recreating the past class at SFPC for fall 2017
Each week, we take a look at a different famous media artworks that have been made in code (or computationally driven) and recreate them from scratch, discussing the algorithmic approaches and tools, as well as poetic underpinnings. By recreating these works, we can investigate also what modern tools and approaches have to offer. We will also look at broader examples about what the artwork teaches us about code and algorithmic approaches. For example, seminal works like Camille Utterback and Romy Achituv's "Text Rain" can be used as a starting point for discussing computer vision based interaction. The class takes inspiration from the re:code project.
We will also be exploring the history of media art practice. Reading will be assigned from:
- When the Machine Made Art The Troubled History of Computer Art
- 10 Print
Students will be encouraged through this class to begin a practice of generative visual sketching in whatever framework they feel comfortable in. Class examples will be prepared in openFrameworks.
Here's a general break down of the 8 weeks (might be rearranged based on interests):
- LINES and DRAWING: Vera Molnar / Collette and Charles Bangert
- ANGLES: John & James Whitney / LIA
- PATTERN: Bridgette Riley
- PIXELS: Ken Knowlton
- IMAGES: Jason Salavon / Nancy Burson.
- GLITCH / DEFORMATION: Rosa Menkman / Vesulkas
- MOVING IMAGE: Utterback and Achituv