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Aggregations over a period of time<br/>of numeric data<br/>about your infrastructure or application
System error rate
CPU utilization
Request rate for given service
Data emitted from a system<br/>about its behaviour
When the service does what users expect it to do
Service Levels
SLI - Service Level Indicator
Represents a measurement of a service's behaviour
Measures your service from the perspective of the user
Ie: Speed at which a web page loads
SLO - Service Level Objective
Means by which reliability is communicated to the org/teams
Accomplished by attaching one or more SLIs to business value
Observability allows us to understand a system from the outside, enabling us to ask questions about it without needing to know its internal mechanics.
It allows us to easily troubleshoot and addressing unfamiliar issues, often referred to as "unknown unknowns" and helps us answer the question, "Why is this happening?"
To ask questions about a system, the application needs to be properly instrumented
This means the code must emit signals
such as traces
, metrics
, and logs
. An application is well-instrumented when developers have all necessary information for
troubleshooting without needing to add more instrumentation.
OpenTelemetry is an observability framework that instruments application code, facilitating the management of telemetry data throughout the entire stack. It gathers traces
, metrics
, and logs
from across the system, enhancing its observability.