_no_loc

let make ~src:(locs, src) ~dst:(locd, dst) =
let make ~src:(locs, src) ~dst:(locd, dst) ~dune_syntax =
{ src = String_with_vars.make_text locs src
; dst = Some (String_with_vars.make_text locd dst)
; dune_syntax

Expand All @@ -85,7 +102,7 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
dst, loc)
Option.iter dst_loc_opt ~f:(fun (dst, loc) ->
validate_dst_for_install_stanza ~loc dst);
validate_dst_for_install_stanza ~loc dst t.dune_syntax);
Install.Entry.adjust_dst ~section ~src ~dst:( dst_loc_opt ~f:fst)

Expand All @@ -105,7 +122,7 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let+ loc, p = f dst in
Some (loc, p)
{ src; dst }
{ src; dst; dune_syntax = t.dune_syntax }

let decode =
Expand All @@ -117,34 +134,37 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
| Atom _ -> true
| _ -> false
and+ s = String_with_vars.decode
and+ version = Dune_lang.Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax in
if (not is_atom) && version < (1, 6)
and+ dune_syntax = Dune_lang.Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax in
if (not is_atom) && dune_syntax < (1, 6)
then (
let what =
(if String_with_vars.has_pforms s then "variables" else "quoted strings")
|> sprintf "Using %s here"
Dune_lang.Syntax.Error.since (String_with_vars.loc s) Stanza.syntax (1, 6) ~what)
else s
else s, dune_syntax
>>= function
| Atom _ | Quoted_string _ | Template _ -> decode >>| fun src -> { src; dst = None }
| Atom _ | Quoted_string _ | Template _ ->
decode >>| fun (src, dune_syntax) -> { src; dst = None; dune_syntax }
| List (_, [ _; Atom (_, A "as"); _ ]) ->
(let* src = decode in
(let* src, dune_syntax = decode in
keyword "as"
>>> let* dst = decode in
return { src; dst = Some dst })
>>> let* dst, _ = decode in
return { src; dst = Some dst; dune_syntax })
| sexp ->
~loc:(Dune_lang.Ast.loc sexp)
[ Pp.text "Invalid format, <name> or (<name> as <install-as>) expected" ]

let dune_syntax t = t.dune_syntax

module L = struct
let decode = Dune_lang.Decoder.repeat decode
let strings_with_vars { src; dst } = src :: Option.to_list dst
let strings_with_vars { src; dst; dune_syntax = _ } = src :: Option.to_list dst

let find_pform fbs =
List.find_map fbs ~f:(fun fb ->
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/dune_rules/file_binding.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ module Unexpanded : sig

val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val make : src:Loc.t * string -> dst:Loc.t * string -> t
val make : src:Loc.t * string -> dst:Loc.t * string -> dune_syntax:Syntax.Version.t -> t
val decode : t Dune_lang.Decoder.t
val dune_syntax : t -> Syntax.Version.t

val expand
: t
Expand Down
64 changes: 41 additions & 23 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ module File = struct
file_binding_decode <|> glob_files_decode

let to_file_bindings_unexpanded t ~expand_str ~dir =
let to_file_bindings_unexpanded t ~expand_str ~dir ~dune_syntax =
match t with
| File_binding file_binding -> Memo.return [ file_binding ]
| Glob_files { glob_files; prefix } ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ module File = struct
let dst = Filename.concat prefix path_without_prefix in
prefix_loc, dst
File_binding.Unexpanded.make ~src ~dst)
File_binding.Unexpanded.make ~src ~dst ~dune_syntax)

let to_file_bindings_expanded t ~expand_str ~dir =
to_file_bindings_unexpanded t ~expand_str ~dir
let to_file_bindings_expanded t ~expand_str ~dir ~dune_syntax =
to_file_bindings_unexpanded t ~expand_str ~dir ~dune_syntax
|> Memo.bind
Expand All @@ -120,40 +120,58 @@ module File = struct

type t = Without_include.t Recursive_include.t
type t =
{ binding : Without_include.t Recursive_include.t
; dune_syntax : Syntax.Version.t

let decode =
~include_allowed_in_versions:(`Since (3, 5))

let expand_include = Recursive_include.expand_include

let expand_include_multi ts ~expand_str ~dir =
Memo.List.concat_map ts ~f:(expand_include ~expand_str ~dir)
let open Dune_lang.Decoder in
let+ binding =
~include_allowed_in_versions:(`Since (3, 5))
and+ dune_syntax = Dune_lang.Syntax.get_exn Stanza.syntax in
{ binding; dune_syntax }

let of_file_binding file_binding =
Recursive_include.of_base (Without_include.File_binding file_binding)
let binding = Recursive_include.of_base (Without_include.File_binding file_binding) in
let dune_syntax = File_binding.Unexpanded.dune_syntax file_binding in
{ binding; dune_syntax }

let to_file_bindings_unexpanded ts ~expand_str ~dir =
expand_include_multi ts ~expand_str ~dir
let open Memo.O in
Memo.List.concat_map ts ~f:(fun { binding; dune_syntax } ->
let+ bindings = Recursive_include.expand_include binding ~expand_str ~dir in bindings ~f:(fun binding -> binding, dune_syntax))
|> Memo.bind
~f:(Without_include.to_file_bindings_unexpanded ~expand_str ~dir))
(Memo.List.concat_map ~f:(fun (binding, dune_syntax) ->

let to_file_bindings_expanded ts ~expand_str ~dir =
let open Memo.O in
let+ file_bindings_expanded =
expand_include_multi ts ~expand_str ~dir
>>= Memo.List.concat_map
~f:(Without_include.to_file_bindings_expanded ~expand_str ~dir)
Memo.List.concat_map ts ~f:(fun { binding; dune_syntax } ->
let+ bindings = Recursive_include.expand_include binding ~expand_str ~dir in bindings ~f:(fun binding -> binding, dune_syntax))
|> Memo.bind
(Memo.List.concat_map ~f:(fun (binding, dune_syntax) ->
List.iter file_bindings_expanded ~f:File_binding.Expanded.validate_for_install_stanza;
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,10 +31,17 @@ Incorrect install stanza that would place files outside the package's install di
File "stanza/dune", line 2, characters 24-38:
2 | (files (glob_files_rec ../stuff/*.txt))
Error: The destination path ../stuff/foo.txt begins with ".." which is not
allowed. Destinations of files in install stanzas may not begin with ".." to
prevent them from escaping the package's install directory.
Warning: The destination path ../stuff/foo.txt begins with ".." which will
become an error in a future version of Dune. Destinations of files in install
stanzas beginning with ".." will be disallowed to prevent a package's
installed files from escaping that package's install directories.
File "stanza/dune", line 2, characters 24-38:
2 | (files (glob_files_rec ../stuff/*.txt))
Warning: The destination path ../stuff/xy/bar.txt begins with ".." which will
become an error in a future version of Dune. Destinations of files in install
stanzas beginning with ".." will be disallowed to prevent a package's
installed files from escaping that package's install directories.
Correction to the above which uses `with_prefix` to change the install destination:
Expand Down

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