Tue Apr 14 15:25:05 CEST 2020
- ocaml support
- merlin binary
- fix syntax errors in 4.08 and 4.09 (#1081)
- complete-prefix command accepts -kind option to filter results (#1071)
- code cleanup (#1093, #1079, #1112)
- better handling of expression and pattern extra nodes during browse tree
traversal (#1091, #1121) - improve context detection (e.g. appropriate namespace for lookup) for
various queries (#1104, #1110) - add stdlib to locate source path (#1085)
- editor modes
- vim: tweak heuristic to select python version (#1111)
- emacs: marlin/call
- lsp: move server to its own repository (#1069),
- test suite
Build no longer relies on implicit transitive_deps (#1065).