Releases: ochadenas/cpudefense
Releases · ochadenas/cpudefense
Version 1.52
New Features:
- Stage numbers are optionally shown in hex (must be activated in Settings)
Bug fixes:
- When leaving the hero screen, the current hero is de-selected. Fixes issue #206.
- Coins in the hero screen are no longer shown separately if there are too many of them. Fixes issue #208.
- If an attacker becomes released from ACC or MEM during its fade-out animation, it no longer disappears. Fixes issue #212.
Version 1.51
New features:
- When playing the first time in "endless", 4 coins are granted for free to help get things going.
Bug fixes:
- If a stage in "endless" mode cannot be loaded, a new stage layout is generated.
- Chips created by von Neumann with grade 2 or higher now have the correct value. When selling these chips, the refund is halved.
- Heroes that are active are always visible now, even if their prerequisites are no longer met.
- The number of available coins were not saved if a stage was not finished.
- Chips with grade 0 are removed at the beginning of a stage.
- The additional chips created by the game (both helpful and unwanted) are recreated every time the level is played.
- Turing's biography now mentions that the Enigma was initially broken by the Polish Cipher Bureau.
Version 1.50
New features:
- Link to Wikipedia articles added for heroes and heroines
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug when changing between apps in the hero screen
Version 1.49
New features:
- New hero: John von Neumann
- Some more "did you know" text
Bug fixes:
- Attackers stored in MEM or ACC sometimes remained visible on the screen.
- The text on the chips is scaled down if it doesn't fit into the rectangle.
- Small changes in the hero dependency tree. For the current tree, see the game's wiki.
- Ameliorations to the "Level Select" and the "Info" screen
- Reduced cost of resistor chips
Version 1.48
Bug fixes:
- No reward coins were awarded in Endless series after a game reset.
- Heros are no longer automatically available in TURBO and ENDLESS. The "hero tree" applies for all series.
Version 1.47
New features:
- "Endless" series can be reset independently from the basic series.
Bug fixes:
- Background image no longer changes when switching between apps.
- Attackers held in MEM chips kept this state even after being released.
Version 1.46
New features:
- added a special Christmas level
- The game's language can be changed via the device Settings dialogue.
Bug fixes:
- added a safety catch for "trapped" attackers
- corrected a migration problem
Version 1.45
New features:
- The "mission briefing" text is now scrollable. This should avoid the text overlapping if it doesn't fit on the screen.
Bug fixes:
- Corrected portrait image for John Conway
Version 1.44
New features:
- New hero: John Conway
- Some more "Did you know" texts.
Bug fixes:
- Some fixes to the "purchase lives" dialogue
- Major re-organisation of save files. This should result in faster loading, and generally less laggy behaviour of the app.
Version 1.43
New features:
- In “endless” mode, lost lives can be recovered for coins by tapping on the CPU.
Bug fixes:
- Some text size and other layout corrections
- The “quit level” dialogue now freezes the game.