AIO Android Bug Squasher
- Bad ownership in /data/lib
- Bad permissions in /data/lib
This tutorial will tell you how to use Eclipse to view, edit, and build Fix Me Phone.
- We recently changed the project to Android Studio type, the below steps can still work though.
- Building with android studio should be quite simple, simply open the build menu and build the app there.
- If you have the SDK but not Android Studio, the gradle files should provide a relatively simple build
- We've added this to a CI, builds are automatically done from source there as well.
- Java SE Development Kit installed
- JDK added to your PATH var
- Git is installed
- Git added to your PATH var
If you do not have Eclipse already follow version A. If you do not have the Android SDK & Eclipse plugin, follow version B. If you already have Eclipse and the Android SDK setup, skip this step.
- Download the Eclipse ADT from here
- Unzip it to a directory of your choosing. Be sure it can be modified without UAC prompts, so choose something like your home directory.
- Under the new folder there should be a directory named 'eclipse' open it and run eclipse.exe
- Go to the Android SDK download page and download and install the SDK from the 'GET THE SDK FOR AN EXISTING IDE' drop down
- Run the SDK manager and select a minimum of the following:
Android SDK Tools
2.Android SDK Platform-tools
3.Android SDK Build-tools (highest version)
4.SDK Platform
(Under each of the "Android X.X" folders) - Follow the instructions here on installing the ADT plugin.
- Open a command prompt and
to the directory above where you want the project downloaded to - Run
git clone folder
(replace "folder" with the folder to clone into) - In Eclipse, import the project using 'File > Import' selecting the project type as an "Android Project"
- Under the 'src' directory there will be the package 'com.TWP.Project.Fixes.FS.IS' open it.
- In there is the Java code. Double click any of them to view or modify them.
- Under the 'res/layout' directory there will be the layouts, double click to one to view or modify it.
- Add fix for insuffient storage on update
- Add fix for the Google Play "No Connection" error caused by bad permissions in /data