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Merge pull request #3348 from dra27/windows-cygwin-tools
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Allow native Windows to use Cygwin tools
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rjbou authored Oct 26, 2018
2 parents 0321594 + 40e14ff commit f6c20ef
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Showing 14 changed files with 408 additions and 21 deletions.
253 changes: 252 additions & 1 deletion src/core/
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(* *)

open OpamCompat

let log ?level fmt =
OpamConsole.log "PROC" ?level fmt

let cygwin_create_process_env prog args env fd1 fd2 fd3 =
* Unix.create_process_env correctly converts arguments to a command line for
* native Windows execution, but it does not correctly handle Cygwin's quoting
* requirements.
* The process followed here is based on an analysis of the sources for the
* Cygwin DLL (git://,
* winsup/cygwin/ and a lack of refutation on the Cygwin mailing list
* in May 2016!
* In case this seems terminally stupid, it's worth noting that Cygwin's
* implementation of the exec system calls do not pass argv using the Windows
* command line, these weird and wonderful rules exist for corner cases and,
* as here, for invocations from native Windows processes.
* There are two forms of escaping which can apply, controlled by the CYGWIN
* environment variable option noglob.
* If none of the strings in argv contains the double-quote character, then
* the process should be invoked with the noglob option (to ensure that no
* characters are unexpectedly expanded). In this mode of escaping, it is
* necessary to protect any whitespace characters (\r, \n, \t, and space
* itself) by surrounding sequences of them with double-quotes). Additionally,
* if any string in argv begins with the @ sign, this should be double-quoted.
* If any one of the strings in argv does contain a double-quote character,
* then the process should be invoked with the glob option (this is the
* default). Every string in argv should have double-quotes put around it. Any
* double-quote characters within the string should be translated to "'"'".
* The reason for supporting both mechanisms is that the noglob method has
* shorter command lines and Windows has an upper limit of 32767 characters
* for the command line.
* COMBAK If the command line does exceed 32767 characters, then Cygwin allows
* a parameter beginning @ to refer to a file from which to read the
* rest of the command line. This support is not implemented at this
* time in OPAM.
* [This stray " is here to terminate a previous part of the comment!]
let make_args argv =
let b = Buffer.create 128 in
let gen_quote ~quote ~pre ?(post = pre) s =
log ~level:3 "gen_quote: %S" s;
Buffer.clear b;
let l = String.length s in
let rec f i =
let j =
OpamStd.String.find_from (fun c -> try String.index quote c >= 0 with Not_found -> false) s (succ i)
with Not_found ->
l in
Buffer.add_string b (String.sub s i (j - i));
if j < l then begin
Buffer.add_string b pre;
let i = j in
let j =
OpamStd.String.find_from (fun c -> try String.index quote c < 0 with Not_found -> true) s (succ i)
with Not_found ->
l in
Buffer.add_string b (String.sub s i (j - i));
Buffer.add_string b post;
if j < l then
f j
Buffer.contents b
end else
Buffer.contents b in
let r =
if s = "" then
f 0
log ~level:3 "result: %S" r; r in
(* Setting noglob is causing some problems for ocamlbuild invoking Cygwin's
find. The reason for using it is to try to keep command line lengths
below the maximum, but for now disable the use of noglob. *)
if true || List.exists (fun s -> try String.index s '"' >= 0 with Not_found -> false) argv then
("\"" ^ String.concat "\" \"" ( (gen_quote ~quote:"\"" ~pre:"\"'" ~post:"'\"") argv) ^ "\"", false)
(String.concat " " ( (gen_quote ~quote:"\b\r\n " ~pre:"\"") argv), true) in
let (command_line, no_glob) = make_args (Array.to_list args) in
log "cygvoke(%sglob): %s" (if no_glob then "no" else "") command_line;
let env = Array.to_list env in
let set = ref false in
let f item =
let (key, value) =
match OpamStd.String.cut_at item '=' with
Some pair -> pair
| None -> (item, "") in
match String.lowercase_ascii key with
| "cygwin" ->
let () =
if key = "CYGWIN" then
set := true in
let settings = OpamStd.String.split value ' ' in
let set = ref false in
let f setting =
let setting = String.trim setting in
let setting =
match OpamStd.String.cut_at setting ':' with
Some (setting, _) -> setting
| None -> setting in
match setting with
"glob" ->
if no_glob then begin
log ~level:2 "Removing glob from %s" key;
end else begin
log ~level:2 "Leaving glob in %s" key;
set := true;
| "noglob" ->
if no_glob then begin
log ~level:2 "Leaving noglob in %s" key;
set := true;
end else begin
log ~level:2 "Removing noglob from %s" key;
| _ ->
true in
let settings = List.filter f settings in
let settings =
if not !set && no_glob then begin
log ~level:2 "Setting noglob in %s" key;
end else
settings in
if settings = [] then begin
log ~level:2 "Removing %s completely" key;
end else
Some (key ^ "=" ^ String.concat " " settings)
| "path" ->
let path_dirs = OpamStd.Sys.split_path_variable item in
let winsys = Filename.concat (OpamStd.Sys.system ()) "." |> String.lowercase_ascii in
let rec f prefix suffix = function
| dir::dirs ->
let contains_cygpath = Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat dir "cygpath.exe") in
if suffix = [] then
if String.lowercase_ascii (Filename.concat dir ".") = winsys then
f prefix [dir] dirs
if contains_cygpath then
f (dir::prefix) [] dirs
if contains_cygpath then begin
log ~level:2 "Moving %s to after %s in PATH" dir (List.hd prefix);
List.rev_append prefix (dir::(List.rev_append suffix dirs))
end else
f prefix (dir::suffix) dirs
| [] ->
assert false
Some (String.concat ";" (f [] [] path_dirs))
| _ ->
Some item in
let env = OpamStd.List.filter_map f env in
let env =
if !set then
if no_glob then begin
log ~level:2 "Adding CYGWIN=noglob";
end else
env in
OpamStubs.win_create_process prog command_line
(Some(String.concat "\000" env ^ "\000"))
fd1 fd2 fd3

(** Shell commands *)
type command = {
cmd: string;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,6 +309,15 @@ let string_of_info ?(color=`yellow) info =
(OpamConsole.colorise color k) v) info;
Buffer.contents b

let resolve_command_fn = ref (fun ?env:_ ?dir:_ _ -> None)
let set_resolve_command =
let called = ref false in
fun resolve_command ->
if !called then invalid_arg "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?";
called := true;
resolve_command_fn := resolve_command
let resolve_command cmd = !resolve_command_fn cmd

(** [create cmd args] create a new process to execute the command
[cmd] with arguments [args]. If [stdout_file] or [stderr_file] are
set, the channels are redirected to the corresponding files. The
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,8 +382,68 @@ let create ?info_file ?env_file ?(allow_stdin=true) ?stdout_file ?stderr_file ?e
close_out chan in

let pid =
let cmd, args =
if Sys.win32 then
let actual_command =
if Sys.file_exists cmd then
else if Sys.file_exists (cmd ^ ".exe") then
cmd ^ ".exe"
raise Exit in
let actual_image, args =
let c = open_in actual_command in
set_binary_mode_in c true;
if really_input_string c 2 = "#!" then begin
(* The input_line will only fail for a 2-byte file consisting of exactly #! (with no \n), which is acceptable! *)
let l = String.trim (input_line c) in
let cmd, arg =
let i = String.index l ' ' in
let cmd = Filename.basename (String.trim (String.sub l 0 i)) in
let arg = String.trim (String.sub l i (String.length l - i)) in
if cmd = "env" then
arg, None
cmd, Some arg
with Not_found ->
Filename.basename l, None in
close_in c;
let cmd = OpamStd.Option.default cmd (resolve_command cmd) in
(*Printf.eprintf "Deduced %s => %s to be executed via %s\n%!" cmd actual_command cmd;*)
let args = actual_command::args in
cmd, OpamStd.Option.map_default (fun arg -> arg::args) args arg
with Not_found ->
(* Script interpreter isn't available - fall back *)
raise Exit
end else begin
close_in c;
actual_command, args
with End_of_file ->
close_in c;
(* A two-byte image can't be executable! *)
raise Exit in
(*Printf.eprintf "Final deduction: %s -> %s\n%!" cmd actual_image;*)
actual_image, args
with Exit ->
(* Fall back to default behaviour if anything went wrong - almost certainly means a broken package *)
cmd, args
cmd, args in
let create_process, cmd, args =
if Sys.win32 then
if OpamStd.Sys.is_cygwin_variant cmd = `Cygwin then
cygwin_create_process_env, cmd, args
Unix.create_process_env, cmd, args
Unix.create_process_env, cmd, args in
(Array.of_list (cmd :: args))
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/core/opamProcess.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,3 +210,7 @@ module Job: sig

type 'a job = 'a Job.Op.job

val set_resolve_command :
(?env:string array -> ?dir:string -> string -> string option) -> unit
63 changes: 60 additions & 3 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -435,6 +435,21 @@ module OpamString = struct
with Not_found ->

let find_from f s i =
let l = String.length s in
if i < 0 || i > l then
invalid_arg "find_from"
let rec g i =
if i < l then
if f s.[i] then
g (succ i)
raise Not_found in
g i

let map f s =
let len = String.length s in
let b = Bytes.create len in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -597,9 +612,9 @@ module OpamSys = struct
if Sys.win32 then fun path ->
let length = String.length path in
let rec f acc index current last normal =
if index = length
then let current = current ^ String.sub path last (index - last) in
if current <> "" then current::acc else acc
if index = length then
let current = current ^ String.sub path last (index - last) in
List.rev (if current <> "" then current::acc else acc)
else let c = path.[index]
and next = succ index in
if c = ';' && normal || c = '"' then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -708,6 +723,10 @@ module OpamSys = struct
Hashtbl.add memo arg r;

let system () =
(* CSIDL_SYSTEM = 0x25 *)
OpamStubs.(shGetFolderPath 0x25 SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT)

type os =
| Darwin
| Linux
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -845,6 +864,44 @@ module OpamSys = struct
(fun f -> try f () with _ -> ())

let is_cygwin_variant =
if Sys.win32 then
let results = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let requires_cygwin name =
let cmd = Printf.sprintf "cygcheck \"%s\"" name in
let ((c, _, _) as process) = Unix.open_process_full cmd (Unix.environment ()) in
let rec f a =
match input_line c with
| x ->
if OpamString.ends_with ~suffix:"cygwin1.dll" (String.trim x) then
if OpamString.starts_with ~prefix:" " x then
f `Cygwin
else if a <> `Cygwin then
f `CygLinked
f a
f a
| exception _ ->
Unix.close_process_full process |> ignore;
f `Native
fun name ->
if Filename.is_relative name then
requires_cygwin name
Hashtbl.find results name
with Not_found ->
let result = requires_cygwin name
Hashtbl.add results name result;
fun _ -> `Native

exception Exit of int
exception Exec of string * string array * string array

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