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Model Locator (by RSSI)

Offer Shmuely edited this page Jul 24, 2022 · 2 revisions

Model Locator (by RSSI)

This widget help to find a lost/crashed model based on the RSSI (if still available)

The widget produce audio representation (variometer style) of the RSSI from the lost model

The widget also display the RSSI in a visible colorized bar (0-100%)

There are two way to use it

The simple way:

walk toward the quad/plane that crashed, as you get closer to your model the beeps will become more frequent with higher pitch (and a visual bar graph as well) until you get close enough to find it visually

Triangulation (the accurate way):

turn the antenna straight away (i.e. to point from you, straight away) try to find the weakest signal! (not the highest), i.e. the lowest RSSI you can find, this is the direction to the model. now walk to the side (not toward the model), find again the weakest signal, this is also the direction to your model -- triangulate the two lines, and it will be :-)

Selected from TOOLS menu


Minimal RSSI


a little higher


almost there


here it is
