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Odd Camp's SASS utilities library


  1. Install with $ yarn add @oddcamp/sass-utils.

  2. Add it to your project:

    @import "@oddcamp/sass-utils/src/all";

    This will:

    • Make all of the SASS utilities available
    • Inject Reset CSS
  3. Read the documentation

For non-SASS projects include dist/reset.css only.


  1. Install dependencies with $ yarn

  2. Run $ yarn dev when developing. This will:

    • Run the linter for your own good
    • Generate reset.css file for non-SASS projects
  3. Edit contents of src


$mq-breakpoints variable

A map of viewport breakpoints for a use with mq() mixin. Default value:

$mq-breakpoints: (
  xxxsmall: 0,
  xxsmall: 320,
  xsmall: 480,
  small: 640,
  medium: 768,
  large: 960,
  xlarge: 1024,
  xxlarge: 1200,
  xxxlarge: 1400,
  xxxxlarge: 1680,

mq() mixin

A media query mixin. Works in a couple with $mq-breakpoints map. Accepts multiple values, e.g.:

@include mq(medium down) {
  // <= 768px
  // screen and (max-width: 48em)

@include mq(large up) {
  // > 960px
  // screen and (min-width: 60.0625em)

@include mq(large upEq) {
  // >= 960px
  // screen and (min-width: 60em)

@include mq(between small large) {
  // 640px < x <= 960px
  // screen and (min-width: 40.0625em) and (max-width: 60em)

@include mq(betweenEq small large) {
  // 640px <= x <= 960px
  // screen and (min-width: 40em) and (max-width: 60em)

@include mq(portrait) {
  // screen and (orientation: portrait)

@include mq(portrait, between small medium, xxxxlarge up, xsmall down) {
  // orientation: portrait, 640px < x <= 768px, > 1680px, <= 480px
  // screen and (orientation: portrait), screen and (min-width: 40.0625em) and (max-width: 48em),  screen and (min-width: 105.0625em), screen and (max-width: 20em)

// Nest the mixin inclusion for "AND" operator instead:
@include mq(portrait) {
  @include mq(xxsmall down) {
    // orientation: portrait AND <= 480px
    // screen and (orientation: portrait) and (max-width: 20em)

Using numeric values instead of keywords is also acceptable, e.g.:

@include mq(960 down) {
  // <= 960px
  // screen and (max-width: 60em)

@include mq(between 480 768) {
  // 480px < x <= 768px
  // screen and (min-width: 30.0625em) and (max-width: 48em)

mq-retina() mixin

A media query for targeting high-res screens.

@include mq-retina {
  // retina

@include mq-retina {
  @include mq(960 down) {
    // <= 960px retina
    // screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (max-width: 60em), screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (max-width: 60em), screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2 / 1) and (max-width: 60em), screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (max-width: 60em), screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi) and (max-width: 60em), screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) and (max-width: 60em)

em() and rem() functions

Converts pixels to em/rem's respectively, e.g.:

em(20); // 1.25em
em(20px); // 1.25em
rem(16); // 1rem
rem(20 40); // 1.25rem 2.5rem
rem(20 40 0); // 1.25rem 2.5rem 0 2.5rem
rem(40 auto); // 2.5rem auto
rem(40 auto 70%); // 2.5rem auto 70%

Overwrite the value of $em-base to change the base value. Default: 16px. You can also pass it as a second parameter for em/rem().

strip-unit() function

Returns digits-only value: strip-unit(16px) -> 16.

svg-inline() function

Makes SVG inline-able, e.g.:

background-image: url(svg-inline(
  '<svg viewBox="0 0 10 10"><style>path{fill:#c00;}</style><path d="m5 9-3-4h2v-4h2v4h2z"/></svg>'

// becomes

background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%27{fill:#c00;}%3C/style%3E%3Cpath%20d=%22m5%209-3-4h2v-4h2v4h2z%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

str-replace() function

Replaces strings: str-replace("abc", "a", "b") -> "bbc".

truncate-text($method: ellipsis) mixin

Determines how overflowed content that is not displayed is signaled to users.

truncate-text-line($num: 3, $fallback-lh: null) mixin

Limiting of the contents of a block container to the specified number of lines. Based on line-clamp. Use $fallback-lh to support IE by setting the line height size.

@include truncate-text-line(2);
@include truncate-text-line(2, rem(24));

hide-text() mixin

Visually hides the text without a performance hit. Keeps the text accessible for screen readers.


The variable list of CSS animation easings:

// Sine:
// Quad:
// Cubic:
// Quart:
// Quint:
// Expo:
// Circ:
// Back:

clearfix() and unclearfix() mixins

Clears and "unclears" floats respectively.

hide-visually() mixin

Visually hides an element, keeps it accessible for screen readers, does not exclude it from HTML tab order.