A notification message to use with twitter bootstrap css class.
How to use:
To call the function, just use: $.oNotification(options);
options = {
notificationMessage: "Default Message",// Message to be show
notificationIconClass: "icon-ok-sign", // Check the full list here: http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/base-css.html#images
notificationType: "success", // (success, error, info, block) - Message type;
timeShow: 5000, // How long the message will be visible in milliseconds.
position: 'top', // (top, bottom) - position where the notification will be
positionStart: 0, // if need to use a different value
notificationContainerHeight: 30, // Notification container height
notificationMessageFontSize: 17, // Defines the font-size
notificationMessageLineHeight: 33, // Define the line-height
clickToClose: false, // (true, false) - it shows an button to close the notification.
autoClose: true, // (true, false) - it autoClose the notification after timeShow param.