History of The Discovery of Pluto is a timeline that tells a story of the discovery of the dwarf planet Pluto. This project is created by BigUniverse.Ru — an online magazine popularizing astronomy.
- English: http://discoveringpluto.com
- Russian: http://biguniverse.ru/timeline/pluto
If you would like to add translation to another language you are welcome to do so! See how to add new translation.
NodeJS, bower
Run in your console git clone git@github.com:odincov/discovering-pluto.git
To get started jump to the root directory of the project and run npm install && bower install && npm run setup && npm run build
(just copy-paste it really) this will install all project dependencies and modules locally and setup and build the website.
Use gulp go
to run a server which will watch for any changes in files and rebuild and reload everything for you in your browser. The url can be found in the console after your run the command.
To build website simply run npm run build
To contribute translation follow these steps:
- Fork this repository
- Go to
- Copy existiong language directory and rename to the language you'd like to make traslation to e.g.
cp -r en/ de/
- Translate text in all files in that directory
- Make a pull request
- Better project description
- Add repository usage description
- Add an instruction for contributing to the project to README.md