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Make build system ask explicitly for install rules
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Signed-off-by: Arseniy Alekseyev <>
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aalekseyev committed May 1, 2019
1 parent ef009d6 commit f316b68
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Showing 6 changed files with 168 additions and 105 deletions.
201 changes: 120 additions & 81 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -544,15 +544,28 @@ module Rule_fn = struct
let loc () = Fdecl.get loc_decl ()

module Context_or_install = struct
type t =
| Install of string
| Context of string

let to_sexp = function
| Install ctx -> Sexp.List [ Sexp.Atom "install"; Sexp.Atom ctx ]
| Context s ->
assert (not (s = "install"));
Sexp.Atom s

type t =
{ (* File specification by targets *)
files : Internal_rule.t Path.Table.t
; contexts : Context.t String.Map.t
; file_tree : File_tree.t
; dirs : Dir_status.t Path.Table.t
; gen_rules :
(dir:Path.t -> string list -> extra_sub_directories_to_keep)
String.Map.t Fdecl.t
(Context_or_install.t ->
(dir:Path.t -> string list -> extra_sub_directories_to_keep) option) Fdecl.t
; mutable load_dir_stack : Path.t list
; (* Set of directories under _build that have at least one rule and
all their ancestors. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -590,7 +603,6 @@ let string_of_source_paths set =

let set_rule_generators generators =
let t = t () in
assert (String.Map.keys generators = String.Map.keys t.contexts);
Fdecl.set t.gen_rules generators

let get_dir_status t ~dir =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -733,6 +745,14 @@ let no_rule_found =
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted fn)
(hint ctx (String.Map.keys t.contexts))
| Install (ctx, _) ->
if String.Map.mem t.contexts ctx then
fail fn ~loc
die "Trying to build %s for install but build context %s doesn't exist.%s"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted fn)
(hint ctx (String.Map.keys t.contexts))
| Alias (ctx, fn') ->
if String.Map.mem t.contexts ctx then
fail fn ~loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -920,95 +940,110 @@ and load_dir_and_get_targets t ~dir =
reraise exn

and load_dir_step2_exn t ~dir ~collector =
let context_name, sub_dir = Path.extract_build_context_exn dir in
let is_install = context_name = "install" in
(* This condition is [true] because of [get_dir_status] *)
assert (is_install || String.Map.mem t.contexts context_name);
let context_name, sub_dir = match Utils.analyse_target dir with
| Install (ctx, path) ->
Context_or_install.Install ctx, path
| Regular (ctx, path) ->
Context_or_install.Context ctx, path
| Alias _ | Other _ ->
Exn.code_error "[load_dir_step2_exn] was called on a strange path"
["path", (Path.to_sexp dir)]

(* Load all the rules *)
let extra_subdirs_to_keep =
if is_install then
These String.Set.empty
let gen_rules = String.Map.find_exn (Fdecl.get t.gen_rules) context_name in
(fun () ->
gen_rules ~dir (Path.Source.explode sub_dir))
let gen_rules =
match (Fdecl.get t.gen_rules) context_name with
| None ->
Exn.code_error "[gen_rules] did not specify rules for the context"
["context_name", (Context_or_install.to_sexp context_name)]
| Some rules ->
handle_add_rule_effects (fun () -> gen_rules ~dir (Path.Source.explode sub_dir))
let collector = Dir_status.Rules_collector.freeze collector in
let rules = Dir_status.Rules_collector.rules collector in

(* Compute alias rules *)
let alias_dir = Path.append_source (Path.relative alias_dir context_name) sub_dir in
let alias_rules, alias_stamp_files =
let open Build.O in
let aliases =
Dir_status.Rules_collector.aliases collector
let aliases =
if String.Map.mem aliases "default" then
match Path.extract_build_context_dir dir with
| None -> aliases
| Some (ctx_dir, src_dir) ->
match File_tree.find_dir t.file_tree src_dir with
| None -> aliases
| Some dir ->
String.Map.add aliases "default"
({ deps = Path.Set.empty
; dyn_deps =
(Alias0.dep_rec_internal ~name:"install" ~dir ~ctx_dir
>>^ fun (_ : bool) ->
; actions = []
} : Dir_status.Alias.immutable)
String.Map.foldi aliases ~init:([], Path.Set.empty)
~f:(fun name { Dir_status.Alias.deps; dyn_deps; actions } (rules, alias_stamp_files) ->
let base_path = Path.relative alias_dir name in
let rules, action_stamp_files =
List.fold_left actions ~init:(rules, Path.Set.empty)
~f:(fun (rules, action_stamp_files)
{ Dir_status. stamp; action; locks ; context ; loc ; env } ->
let path =
Path.extend_basename base_path
~suffix:("-" ^ Digest.to_string stamp)
let rule =
Pre_rule.make ~locks ~context:(Some context) ~env
~info:(Rule.Info.of_loc_opt loc)
(Build.progn [ action; Build.create_file path ])
(rule :: rules, Path.Set.add action_stamp_files path))
let alias_dir, alias_rules =
match context_name with
| Context context_name ->
let alias_dir = Path.append_source (Path.relative alias_dir context_name) sub_dir in
let alias_rules, alias_stamp_files =
let open Build.O in
let aliases =
Dir_status.Rules_collector.aliases collector
let deps = Path.Set.union deps action_stamp_files in
let path = Path.extend_basename base_path ~suffix:Alias0.suffix in
let targets =
Path.Set.add action_stamp_files path
|> Path.Set.union alias_stamp_files
let aliases =
if String.Map.mem aliases "default" then
match Path.extract_build_context_dir dir with
| None -> aliases
| Some (ctx_dir, src_dir) ->
match File_tree.find_dir t.file_tree src_dir with
| None -> aliases
| Some dir ->
String.Map.add aliases "default"
{ deps = Path.Set.empty
; dyn_deps =
(Alias0.dep_rec_internal ~name:"install" ~dir ~ctx_dir
>>^ fun (_ : bool) ->
; actions = []
(Build.path_set deps >>>
dyn_deps >>>
Build.dyn_path_set (Build.arr
>>^ (fun dyn_deps ->
let deps = Path.Set.union deps dyn_deps in
Action.with_stdout_to path
(Action.digest_files (Path.Set.to_list deps)))
Build.action_dyn () ~targets:[path])
:: rules,
String.Map.foldi aliases ~init:([], Path.Set.empty)
~f:(fun name { Dir_status.Alias. deps; dyn_deps; actions } (rules, alias_stamp_files) ->
let base_path = Path.relative alias_dir name in
let rules, action_stamp_files =
List.fold_left actions ~init:(rules, Path.Set.empty)
~f:(fun (rules, action_stamp_files)
{ Dir_status. stamp; action; locks ; context ; loc ; env } ->
let path =
Path.extend_basename base_path
~suffix:("-" ^ Digest.to_string stamp)
let rule =
Pre_rule.make ~locks ~context:(Some context) ~env
~info:(Rule.Info.of_loc_opt loc)
(Build.progn [ action; Build.create_file path ])
(rule :: rules, Path.Set.add action_stamp_files path))
let deps = Path.Set.union deps action_stamp_files in
let path = Path.extend_basename base_path ~suffix:Alias0.suffix in
let targets =
Path.Set.add action_stamp_files path
|> Path.Set.union alias_stamp_files
(Build.path_set deps >>>
dyn_deps >>>
Build.dyn_path_set (Build.arr
>>^ (fun dyn_deps ->
let deps = Path.Set.union deps dyn_deps in
Action.with_stdout_to path
(Action.digest_files (Path.Set.to_list deps)))
Build.action_dyn () ~targets:[path])
:: rules,
Path.Table.replace t.dirs ~key:alias_dir ~data:(Loaded alias_stamp_files);
Some alias_dir, alias_rules
| Install _ ->
None, []
Path.Table.replace t.dirs ~key:alias_dir ~data:(Loaded alias_stamp_files);

let file_tree_dir =
if is_install then
match context_name with
| Install _ ->
| Context _ ->
File_tree.find_dir t.file_tree sub_dir

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1042,11 +1077,14 @@ and load_dir_step2_exn t ~dir ~collector =
(* Take into account the source files *)
let targets, to_copy, subdirs_to_keep =
if is_install then
match context_name with
| Install _ ->
| Context context_name ->
(* This condition is [true] because of [get_dir_status] *)
assert (String.Map.mem t.contexts context_name);
let files, subdirs =
match file_tree_dir with
| None -> (Path.Source.Set.empty, String.Set.empty)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1145,7 +1183,8 @@ The following targets are not:
remove_old_artifacts t ~dir ~subdirs_to_keep;

List.iter alias_rules ~f:(compile_rule t);
remove_old_artifacts t ~dir:alias_dir ~subdirs_to_keep;
Option.iter alias_dir ~f:(fun alias_dir ->
remove_old_artifacts t ~dir:alias_dir ~subdirs_to_keep);


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15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions src/build_system.mli
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Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,19 @@ type extra_sub_directories_to_keep =
| All
| These of String.Set.t

module Context_or_install : sig
type t =
| Install of string
| Context of string

val to_sexp : t -> Sexp.t

(** Set the rule generators callback. There must be one callback per
build context name.
Each callback is used to generate the rules for a given directory
in the corresponding build context. It receive the directory for
in the corresponding build context. It receives the directory for
which to generate the rules and the split part of the path after
the build context. It must return an additional list of
sub-directories to keep. This is in addition to the ones that are
Expand All @@ -37,8 +45,9 @@ type extra_sub_directories_to_keep =
It is expected that [f] only generate rules whose targets are
descendant of [dir]. *)
val set_rule_generators
: (dir:Path.t -> string list -> extra_sub_directories_to_keep)
String.Map.t -> unit
: (Context_or_install.t ->
(dir:Path.t -> string list -> extra_sub_directories_to_keep) option)
-> unit

(** All other functions in this section must be called inside the rule generator
callback. *)
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -344,8 +344,11 @@ let gen ~contexts
let+ contexts = Fiber.parallel_map contexts ~f:make_sctx in
let map = String.Map.of_list_exn contexts in
let generators = ( map ~f:(fun (module M : Gen) -> M.gen_rules)) in
( map ~f:(fun (module M : Gen) -> M.gen_rules));
| Install _ctx -> Some (fun ~dir:_ _path -> These String.Set.empty)
| Context ctx -> String.Map.find generators ctx);
String.Map.iter map ~f:(fun (module M : Gen) -> M.init ()); map ~f:(fun (module M : Gen) -> M.sctx);

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ module Fancy = struct
| Alias (ctx, name) ->
split_paths (("alias " ^ Path.Source.to_string name) :: targets_acc)
(add_ctx ctx ctxs_acc) rest
| Install (ctx, name) ->
split_paths (("install " ^ Path.Source.to_string name) :: targets_acc)
(add_ctx ctx ctxs_acc) rest
let targets = Path.Set.to_list targets in
let target_names, contexts = split_paths [] [] targets in
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48 changes: 28 additions & 20 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -68,30 +68,36 @@ let signal_name =
type target_kind =
| Regular of string * Path.Source.t
| Alias of string * Path.Source.t
| Install of string * Path.Source.t
| Other of Path.t

let analyse_target (fn as original_fn) =
match Path.extract_build_dir_first_component fn with
| Some (".aliases", sub) -> begin
match Path.Relative.split_first_component sub with
| None -> Other fn
| Some (ctx, fn) ->
if Path.Relative.is_root fn then
Other original_fn
let basename =
match String.rsplit2 (Path.Relative.basename fn) ~on:'-' with
| None -> assert false
| Some (name, digest) ->
assert (String.length digest = 32);
Alias (ctx,
(Path.Relative.relative (Path.Relative.parent_exn fn) basename))
| Some ("install", _) -> Other fn
| Some (ctx, sub) -> Regular (ctx, Path.Source.of_relative sub)
| Some (".aliases", sub) ->
(match Path.Relative.split_first_component sub with
| None -> Other fn
| Some (ctx, fn) ->
if Path.Relative.is_root fn then
Other original_fn
let basename =
match String.rsplit2 (Path.Relative.basename fn) ~on:'-' with
| None -> assert false
| Some (name, digest) ->
assert (String.length digest = 32);
Alias (ctx,
(Path.Source.of_relative (Path.Relative.parent_exn fn))
| Some ("install", sub) ->
(match Path.Relative.split_first_component sub with
| None -> Other fn
| Some (ctx, fn) ->
Install (ctx, Path.Source.of_relative fn))
| Some (ctx, sub) ->
Regular (ctx, Path.Source.of_relative sub)
| None ->
Other fn

Expand All @@ -103,6 +109,8 @@ let describe_target fn =
match analyse_target fn with
| Alias (ctx, p) ->
sprintf "alias %s%s" (Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted p) (ctx_suffix ctx)
| Install (ctx, p) ->
sprintf "install %s%s" (Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted p) (ctx_suffix ctx)
| Regular (ctx, fn) ->
sprintf "%s%s" (Path.Source.to_string_maybe_quoted fn) (ctx_suffix ctx)
| Other fn ->
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/utils.mli
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ val executable_object_directory
type target_kind =
| Regular of string (* build context *) * Path.Source.t
| Alias of string (* build context *) * Path.Source.t
| Install of string (* build context *) * Path.Source.t
| Other of Path.t

(** Return the name of an alias from its stamp file *)
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