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Sidebar: better handling of missing page index
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We use the id name (corresponding to the directory name) for the page title.

There is one case where we don't have access to an id:
$ odoc compile --output_dir _odoc --parent-id "" file.mld
$ odoc link _odoc/page-file.mld
$ odoc sidebar-generate -P _odoc/

The parent id of page `file` is `None` and we do not have an `index.mld` with
the same parent...

See also the test
  • Loading branch information
panglesd authored and jonludlam committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent e73aa5a commit f6d4441
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Showing 4 changed files with 53 additions and 46 deletions.
71 changes: 36 additions & 35 deletions src/document/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ open Odoc_utils
open Types
module Id = Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier

let sidebar_toc_entry href content =
let target = Target.(Internal (Resolved href)) in
inline @@ Inline.Link { target; content; tooltip = None }

module Toc : sig
type t

Expand All @@ -15,21 +11,28 @@ module Toc : sig

val to_block : prune:bool -> Url.Path.t -> t -> Block.t
end = struct
type t = (Url.t * option Tree.t
type t = (Url.t option * Tree.t

let of_page_hierarchy (dir : Odoc_index.Page_hierarchy.t) =
let of_page_hierarchy (dir : Odoc_index.Page_hierarchy.t) : t =
let f index =
let path_of_id id =
match Url.from_identifier ~stop_before:false (id :> Id.t) with
| Ok r -> r
| Error _ -> assert false
(* This error case should never happen since [stop_before] is false, and even less since it's a page id *)
match index with
| None -> None
| Some (index_id, title) ->
let path =
match Url.from_identifier ~stop_before:false (index_id :> Id.t) with
| Ok r -> r
| Error _ -> assert false
(* This error case should never happen since [stop_before] is false, and even less since it's a page id *)
| Odoc_index.Page_hierarchy.Missing_index None ->
(None, inline @@ Text "Root")
| Odoc_index.Page_hierarchy.Missing_index (Some id) ->
let path = path_of_id id in
(Some path, inline @@ Text ( id))
| Page (id, title) ->
let path = path_of_id id in
let content = Comment.link_content title in
Some (path, sidebar_toc_entry path content)
let target = Target.Internal (Target.Resolved path) in
let i = inline @@ Inline.Link { target; content; tooltip = None } in
(Some path, i)
in ~f dir

Expand All @@ -45,31 +48,28 @@ end = struct
| { anchor = ""; page = { parent = Some parent; _ }; _ } -> parent
| { page; _ } -> page

let to_block ~prune (current_url : Url.Path.t) tree =
let block_tree_of_t (current_url : Url.Path.t) tree =
let to_block ~prune (current_url : Url.Path.t) (tree : t) =
let block_tree_of_t (current_url : Url.Path.t) (tree : t) =
(* When transforming the tree, we use a filter_map to remove the nodes that
are irrelevant for the current url. However, we always want to keep the
root. So we apply the filter_map starting from the first children. *)
let convert ((url : Url.t), b) =
let convert ((url : Url.t option), b) =
let link =
if = current_url && Astring.String.equal url.anchor "" then
{ b with Inline.attr = [ "current_unit" ] }
else b
match url with
| Some url ->
if = current_url && Astring.String.equal url.anchor ""
then { b with Inline.attr = [ "current_unit" ] }
else b
| None -> b
Types.block @@ Inline [ link ]
let f name =
match name with
| Some ((url, _) as v)
when (not prune) || is_prefix (parent url) current_url ->
Some (convert v)
| _ -> None
let root_entry =
match tree.Tree.node with
| Some v -> convert v
| None -> block (Block.Inline [ inline (Text "root") ])
| Some url, _ when prune && is_prefix (parent url) current_url -> None
| v -> Some (convert v)
let root_entry = convert tree.Tree.node in
{ Tree.node = root_entry; children = Forest.filter_map ~f tree.children }
let rec block_of_block_tree { Tree.node = name; children = content } =
Expand All @@ -85,25 +85,26 @@ end = struct
let block_tree = block_tree_of_t current_url tree in
block_of_block_tree block_tree

let of_skeleton ({ node = entry; children } : Odoc_index.Entry.t Tree.t) =
let of_skeleton ({ node = entry; children } : Odoc_index.Entry.t Tree.t) : t =
let map_entry entry =
let stop_before =
match entry.Odoc_index.Entry.kind with
| ModuleType { has_expansion } | Module { has_expansion } ->
not has_expansion
| _ -> false
let path = Url.from_identifier ~stop_before in
let name = in
match path with
match Url.from_identifier ~stop_before with
| Ok path ->
let content =
let target = Target.Internal (Resolved path) in
(Link { target; content = [ inline (Text name) ]; tooltip = None })
Some (path, content)
| Error _ -> None
(Some path, content)
| Error _ -> assert false
(* Should not happen since we are careful with the [stop_before]
argument *)
let f entry =
match entry.Odoc_index.Entry.kind with
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14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/index/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,16 +75,18 @@ let dir_index ((parent_id, _) as dir) =
| Some payload -> Some (payload, index_id, payload.title)
| None -> None

type index = Id.Page.t * title
type index =
| Page of Id.Page.t * title
| Missing_index of Id.ContainerPage.t option

type t = index option Odoc_utils.Tree.t
type t = index Odoc_utils.Tree.t

let rec t_of_in_progress (dir : in_progress) : t =
let children_order, index =
match dir_index dir with
| Some ({ children_order; _ }, index_id, index_title) ->
(children_order, Some (index_id, index_title))
| None -> (None, None)
(children_order, Page (index_id, index_title))
| None -> (None, Missing_index (fst dir))
let pp_content fmt (id, _) =
match id.Id.iv with
Expand All @@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ let rec t_of_in_progress (dir : in_progress) : t =
leafs dir
|> (fun (id, payload) ->
let id :> Id.Page.t = id in
(id, Tree.leaf (Some (id, payload))))
(id, Tree.leaf (Page (id, payload))))
let dirs =
dirs dir
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ let rec t_of_in_progress (dir : in_progress) : t =

let rec remove_common_root (v : t) =
match v with
| { Tree.children = [ v ]; node = None } -> remove_common_root v
| { Tree.children = [ v ]; node = Missing_index _ } -> remove_common_root v
| _ -> v

let of_list l =
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/index/page_hierarchy.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ open Odoc_utils

type title = Comment.link_content

type index = Identifier.Page.t * title
type index =
| Page of Paths.Identifier.Page.t * title
| Missing_index of Paths.Identifier.ContainerPage.t option

type t = index option Tree.t
type t = index Tree.t

val of_list :
(Identifier.LeafPage.t * title * Frontmatter.children_order option) list -> t
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions test/parent_id/missing_indexes.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,12 +11,14 @@

$ odoc html-generate --index index.odoc-index --indent --output-dir _html _odoc/page-foo.odocl

Baz is missing.
$ cat _html/foo.html | grep Documentation -A 7
Missing index for Baz makes it unclickable but use the ID for the name.
Root is used for the missing index in the unnamed root directory.
$ cat _html/foo.html | grep Documentation -A 8
<ul class="odoc-pages">
<ul><li><a href="bar.html">Bar</a></li>
<li>baz<ul><li><a href="baz/bli.html">Bli</a></li></ul></li>
<li><a href="#" class="current_unit">Foo</a></li>
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